
Dog Of War Summoning System

Thousands of Planes Connected, An Eternal Battlefield to be explored. How will Samuel, with the ability to summon countless warriors face this new challenge and develop his family to the strongest existence on the Eternal Battlefield?

DescriptionPanda · Fantasy
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363 Chs

Chapter 182

With 44,000 Spiritual Crystals in his pocket Samuel was happy. It took everything he had to prevent himself going on a spending spree.

Instead he approached an information agency. The same one that sold him his previous information. This time he was specifically looking for ways to make money, and in the end he found one!

Of course the cost was high, making Samuel spend 6,000 Spiritual Crystals for the information!

Unlike previous money making methods, this one is slightly harder to claim. It was actually a herd of bulls!

These bulls are a relatively weak species in the Eternal battlefield, however they are commonly kept for breeding and are butchered to sell the meat. One bulls body of meat could sell for ten Spiritual Crystals!

The herd that was found this time had over a hundred bulls alone. In the future it could definitely make a steady profit for Samuel. The only downside is the management of herds.

Although the beasts could be brought onto Blue Star, the amount of Spiritual Energy and herbs they need to grow up would cost more than the beast would sell for.

Unless you're a High-Level Plane or using something that can draw in aura, then you keep the beasts in the Eternal Battlefield.

After all, beasts are different from humans. Their bodies are naturally stronger and blessed with Spiritual Energy. But they also need a lot to stay alive.

So Samuel would have to prepare a Ranch on the Eternal Battlefield to raise the bulls. The only thing that is lucky is that bulls wouldn't attract many beasts to hunt them, making it easier to defend than a Spiritual Farm.

Sameul estimated he would only need five hundred warriors to defend. And it wouldn't need to be expended unless the herd rises about the number of warriors.

By then the profits would easily be able to outweigh the costs of summoning more Dogs of War as guards.

The bulls also have a much quicker growth period than humans. They can fully mature in three years making them ready to breed and later kill. So the profits should come in quickly.

So Samuel prepared a squad to capture them. Capturing the bulls is much harder than keeping them in a Ranch.

Once they are in the Ranch, Samuel could use Pseudo-Artifacts to block their strength. He had purposefully bought five hundred collars that block power below Rank 2.

This alone cost him another 5,000 Spiritual Crystals! Just to prepare for the imprisoning of the bulls cost him 11,000.

However it will be worth it in the future.

The Squad prepared this time is actually the guards from Lestan Plane. Although they were forcibly promoted, their combat experience was also lacking.

So all Two Thousand Middle Rank 2 Warriors were dispatched, alongside Ten High Rank 1 Warriors and Samuel dispatched EG2 to protect them.

Such a force is easily enough to deal with such a small herd of bulls. And Samuel summoned 1,000 more One Inch Dogs of War that immediately began training.

They would be the guards for the bulls once they are captured.

Soon EG2 floated in the air above a uniform force below. After at least ten years of training, they of course practised to be like a well trained army.

If we are talking just pure brute force, then this Forcibly promoted legion is undoubtedly the strongest under Samuels control. 2,000 Middle Rank 2 Warriors!

Even Samuels own Dark Guards only have 500 now. Of course the Dark Guards have many High Rank 1 warriors as well. And their general combat skills and experience is enough to crush the legion.

But the Dark Guards rarely leave the Dog of War Compound. They spend all their time practising or protecting their targets.

This legion set off a storm through the forest as they headed towards their location. Any beasts found along the way would be wiped out immediately.

Such a brutal army drew attention from passing warriors. Even a few High Rank 1 Warriors felt that they were too arrogant and wanted to kill the army.

Unfortunately they underestimated its strength and died pitifully under their attacks.

The only thing that made Samuel sigh was the difficulty of learning the Life Sharing Array that he received from Daniel.

Even after twenty years, none of his legions have managed to learn the array, only barely learning some basics. However he is confident they will learn it before the scourge.

The legion finally reached the location recorded on the map. In fact travelling to specific locations on the Eternal Battlefield is extremely difficult, but information dealers found a simple way to do so.

They sell a map and compass, the map records the location of whatever they found and the compass directly leads them to it. At the same time it influences the location of the portal, so the group will be teleported somewhere in the general vicinity.

Soon the bulls came into EG2's sight.

The hundred grazing bulls suddenly became aware of the arriving Dogs of War, their blood red horns pointed to the air as their blue bodies began to turn to run.

''Catch them all!'' EG2 shouted an order as the thousands of warriors below him ran out quickly.

They quickly formed a ring around the bulls. Slowly but surely the thousand interior Warriors stepped forward. They pulled out large shields and blocked them in front of their bodies.

As expected, the next second the bulls charged head first into the shields. The pressure of their horns knocked back dozens of warriors quickly.

This is the issue with not killing the beasts. They got rampant and began to trample on the warriors.

But the front line successfully blocked most of their charges.

Quickly one hundred warriors jumped over the shield wall, a long bow in their arms.

'Swish!' All warriors released their green tipped arrows.

''Mooooo!'' The bulls released a loud moo as their hides were pierced by the green tipped arrows and they continued to rampage quickly.

Their bodies were quickly tiring from the poison. But with their remaining strength they were determined to continue to attack the warriors that surrounded them.

Unfortunately they overestimated their own strength. The strongest of the group was only a High Rank 1 beast and the rest were Middle Rank 1 or Low Rank 1.

Although this might be tough for an ordinary group to deal with, they were now poisoned and facing 2,000 Middle Rank 1 Warriors.

So slowly they were sedated.

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