
Dog Of War Summoning System

Thousands of Planes Connected, An Eternal Battlefield to be explored. How will Samuel, with the ability to summon countless warriors face this new challenge and develop his family to the strongest existence on the Eternal Battlefield?

DescriptionPanda · Fantasy
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363 Chs

Chapter 249

Luckily with the help of Althea and the preconceived knowledge that the Players will provide him with something valuable, Samuel had managed to hunt a lot of both before their benefits became public knowledge.

Over the last three years Samuel killed around 40 Players! A majority of the rewards were mediocre, some being some Summoning chances or Crystals.

While others gave him some resource points! Out of the 10 good rewards he got 8 were lower level resource points, one was plane transportation and one was a very unique reward.

The 8 Lower Level Resource Points consisted of a few Spiritual Fruit Trees, and some herds of beasts. Unfortunately there were no more herbs that can easily help breakthroughs.

And Samuel couldn't make use of the Plane Transportation. It was to a Lower Level Plane called the Woodoku Plane. Inhabiting it were a Middle-Level Species called the Wood Spirits.

Wood Spirits are half translucent human-like figures constructed from the power of trees.

They have a natural affinity for Wood and nature.

The Woodoku Plane actually has five Middle Rank 3 Warriors but no High Rank 3 Warriors so Samuel would need to wait until he broke through to Middle Rank 3 before he even thinks of taking action.

But more importantly it is difficult to take action against Wood Spirits, because according to the System they have an allied Plane just a day away.

It is occupied by Fire Spirits!

Now to explain this alliance you have to link it back to the creation of Wood and Fire Spirits.

Alongside Wood and Fire Spirits, there are Earth, Water and Lightning Spirits.

They are natural allies and friends because they are technically subspecies of a Top Level Species called the Five-Element Spirits.

Countless years ago, Five-Element Spirits faced an extinction crisis, and their numbers dwindled under the pressure of another Top-Level Species.

To combat this they helplessly took drastic action. Some of the powerful elders actually separated their bodies!

This created the five races that appeared today. With the help of these five subordinate species they regained their lost territory and were restored to their former glory.

Although since then they have spread out across the entire Eternal Battlefield and their alliance has slowly withered. They are still good friends.

So the WoodSpirits on the Woodoku Plane allied with the nearby Fire Spirits!

Samuel is confident that if he tried to occupy the Woodoku Plane, he would be faced with an incredible backlash from the Fire Spirits.

But this brings us to the final, Unique reward that Samuel received.

[Killed One Player Reward: 500 Sets of Brocade Guard Equipment]

A month ago, Sarah, Samuels daughter, actually killed a High Level Species owning Player.

It was actually incredibly difficult to win. Sarah lost more than two thousand warriors in the end.

The High Level Species were a Void MoleRat! With abilities similar to SS1, they can dig holes in the ground that have concepts similar to Space Rings.

These become their little hiding holes and their base of operations. In the end this caused Sarah a lot of trouble. If it wasn't for her own experience and skill it is possible they would've lost.

And luckily the number was still low and the top combat power was only Low Rank 2.

But that victory brought Samuel he didn't expect, 500 Brocade Guard Armour!

Samuel had heard of the Brocade Guards back on earth, the Emperor's well trained guards, but he didn't expect to receive them here!

Especially when he checked the equipment info, he was amazed!

[Brocade Guard Equipment: A Special Robe Unique to the Brocade Guards, any dog of war wearing the robe will have their rank forcibly promoted to one Big Realm below the host.]

''Incredible!'' Samuels eyes glowed when he saw the reward. Although the number is slightly smaller, 500 Brocade Guards are definitely an incredible force.

With Samuels current strength that's the equivalent of 500 Low Rank 2 Warriors, and they will only get stronger from there!

Immediately Samuel selected 500 of the oldest Dark Guards.

Seeing the black robed figures in front of him, standing in an orderly fashion, Samuel nodded in satisfaction.

The strongest was only a High Rank 1 Warrior but they have been trained for many years. Extremely suitable for the Brocade Guard Robe.

So Samuel immediately distributed the outfits. Contrary to their last outfits, these were bright red robes depicting countless small dragons spread across them.

Alongside a slightly pointed hat the Brocade Guards instantly looked powerful and domineering.

Suddenly, when the robes were fully tied together, the warriors' auras began to grow.

From the weakest Middle Rank 1, they all grew uniformly to Low Rank 2!

500 Low Rank 2 Warriors gathered in one place causing the aura in the air to shift slightly. But soon they retracted their strength and bowed to Samuel.

''Haha brilliant!'' Samuel was definitely happy. These were definitely qualified guards.

His Eternal Guards are often needed elsewhere and his Dark Guards are more suited for secretive protection and action.

But finally the Brocade guards can take action on the surface.

After having a solid defensive force, Samuel arranged for twenty to follow him directly while the rest were placed on standby to prepare for any moment.

The most he needs them to do for now is to protect his body.

However a week later Samuel mobilised them all.

Why? Because he had something to announce!

Samuel dressed in a long flowing white robe looking regal and honourable. He floated slightly in the air and travelled forward.

Behind him were the 500 Brocade Guards and 500 Dark Guards. EG1 stood at the head of the force.

The place he was going wasn't very far away. Rather it was within the compound.

It was a giant field with a martial arts platform constructed upon it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DescriptionPandacreators' thoughts