
Dog Of War Summoning System

Thousands of Planes Connected, An Eternal Battlefield to be explored. How will Samuel, with the ability to summon countless warriors face this new challenge and develop his family to the strongest existence on the Eternal Battlefield?

DescriptionPanda · Fantasy
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363 Chs

Chapter 191

Because Samuel only has SS2 as a Middle Rank 1 Warrior left. So he has to target a weaker Rank E Organisation.

In the end, he focused on a smaller Rank E organisation in a Third Tier City, called the Flattened City.

This Rank E organisation, named the Nordic Horsemen, is only a force of around five hundred warriors.

But they were targeted by Samuel because of their special business, they sell Nordic Horses!

Nordic horses are a special type of beast, they are typically Low Rank 1 or Middle Rank 1 Steeds and are bred as war horses.

Each tamed horse can sell for as high as 50 Spiritual Crystals! The Nordic Horsemen formed a one hundred man cavalry out of these horses, which prevented anyone from wanting to steal their business.

And Samuel calculated that they must easily make three to four hundred spiritual crystals a year from selling horses!

So Samuel quickly mobilised another 2,000 Dogs of War. He didn't even need to personally summon these ones. They were all second or even third generation dogs of war born.

SS2 led the force this time. It was a waste to keep the special summons in one place together. Especially now their base potential has pretty much ran out.

Unless Samuel can figure out how to increase it of course.

So why not send them out. They can manage their own forces easily with their talents. Not to mention over the last decades Samuel has hired countless talented people to teach them.

Their treatment is even better than his own children!

So of course this includes management training and they each have squads of Dogs of War trained specifically for managing things with each of them.

Soon SS2 and her force arrived at the relatively small Flattened city. Their large force caused vigilance in the city guard and soon the Vice City Lord flew out.

Feeling the strong Rank 3 Energy pour over the army, SS3 bowed her head and spoke politely.

''Greetings to the Vice City Lord.'' She spoke quickly, meanwhile all the warriors behind her also bowed.

This seemed to lower the Vice City Lords suspicions, because attackers wouldn't bow like this.

''What are you all doing here?'' He spoke strictly.

Quickly SS2 spoke about their backstory, this time she made up the story that they were members of a Rank E Organisation that was divided into two factions.

In the end she could only take her followers and leave.

The Vice City Lord of course believed it, things like that happen all the time when it comes to interests.

Soon SS2 led the army to settle down inside of the city. They bought out a giant courtyard before preparing to start a war against the Nordic Horsemen.

However they didn't want to cause suspicions, so she created a plot.

Over the next month, SS2 became acquainted with various leaders and elders of the forces, and slowly made her name known.

Then she expressed her interest in buying some mounts, the forces were surprised but then introduced her to the Nordic Horsemen.

In the end they came to a deal, SS2 would buy ten horses for 500 Spiritual Crystals, definitely a large order for the Nordic Horsemen.

But when SS2 was delivering the Spiritual Crystals she was suddenly attacked! The crystals were taken and dozens of her men died. The battle shocked the city but the thieves weren't caught.

Of course this was the doing of the Thief Dogs, but SS2 blamed it all on the Nordic Horsemen.

This gave her a valid reason to declare a competition with them, claiming that they saw this new organisation as weak and easy to manipulate.

Even if this caused others suspicion it can't easily be argued against.

Soon the two forces were facing each other on a large field.

SS2's face frowned slightly looking at the hundred warriors in front. Each rode a brown scaly horse. Two large horns stuck out of their heads as they reared up their heads.

On the back of each horse was a Middle Rank 1 Warrior. Such a force could easily face 1,000 footmen.

But luckily SS2 brought 2,000…

With no pity in her eyes she raised her hand. With her movement, thousands of bows were raised.

''Charge!'' The cavalry realised what was happening, quickly they dashed out with incredible speeds.

The ground crumbled with every step of the horse, but they weren't quick enough.

Thousands of arrows flew down, under that single wave 20 horsemen died. Even many remaining Nordic Horses leaked blood as they ran.

But they were quick, the warriors barely managed to pull their swords out as the horses crashed into them, long javelins piercing their armour easily.

Blood splashed everywhere, and soon the remaining 400 warriors joined in the battle.

At the same time SS3 approached two men. One was a middle-aged Middle Rank 2 Warrior, the current organisation head.

The other was the previous organisation head. He was originally in retreat, but who would expect them to get attacked now.

SS2 approached the outnumbered battle carelessly. Her own Sword Dao body gave her confidence, not to mention the old man was already at the end of his life span.

SS2 pulled out her sword and spun it beautifully in her fingers. Every twirl would form sword lights flying towards the two warriors opposite.

Bit it wasn't over, soon a dozen streams of spiritual energy filled the air around her, forming a dozen large swords that chased after the old man.

Immediately the two Middle Rank 2 Warriors fell into a disadvantage. Not everyone is a peerless talent, these two are just ordinary Rank 2 Warriors.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DescriptionPandacreators' thoughts