
Dog Of War Summoning System

Thousands of Planes Connected, An Eternal Battlefield to be explored. How will Samuel, with the ability to summon countless warriors face this new challenge and develop his family to the strongest existence on the Eternal Battlefield?

DescriptionPanda · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
363 Chs

Chapter 271

Soon they would return with some mortals for him to prey on.

''They really are loyal.''

Callum couldn't help but sigh. He didn't expect that they wouldn't even bat an eye when it came to his order. But that was even better.

At the same time Samuel heard about the order from his son but didn't pay much attention.

Although killing some Mortals might be morally wrong, most people will do much worse. But Samuel doesn't want to affect his reputation on BlueStar because of it.

Over the past couple of years Samuel has worked hard to increase his reputation in FieldView City. It is arguable that the Dogs of War Organisation is the most well known organisation beneath the SeaLife Organisation.

And his own influence on the City has constantly been increasing.

Over the last Eight Years, Samuel sold over 500 Spiritual Crystals for Credits. Using these credits he has purchased many large scale factories with thousands of workers.

His own business empire within FieldView City is comparable to the conglomerates controlled by the SeaLife Organisation.

And while this might seem irrelevant, it represented Samuels control over the city. He controls the livelihood of millions of people within the City.

There have been a few children actually born from these people that had Spiritual Roots. And Samuel naturally received them to the Dog of War Organisation!

But it wasn't limited to that. Samuels Dogs of War have slowly made hundreds of Mortal Government officials and low level warrior officials into his Transitional Dogs of War.

Although they are mostly limited to local governments controlling small city blocks or just managing different districts, they can still help Samuel get around some issues that he previously had.

And within the core of the Government, Hampton has done a lot.

Samuel used a lot of money to make investments in his name. Such as renovating a destroyed building or investing in a new public park.

Things that make Mortals within the City happy. This brought Hamptons reputation to the peak.

This was enough to bring him to a Deputy Financial Manager within the Government. Of course this is also because of Hamptons own Cultivation.

As a Deputy Financial Manager it made it quite easy for Samuel to avoid taxes on a lot of his products.

But more importantly, Hampton gets access to a lot of news and connections.

For example the government army, Hampton was one of the first people to know about the plan to release military positions in trade for Beast Kills.

Although Samiuel didn't successfully grasp the information quick enough, he has learnt from his mistake.

At the same time Samuel sent three more of his children to join the Government. With the support of Hampton in the Deputy Financial Manager they had a much better starting point than Hampton did.

One of them became an assistant to Hampton, one through Hamptons connections joined the Head of the Security Force in charge of managing Warrior Crime, and one began going through the same process of Hampton.

Overall in the Political side of BlueStar Samuel began making massive strides.

Don't underestimate this because of Samuel controlling some Lower-Level Planes. The influence over a Middle-Level Plane like BlueStar is things that even the Simpsons Family would compete for!

After all, not all Planets or Planes have Rank 9 Powerhouses like BlueStar. If it wasn't for its smaller size and population BlueStar could potentially qualify in the lower rungs of High-Level Planes.

So Samuel was determined to spread his influence across BlueStar, even if it is the lower reaches.

Even the smaller towns and villages are within his reach. Generally Villages on BlueStar have a population of a few thousand.

Often with a weak Village Head, which were easily made Transitional Dogs of War under Samuels control.

Now that Samuel is finally having more and more Children, the room of movement is finally expanding.

But at the same time the draw on his Dogs of War is extreme. Not only does he now need to provide enough warriors to his forces.

His children also need support in their positions. Just the children sent to the Government alone require the right amount of force if they want to get up the ladder.

The same situation as being in a Kings Court. You recruit people you can trust to help you maintain your power and influence.

''System show me my family rating!''

Samuel couldn't help but ask. A lot has changed since the last time he joined.

[Family:Lanford Family.

Head: Samuel Lanford

Heir:Lily Lanford

Members:83 (Click to View)

Highest Combat Power: Middle Rank 3

Overall Rating: 60

Properties(Click to view)

Family Forces (Click to View)]

''Huh? Such an massive increase?''

Samuels eyes widened. This is far more than what he had before!

''System I haven't made such large moves right? Why has it increased so much.''

[Host the basis of a Strong Family is its members, its potential, its strength and its current influence.]

[As the Host's family members increase, the rating will increase accordingly. And there are more sources of luck and potential with more descendants.]

Quickly Samuel understood.

Regardless of how many Dogs of War he summons, their influence on the family is far less than the real descendants.

Because every action that a descendant does will draw in far more luck to the family then the Summons or non-related disciples. That's why families pay so much attention to bloodline.

Of course other things led to this increase in Family Rating. Samuel has summoned a Lot of Dogs of War recently and created 300 Small Farms. It would be surprising if the rating didn't increase by much.

A 60 Rating is a massive improvement. Even if his top combat power hasn't increased by that much his family has definitely made massive strides.

This is all indicative of the amazing growth of his family. The top level combat power can be made up slowly.

Samuel shook his head and stood up.

''Take it one step at a time.''

Samuel sighed and began to disappear from his spot. Reappearing beside a large car he stepped in.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DescriptionPandacreators' thoughts