
Dog Of War Summoning System

Thousands of Planes Connected, An Eternal Battlefield to be explored. How will Samuel, with the ability to summon countless warriors face this new challenge and develop his family to the strongest existence on the Eternal Battlefield?

DescriptionPanda · Fantasy
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363 Chs

Chapter 176

Of course he wasn't interested in her, but he clearly saw how much his daughter liked her, he didn't want any risks in his daughters life.

''Ah Sir, Lily rescued me from a gang of robbers after we finished shopping.'' Becca of course realised Samuel was testing her.

She heard quickly through the kids at school that the gangsters that robbed her were instructed to by a struggling F Rank Organisation.

But not even a week after it happened, the organisation was wiped out completely! No one managed to react in time, and it was just guessed that they offended a Rank E organisation!

Regardless of this however, Becca still told the truth. Including how the two got close.

''What's your family like Becca?'' Samuel continued to ask. But this time he was actually curious. Although he knew Becca's father was a warrior, he didn't know her mother.

''Ah my father is a Low Rank 1 Warrior. He recently joined as a peripheral member of a Rank E organisation.''

Of course this is a result of the pressure Lily has been putting on him. Helplessly Becca's father could only be tied down for protection.

''What about your mother?'' Samuel asked the important question.

''Ah my mother?'' Becca's eyes turned slightly sad. This was the original owner's emotions affecting her. ''She passed away when I was five. Then my father remarried to my stepmother.''

Samuel nodded and didn't ask anymore. Honestly this was just a temporary bit of curiosity. In the end he waved Becca away, telling her to wait in a lounge for Lily to come out.

Samuel waited for his Daughter to come out after successfully breaking through to Low Rank 2, and then went to spend time with his concubines. After all, he hasn't spent too long with them.

Just like that, three more years passed. Samuel received some good news today. Amy is pregnant!

And just a year later, a little boy was born. Samuels first son! In the end Samuel named him Arnold. However he was less talented then his sister, with only a Three Inch Spiritual Root.

But even this was enough for the family to be happy. A two Inch Spiritual Root is still respectable.

Of course Samuel didn't discriminate against him for being less talented. Although the treatment was slightly lower he still received a manor and a small force of 50 Dogs of War to start.

But talent is always an important issue. Especially in less than a year, when Rebecca suddenly got pregnant!

And after a year, the family welcomed another Son named Owen! Owen is the same as his brother, with only a Two Inch Spiritual Root. But this led to comparisons between Rebecca and Amy!

Over the next ten years, both children grew up to be young adults. Each reaching Middle Rank 2. However competitions were held constantly between them.

Over the past ten years, Lily grew up and became a young adult. In the end she surprisingly married Becca!

Samuel had no opposition to this, as long as Lily was happy. And he was more focused on his two new children.

Currently two handsome and lean young boys stood facing each other on a large martial arts stadium.

One followed after their dad and held a spear, while the other held a large battle axe. They were constantly clashing in the air, as two High Rank 1 Warriors stood at the side preparing to protect either one.

But even after dozens of clashes neither could get the advantage. In the end Samuel clapped his hands and stopped the fight.

He looked at the blonde and red haired boys with satisfaction. Such descendants definitely didn't let him down.

''Congratulations to you two. You have my permission to go and get a Pseudo-Artifact from the treasury.''

After speaking Samuel left without waiting for their reactions.

Meanwhile Owen faced Arnold with a slight sneer on his face. Under the competitive nature of their parents they have grown to compete about everything.

Samuel didn't discourage this, only competition could let them grow quicker. And he had repeatedly instilled the thoughts of family bonds with them. So while they were competitive they have never done anything harmful to the other.

''Brother you are a year older than me and yet you still draw with me.'' Owen spoke calmly as he spun the spear in his hand.

''Don't get too confident brother. You know that personal strength isn't the only factor. My Warrior squad beat yours with no problem last time.'' Arnold wasn't to lose.

Soon a match of words began. But the steps of high heels drew their attention.

''Hello Sister. '' Both boys stopped immediately and bowed towards the girl who entered.

Obviously it was Lily. She had grown into a mature and pure young lady. Her long hair flowed down to the base of her back and her face had a stern look of an elder on it.

In the past ten years, her excellent talent allowed her to reach Middle Rank 2.

''Were you two arguing again?'' She spoke sternly, however a pampering tone underlied her words.

''No Sister!'' They both panicked and spoke quickly.

''Fine, let my sister test your practice recently.'' Lily spoke with a smile, and didn't wait for them to reply.

She leapt towards them pulling out a sleek brown whip that wouldn't hurt much if they were hit.

And quickly a battle broke out. After half an hour, both boys were laying panting on the ground, faint red whip marks covered their bodies.

''Get yourselves tidied up.'' Lily shook her head and left. But a proud smirk filled her face. Of course she was proud of these strong brothers.

Meanwhile, when Samuel left he had received a familiar system prompt.

[Congratulations to the host for his control over the Lestan Plane reaching 80%. You can now create a Planetary clone.]

Over these 13 years, Samuels own development hasn't slowed down one bit. Although he has yet to break through to Rank 3 the warriors under his control developed quickly.

With the help of the Spiritual Pills, all 1,000 of the Warriors on the Lestan Plane broke through to Middle Rank 1. While the other 4,000 had a few breakthroughs and the rest have the potential to break through.

Not to mention the first batch of 5,000 he left there. At least 200 of them managed to break through.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DescriptionPandacreators' thoughts