
Dog Of War Summoning System

Thousands of Planes Connected, An Eternal Battlefield to be explored. How will Samuel, with the ability to summon countless warriors face this new challenge and develop his family to the strongest existence on the Eternal Battlefield?

DescriptionPanda · Fantasy
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363 Chs

Chapter 273

''What's in it for me?''

However Samuel wouldn't take action that easily. If he really wanted, his Eternal Guards together with the Brocade Guards are more than enough to take down the Citadel.

''I thought you might say that. Although there isn't much I can personally provide you, but Samuel I promise that except for the resources that are returned to the original owners who participate, you will receive 50% of what's left over.''

Samuel heard the amount and his eyes flashed. The Citadel had been running rampant for a good three years now.

The amount of resources they have stolen are definitely high. Even without the resources that they took off the Rank E organisations, it is enough to make Samuel greedy.

He has personally experienced what it is like to follow the route of stealing in the form of the Thief Dogs.

Their income often surpasses running an entire Plane!

''Fine, I accept this. But I won't personally participate, instead Lily will take part in my place.''

Samuel nodded slightly, and Lily walked out and released her aura.

When the crowds around the table felt it their faces changed slightly.

''Haha it is really a talented family! I didn't expect your daughter to reach this level so quickly.''

Dean also smiled and spoke like an Elder.

In fact he was also shocked. He didn't expect that the Dogs of War actually had another Rank 3 Warrior.

''Well it is decided. We will meet here at 5Pm tomorrow, and march on the Citadels new compound.''

Dean clapped his hands and stood up.

The meeting ended swiftly, but as the leaders slowly left, they kept their eyes on Lily. Purely surprised that another Rank 3 Warrior has appeared in the city.

If they knew that at least 5 of Samuel's Children have the potential to become Rank 3 Warriors they definitely wouldn't be so relaxed.

And Lily's own potential could carry her to reach Rank 4 in the future! But due to the lack of high-level resources it is unlikely for Lily to reach that level for many years.

When Samuel got in the car he casually looked at Lily beside him.

''Take 100 Brocade Guards and 10,000 Dark guards with you in secret. I want all of the resources.''

Samuels face held a faint smirk on it.

''Ah thank you father!''

Lily gave a polite bow and a happy smile filled her face. Of course she knew about her fathers Brocade guards; each of them now have Middle Rank 2 strength!

Not to mention the 10,000 Dark guards. Over these years a majority of the Dark Guards successfully reached High Rank 1 with the help of Samuels heavy resource investment.

Even many of Samuels 1,000 Two Inch Spiritual Root Summons that he used ended up in the Dark Guards.

Now, apart from the Brocade Guards the Dark Guards have the most Rank 2 Warriors reaching 200!

With the help of the seven pools of Spiritual Liquid they quickly reached the Low Rank 2.

Although it will take them far longer to consolidate their foundation because of the quick promotion, in Samuel's eyes it is worth it on a small scale.

As Samuels elite force, none of the other forces under the Lanford Family receive as many resources as the Dark Guards do.

Even many of the Spiritual Pills Samuel is receiving from the Abyss Battlefield makes its way to the Dark Guards.

But this is a temporary thing, after all the family can't rely on just one force to grow stronger. There are countless things that need to be managed requiring strong warriors.

To combat this, Samuel has actually begun his next big project.

Over the eight years his income has increased drastically, reaching close to 7,000 Spiritual Crystals per year!

Not to mention the extra cash he has slowly earnt from occupying weaker Rank F Organisations.

In the end, after eight years Samuel saved a shocking 80,000 Spiritual Crystals!

Sadly it isn't enough to summon a Three Inch Dog of War, but that isn't the main priority.

Even if a Three Inch Dog of War is summoned it would take at least twenty years or longer for them to have a child with the same Spiritual Root!

Instead, Samuel turned his attention to the Spiritual Conductors.

Spiritual Conductors are an incredible object to any warrior. The Spiritual Liquid that it produces can be used from every warrior from Rank 1 to Rank 9!

But the massive quantity needed for a Rank 9 Warrior is immense.

However, to ensure that the lower level combat power of the Lanford Family can be maintained, Samuel invested his 80,000 Spiritual Crystals to buy 80 Spiritual Conductors!

Previously there was only enough Spiritual Liquid to provide to the Dark Guards, which helped them rapidly break through to Middle Rank 1 and High Rank 1.

But now with 80 Spiritual Conductors, it is enough to help the hundreds of thousands of Low Rank 1 Dogs of War break through if they have the potential!

So Samuel began to dig a giant pool-like building with the 80 Spiritual Conductors embedded in the base.

Of course Samuel wouldn't build this within BlueStar. Instead he constructed it within the Plane occupied by the Dark Guards.

The newborn Dogs of War and the newly summoned ones will be able to go there to break through.

Although it is likely many will still be stuck in Low Rank 1 due to their poor talent, at least their strength can be boosted to the Peak of Low Rank 1. And those that have good talent will be able to break through!

It might take a few years for this to take its full effect, but now Samuel is confident that the overall quality of his Warriors will quickly increase.

The next day, Lily set off. With 8,000 Middle Rank 1 Warriors, 1,900 High Rank 1 Warriors and 200 Rank 2 Warriors.

The 100 Brocade Guards followed her in honour wearing their uniforms proudly as they marched. While the Dark Guards quickly ran to their target location planning on hiding the best they can while they are there.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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