
Dog and donkey story

intesting story for moral

Jitu_Singh_4554 · Book&Literature
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Dog and donkey story

There was a washerman in a village, he had a donkey and a dog. The washerman kept the dog to guard the house and used to carry clothes on the donkey. The washerman used to give food to both of them on time.

The donkey was jealous of the dog. The dog used to think in his mind that this dog has a very relaxing job and food is also easily available. While I am not able to fill my stomach even after working hard day and night. It would be better if I run away from the washerman's house. So much effort has to be made here in vain.

Thinking so, someday the donkey ran away from the washerman's house.

Now whatever the donkey enters on the way, the keepers of the field run to kill him. No one allowed him to enter the field to graze.

The donkey found the skin of a dead lion while walking on the road. An idea came to the donkey's mind. He put on that skin and went towards the fields.

The guards of the fields mistook him as a lion and started running away in fear of him. Now the donkey became happy and started grazing in the fields. The donkey was very happy with his cunning in his heart. He was getting free food without working. In this way the fat became fresh in a few days.

One day a donkey was grazing on a field. At some distance from him another donkey started crawling. The donkey also started dancing, crawling loudly in the fun after seeing his caste brother. Due to this, the lion's skin on top of him slipped a bit.

The villagers were surprised to hear the sound of a donkey from a lion. But after looking closely, it was found that it is a donkey, who is wearing a lion's skin. Now the villagers brought the sticks.

The donkey was enjoying his fun. So he did not know about the arrival of the villagers.

Now the donkey's spinning started. The villagers beat him so much that he was left half dead.

After a while the donkey regained consciousness and started repenting of his mistake. He went back to the washerman's house lame.

The dog was sitting outside. Seeing this condition of the donkey, the dog asked, "How did you get into this condition?"

The donkey told the whole story to the dog.

The dog said, "One cannot become a lion by merely wearing the skin of a lion. To become a lion, one should have courage, bravery and that much strength. You don't have to fall for freebies. Never cheat anyone. Only those who work hard in this world are happy. If you eat hard too, you would not have this condition today.