
Dog Of War Summoning System

Thousands of Planes Connected, An Eternal Battlefield to be explored. How will Samuel, with the ability to summon countless warriors face this new challenge and develop his family to the strongest existence on the Eternal Battlefield?

DescriptionPanda · Fantasy
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363 Chs

Chapter 67

And schools are no different from Earth's old schools, except that they include knowledge about beasts and the history of warriors. This is to give the Mortals a chance to join Warrior groups to serve as administrators.

But the message was actually from one of his classmates, Michael. Michael was one of Samuel's friends in School, but unfortunately his family conditions at that time were just awful.

This was odd because Michael knew Samuels parents, his mother was a manager of a relatively large consortium, it was about the same size as Samuels Dad's business.

However more importantly Michaels dad was a warrior! Samuel didn't know how strong his dad was but Michaels life was definitely a dream come true.

Samuel and Michael were decently close but then Michaels Family struggled from a shocking incident. His father suddenly went missing doing god knows what.

This had a devastating impact on Michaels mother, and during her grief she lost control of her family business! But what made Samuel squint his eyes was who she lost it too, her brother, or Michaels Uncle.

Remembering the information about Michael, Samuel believes he could possibly be a Son of Luck.

But he was more focused on the message. It was an invitation to a party. Not a reunion Party, Samuel wouldn't be interested in that.

Actually it was a congratulations party for one of Samuels other classmates, Sabrina. Sabrina was definitely the queen of the class.

Sabrina came from a Warrior Household, both her parents were Rank 1 Warriors and her father was the leader of a Rank F Organisation.

Surprisingly after at least 10 years of not seeing Sabrina, she shockingly awoke her Spiritual Root at the age of 26! And it was a 2Inch Spiritual root!

Apparently she invited all of her old classmates, including Michael and Samuel, but Michael took the initiative to remind everyone of the reason and to be respectful.

Of course Samuel could see a typical plot line here, Michael should be obsessed with Sabrina but she is far out of his reach. But he found it interesting.

So Soon Samuel confirmed his attendance, requesting to take two more people with him. One being his Eternal Guard and the other being a Beautiful Maid to the left of him who was currently serving him grapes.

Over these 7 years, Samuel wasn't able to practice, so he spent a majority of his time living the life of a rich kid. Enjoying the atmospheres in bars, pubs, high quality hotels and restaurants.

However there was still a bit of boredom when Samuel did things like that now. So he was looking for more ways to entertain himself when he is not managing the Dogs of War.

Luckily there's not much time left. Even though the Dogs of War can do parts of the management, Samuel still controls a majority of the resource management himself, and the credit management and purchase orders etc…

So he is very busy.

The party was set for a week from today.

So Samuel sighed and headed towards the nearest bar to enjoy the night.

Originally Samuel wanted to just waste his days away until the party, but something interesting happened.

Samuel was sat at a large round table within the headquarters of the Dogs of War enjoying a five course meal of Eleflare meat and other Beast meats.

However at this time a Dog of War walked in.

''Master A5 has requested that I tell you the first Puppet has been successfully manufactured.''

''A5? First Puppet?'' Samuel didn't even look at him after replying in surprise as his body slightly flashed appearing next to the Dog of War.

''Lead the way.''

''Yes Master.''

Samuel followed the Dog of War to a small workshop where he saw a figure crouched funnily over a desk.

On the desk were a variety of wooden pieces and all sorts of saws. Samuel saw human-like body parts spread across the desk with fingers and toes stacked up like a bucket.

A5 immediately saw Samuel and stood up to welcome him.

''Hello Master! Look this way please I have my first finished product.'' A5 pointed towards something hidden by a black cloth and walked up to it dramatically.

A5 reached out and grabbed the cloth and whipped it off quickly.

Revealing the wooden monstrosity beneath. Yes, Monstrosity.

It had two arms and two legs, but that's where the familiarity ended.

With a squared wooden head, it's body looked like it came out of the Mr Men Tv Show! Its hands were adorned with violent talons and its arms were bulky enough to be recognised as a tree stump.

A sharp contrast to its legs however, as thin as sticks with feet so big that a clown would be jealous.

Overall it looked like a drawing of a robot that a five-year-old created.

However A5 still presented it like it was her precious treasure.

''Master as you can see, even if it is slightly odd in design it can actually move itself. It has weaker physical strength that a mortal and has no intelligence but it is also a sign that I can make puppets!''

''If you look here Master, this is the Array that is designed to control it. The Puppet Master just needs to pour their Spiritual Energy in and the Puppet will attach itself and identify a master.''

As A5 spoke she spun the Puppet mounted on a cart and pointed towards a purple set of rings.

Between each of the rings were patterns that seemed to have a similar feeling as the Runes Samuel has come into contact with before, but in comparison these runes lack the ancient feeling that the runes on the Eternal Leaf Provided.

A5 took the initiative to show Samuel the function. She reached out her hand and placed it gently on the center ring. Samuel saw a surge of Spiritual Energy flow into the back of the puppet.

The ring glowed immediately, flashing in a bright light as its body began to whir. You could hear hundreds or thousands of mechanical parts moving from within.

The Puppet's eyes snapped open revealing a pair of black wooden pupils. And its body began to stretch and groan.

The Puppet stepped off the large platform onto its thin legs as it struggled to keep him up.

However it's body groaned as it fell down to one knee in front of A5 expressing its allegiance.