
Dog Of War Summoning System

Thousands of Planes Connected, An Eternal Battlefield to be explored. How will Samuel, with the ability to summon countless warriors face this new challenge and develop his family to the strongest existence on the Eternal Battlefield?

DescriptionPanda · Fantasy
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363 Chs

Chapter 226

''Yes Mistress. Once I use the influence of the Dogs of War to support me to control the family I can use Situs influence in the Organisation to slowly incorporate that into my forces as well.''

Vulpine pumped her fists in anticipation, but she didn't notice the Spirits look of disdain.

''Foolish girl, you think it is that easy to occupy a family? The only reason you have done so well here is because of my help and your own bloodline. Occupying someone else's family is a whole new story.''

Of course the Spirit didn't say anything. In her eyes Vulpine is just a tool for her to use to regain some of her strength.

In fact her attention had been scouting for other targets that she could latch onto right now. She had to admit that she is a parasite right now, relying on others to practise.

''Mistress they have arrived'' Vulpines voice broke the Spirit girl's thoughts as she looked out of the window.

The large winding road from the compound was now filled with hundreds of black limousines, Vulpine watched as the door of the Limousines opened and hundreds of warriors filed out and surrounded a small black jeep.

''What big handwriting! Hundreds of warriors just for a motorcade?'' Vulpines mouth widened in surprise.

''That's not all, I can sense many presences around us, and some of them are not weaker than my current strength!''

The Spirit Girl spoke casually. She was used to seeing much larger forces than this. But she had to admit that this action is definitely larger than what the current Mistletoe organisation can pull out.

Especially when she looked at four figures that just appeared.

One handsome young man, and a small boy grasping the young man's hand led the pathway.

And the Spirit girl clearly noticed that the young man and the two guards also exuded the strength of Low Rank 3.

Currently having just been destroyed her strength has been reduced drastically and she is only a Low Rank 3 Strength.

But her eyes fixed on the boy holding Samuels hands, he was much more talented than the followers she currently has.

Especially since her only follower is Vulpine.

''Interesting'' her eyes squinted slightly.

She was already thinking of a way to get this kid to be her follower. After all from just this motorcade she could tell that the Dog of War Organisation was much stronger than the Mistletoe Organisation.

And her current follower was going to marry the descendant.

Suddenly she saw Samuels eyes snap towards her. She felt a fear in her soul as she retreated into the backroom.

''Master, what's wrong?'' EG1 walked up and stood next to Samuel, his body taking a defensive position.

''Don't worry about it, just noticed something.'' Samuel shook his head and turned towards his son.

''Come on, let's go meet your future wife.'' Samuel spoke casually to Situ who looked quite bored.

''But Dad, why do I have to get married? I just want to study formations!'' Situs' childish voice came out of his mouth.

Even from a young age he has been deeply obsessed with Formations having spent most of his time staring at the different portals that are spread out in the Dog of War Compound.

Despite being only four his natural talent and personality made him incredibly interested in that. As for the idea of a wife? He's only young, how could that cross his mind?

Samuel sighed and continued walking. He obviously knew that his son didn't want to marry but it is for the benefit of the family. If he can fully absorb a Rank E Organisation it will be incredibly beneficial.

Soon Samuel entered the building, there was a large welcoming hall. Samuel saw dozens of warriors surrounding the hall.

Their faces were stern as they watched the endless untrusted figures marching in their compound.

''Haha, welcome Samuel! I didn't expect such an large motorcade to come to our organisation.''

A balding middle-aged man suddenly took the lead. He looked like a pimp, with a handful of rings and a solid gold necklace.

Samuel had met this man before, he is the head of the Mistletoe Organisation and a Middle Rank 2 Warrior.

''It's a pleasure for you to have us! This is definitely a joyous day for both of our families.'' Samuel shouted with a slight smile on his face.

''Hello uncle.'' Situ also smiled and bowed, flashing a set of pearly white teeth.

''Is this my little Son-In-Law? Come here and let me have a look at you.'' The Mistletoe head matched the smile.

He couldn't be happier to have such a talented son in law, not to mention his background, just his three inch spiritual root is enough for him to be ecstatic.

Situ obediently walked over, with EG1 following him closely. The man didn't mind his eyes checking over Situ's body.

However a faint Spiritual energy poured out his eyes checking Situ's talent. But just as it was about to pierce Situ's body, EG1 released a strong aura. The organisation head just felt a piercing pain in his eyes and looked away.

''Haha I'm happy to see you as my Son-in-Law.'' The man ignored the pain in his eyes and smiled.

He had been in contact with Samuel for a long time, he obviously knew that there were two strong guards around him.

''Sir, Lady Vulpine is here.''

A blonde busty maid walked in and declared loudly.

What followed was the intimidating ringing of high-heels against the cold hard marble ground.

''Hello Father'' A beautiful feisty lady walked in and bowed politely towards the balding man.

''Ah Vulpine you are finally here! Come and say hello to your new fiancee.'' The man waved his hand slightly.

''Hello Miss Vulpine.'' A polite and cute voice came out of the crowd. Obviously it was Situ.

As soon as he saw the beautiful girl he had to appreciate her looks.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DescriptionPandacreators' thoughts