
doll with a sword

"When does a person die, when it stops breathing, when its heart stops beating?" "No a person dies the moment it looses hope, that's when u become an empty shell, a living doll when you have no more expectation from the world, where there are no feelings just emptiness" "Many people would think that immortality is a blessing little do they know that this is the cruellest curse someone can give you" ******** *creepy smile* " Oh Celea you really think that you will ever be able to live me" he was caressing her face, he looked like he was crazy... "what are you talking about?" " I'm saying that you will never be able to escape me, I won't let you go even if you love someone else, you are mine" " your hair belongs to me" touches her hair " your lips belong to me" touches her lips " the eyes that look at me with indifference belong to me" touches her eyes " your heart belongs to me..." his finger went down her neck to her heart, action wich made Celea look at where his finger's at. Claus than goes to her ear and whispers " your whole existence belongs to me Celea" IMPORTANT: My book has been now officially been posted, thank you all for your support it meant a lot to me. You will be able to keep reading my book by clicking this link: http://wbnv.in/a/a1gup9w

depresso_numero_1 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

I want her

"Well Mr king....how would you describe such a person or should I perhaps ask your subordinates?"



he transformed. I cant really see it but I can feel it. Power I can feel the amount of power he has, that's a lot but to bad for you I am stronger

he was running towards me fast really fast he jumped to attack me but before he got the chance to touch me I created a vortex around me that blew everything around me the lycans that were there were send flying far away from the battle but...my vortex barely touched him... WHAT? noo... don't tell me.... my powers refuse to hurt him, WHAT THE HELL!!

"my powers may refuse to hurt you but my sword wont think twice before hurting you"


I took my sword out and we started attacking each other , I cut thru his chest and he cut a piece of my cape. That cape was covering my sent , the sent hell need, to know I'm his mate, I purposely covered my face with this mask, I was a beautiful woman I know that, I don't want him to start loving me just because his nose and eyes tell him to, this jerk doesn't deserve me in his live, if the woman that guy was talking about 15 years ago that this asshole was said was in love with comes back I would rather avoid the drama of this couple I refuse to be the 3 wheel, their relationship has nothing to do with me so they better not put me in the middle of it. The cape still covers my sent so its still fine.

"Ah. So I'm not the only one affected after all *giggles*


That woman....

why aren't the wounds made by her healing

the king was thinking while the cut on his chest was bleeding

they than started attacking each other again , the big lycan jumped at her, Celea was ready to attack back but tripped on her cape and fell on her back with a huge lycan on top of her, his huge paws touched the side of her stomach that's when it happened

´mate` was all the king was hearing after feeling the electro shocks that went thru his body after touching her, he lost control of his actions completely


"What the hell do you think your doing?"

The lycan was smelling her as if to conform something, Celea than tried to push him away but was stopped by two big and heavy paws

Damn you lycan your lucky I cant hurt you

the king touched her neck with his wet nose than went up to and took her mask off her face with his teeth to find the most beautiful person he has ever saw in his 1000 years of being alive but that face looked angry at him, like she would kill him the moment she got the opportunity witch made the lycan sad he then went back to her neck and opened her cape just to be surrounded by the most intoxicating smell ever

Black all he saw was black his human side lost control completely and his animalistic side took charge

don't tell me....this idiot is about to mark me, not on my watch asshole

Celea kicked him in the stomach took her sword after the lycan lost his balance she than knocked him out with the back of her sword and the king fainted on top of her


King POV

She was on the flor with me on top of her. Still in my lycan form so I shifted back to my human form I was completely lost in her beauty, her smell. I was caressing her face with my hand, I touched her eyes, her cheeks, her jaw, her neck the more I touched the more I waned, I than touched her lips. I want her....

I leaned closer to her face, I want to kiss her

*opens eyes*

A dream.... why the hell would I dream of something like...and why am I sad I woke up before kissing her.. damn it, ill have to stay away from her

" Your finally awake I see "

what the...it was her, she had her cape and mask back on

" What are you doing here, who even let you in ?" I used my alpha tone with her but she couldn't care less

" Actually what you should be saying right now is thank you for not killing me"

"and to answer your question...well I guess your people fear me more than they respect you"

*short laugh*

I couldn't hear anything she was saying, all I could think about was pull her into bed with me... why doesn't she take that damn mask of, she looks like a shadow black from head to tow...

" The war "

what how does she know about it me and my brothers are the only ones knowing there will come a war


" I am here to win the war, I will help you win this war "

"Why would I need you for that?"

"Don't act all proud you already know what roll I play in that war don't you king ?"

"And I honestly would prefer to talk and see each other as less as possible, so if its not about war don't bother me. Since I made this clear, see you at the council tomorrow " she left

*sight* the mate bond is more dangerous than I anticipated

maybe its better that way she´ll play her roll in that war and we will never have to see each other again....right?


Something possessed me otherwise why would I walk to that woman's room in the middle of the night but I cant stop myself from going there even if I know its wrong

I was there in front of the rooms door, the room the maid told me she is in. I opened it and a strong wind passed by me but soon stopped I stepped inside but when I looked the bed was empty. I felt it, a cold blade on my neck. She was behind me.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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