
doll with a sword

"When does a person die, when it stops breathing, when its heart stops beating?" "No a person dies the moment it looses hope, that's when u become an empty shell, a living doll when you have no more expectation from the world, where there are no feelings just emptiness" "Many people would think that immortality is a blessing little do they know that this is the cruellest curse someone can give you" ******** *creepy smile* " Oh Celea you really think that you will ever be able to live me" he was caressing her face, he looked like he was crazy... "what are you talking about?" " I'm saying that you will never be able to escape me, I won't let you go even if you love someone else, you are mine" " your hair belongs to me" touches her hair " your lips belong to me" touches her lips " the eyes that look at me with indifference belong to me" touches her eyes " your heart belongs to me..." his finger went down her neck to her heart, action wich made Celea look at where his finger's at. Claus than goes to her ear and whispers " your whole existence belongs to me Celea" IMPORTANT: My book has been now officially been posted, thank you all for your support it meant a lot to me. You will be able to keep reading my book by clicking this link: http://wbnv.in/a/a1gup9w

depresso_numero_1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

the meeting is over

" How long did you know he was your father?" Deon

" I just realized it " Celea

" I will never call you stupid in my life" Deon

" well it's not like you can call me stupid " Celea

" so you are a devil?" Zhen

" No I cant be 100% devil something doesn't add up I must be a hybrid" Celea

" do you have any idea of what or who your mother is?" Zela

" I have an idea about what it may be but I cant say for sure I'll need to document myself more about this whole situation" Celea

" her identity will be the last peace of my puzzle to figure it all out" Celea said it in more of a whisper

Dereus knew she was talking about her curse and didn't know how to comfort her

" Alright that was all for today, the meeting is over, we got a lot of useful information for today good job every one"

" uncle you can sleep here if you want" Celea

" Celea as much as I want to be next to you I know that if I stay here any longer I'll and up fighting that guy" Dereus was talking about Claus

" alright than have a nice fly back " Dereus than gave Celea a hug and left. The others left too except for Claus

They were now staring at each other in silence

" you have a spy in your council"

" is that so...."

" yes and I think you are smart enough to find out wich one it is "

she was talking about the one who kept asking obvious questions to get more detailed information

" That's all I'll leave now" Celea left the room.

Claus was now staring at the door she just went thru absentmindedly


"Selene come out "

silence. Celea was now on the palaces rooftop

" I know you are listening and I also know why you are hesitating so you better come out now before I find other ways to find the truth, you may not like the way I'll do it tho!"

Selene than appeared before her

" The Devil is my father isn't he?" Celea

" yes" Selene

" and the person my mother is, is related with my curse isn't it? is she related to you?"


" Selene answer me I know I'm not completely devil if I was there would be no need for me to keep being reincarnated when I could help my father rule Hell like his other kids" Celea

" even a hybrid would still get to live in Hell but I dont wich means someone was angry very angry about my existence. Tell me "

" It's true your not completely devil nor a normal hybrid" Selene

" Celea you are my niece"

" are you saying I'm your sister's daughter?"

" yes"

" is she also a godess?"

" yes "

" what kind of godess?"

" she is the godess of stars"

" let me guess she had an affair with the devil wich left her pregnant with me and died giving birth to me"

" to put it simple, yes"

" It's more complicated than it sounds tho* sigh*

she isn't really death since God's can't die, it's more like a coma I would say, she's been asleep ever since you were born"

" Were you angry that your sister got into that situation because I was born so you cursed me?"

" No, not me but my mother the Godess of sun, she cursed you"

" I see..."


Celea was now in her room staring at the countless stars on the midnight sky thru the wall long window absentmindedly

" Did you ever loved me, do you regret my existence? Do you regret having me?"


"So how did you meet my brother?" Deon

" you are very curious " Celea

" Well it's more like I get bored easily it's a long way to the fairy territory I need gossip to survive you know" Deon

" Well this play goes both ways mister 'I need gossip to survive' " Celea

" I attacked his palace" Celea

" WHAT?" Deon

" yeah the side you saw in construction was my doing" Celea

" wow my new sister is so cool" Deon

" Sister? how am I your sister?" Celea

" Well you are my brothers mate wich ofcourse makes you my sister" Deon

" Call me his mate again and I'll punch you so hard you'll forget your name" Celea threaten Deon

" haha.." Deon gave a nervous laugh

" you are a little aggresive you know that?"

" Ok, my turn now" Celea

" why were you all cursed to never have a mate back then?" Celea

" you sure know how to ask the right questions" Deon

" ofcourse " Celea

" Well.....back than we were mercilessly killing every one that went against us...even the innocent once. Behind all that land there is the blood and tears of those who needed to be sacrificed in order for us to gain territory and power" Deon

Celea was studying his facial expression and asked

" Do you consider yourself a monster Deon?"

Deon was silent for a moment than answered

" What else would you call someone who did monstrous things like we did" Deon

" You know Deon, no one is born a monster, a monster is always made. So who made you a monster?" Celea made a little pause to give him time to thing about her words than started talking again

" Did you enjoy killing them ?"

" ...No...." Deon said as if remembering painful memories

" Than you are not a monster Deon you were just a scared kid"

" how so..."

" you grew up in a world where you had to kill or be killed "

" you are quite wise for your age Celea"

" my ege? you know how old I am Deon?

" aren't you like a teenager?"

Celea laughed at his question

" I'm actually older than you kid"

" WHAT?"

Celea than left him behind and Deon ran after her

" Celea did you also grew up in a world like that?"

" The game is over, we arrived"











exclaimed king Dereus


" Zela there are to many of them I don't think I can keep up.."

" We will get out of here alive! so stay with me a little longer ok "

the witches were also fighting with demons