
Does Magic Still Exist

When a girl has some questions on what she has seen, who can she ask? when she goes into the woods of search of fireflies, what else might she find?

brent_jones_4784 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter Ten Exposed

"Where are you taking me?" Mary demaned, trying to pull away. So scared now her knees became weak. But the force of the magic that the man had kept her walking against her tiredness, against her will to run away. She couldn't believe what was happening. She tried to scream for help, but her voice was too weak to be heard. She had no choice but to walk with the stranger, not knowing where he was taking her.

"you'll see when we get there." he replied without any emotion in his voice. "no more questions" he told her. They went through the streets to an old wood and onto an overgrown path. After walking for a few minutes, they came upon a small cabin. He opened the door and stepped inside.

Somehow she knew this place. She had hear of it before from her parents. It was the old amusement park where they went as children. But it got shut down after a tragic accident that no one could explain.

They came out on the other side of the path to see the fading sign over the gate. The old ticket stalls with smashed windows and broken bars. The old fence, now rusted from the weather.

"why are we here?" she asked terrified.

"I said, no questions!" he replied still looking forward.

"Please, I have never done anything to you, I'm an honest girl, I've lived a good life, I just want to help people, please let me go." she pleaded and started to cry.

"I can't do that." he told her unwavering. "You stand for everything that is wrong in this world. You have magic and use it on a daily basis." he told her. "You don't care about the consequences of your actions. You are a selfish and cruel person." he said, his voice full of anger.

"soo, its just magic and you have it too, that's why I can't move." she tried to struggle free but the invisible grip on her held her tight. They still walked and they came upon an old but well kept looking house.

When she realized that's where they were going she screamed, screamed and screamed. But they became muffled and quieter. Like they were being blocked.

Then Eve slipped out of her pocket. She knew where they were going and knew where they were. She slipped off to the fence without being seen and was away.

"I might have magic too but once I rid the world of all other magic users then I too will rid the world of me." he told her which confused her. "You will-"

"HEYYYY, LET HER GO!" a voice called out to them. She turned around and saw a hooded figure standing in the doorway. The figure moved closer, removing their hood to reveal a young man with a kind smile.

They looked at the young boy standing before them. He held a sword in front of him in two hands. He stood with his legs apart, his head held high, and his chest raising and falling deep. He had an air of confidence about him. He was ready for whatever challenge lay ahead.

"Who might you be? And how did you know how to find us?" Keith asked him but as he spoke the sword whispered in his ear, 'raise me up, let me call upon who may seek the truth,' it told him.

He didn't quite understand what it meant but did as he was told. He raised the sword above his head.

"What are you going to do with that now?" Keith laughed. "you must have magic too." He came to realize. He was shocked and speechless. He lowered the sword and stepped away from Keith. Keith chuckled and walked away.

"I haven't done that, but I have-" he stopped walking. 'Shh, don't say" the sword whispered in his ear. 'Step slowly towards him. Let me take over your body." It told him. He started to walk with the sword out front again.

"That's right come to me so I can kill you too," he told the boy. Still he walked slowly as a feeling rolled up his arms. A stiffness like power overtook them and his chest and back and legs.

It was like nothing he had ever felt before. He walked quicker and with intent. Soon he held the sword in one hand and charged at him. Jumped up and swung his sword down.

Missing him completely but landing on the floor between then. Breaking the spell of the grip on the girl.

"Run!" he told her as the man kicked him back. Mary ran as fast as she could but he turned to her and sent out a force that gripped around her.

He went to the boy with the sword as he was scrabbling to his feet. But a little light as fast as could be swooped across his face, cutting his nose.

"Aaaugh, what was that?" he screamed out as a noise hit the fence. 'TSssshhh, TSsssshh, TSsssshhh' but no one noticed it as a second little light swooped across and a third and a fourth.

Soon he was surrounded by them, all scratching and cutting him. He threw his arms about trying to protect himself. Trying to swat them away or kill them but they were too fast. The magic force broke and Eva went to her.

"We must go, quickly. There are more coming," she told her. Desperately trying to pull her up.

"More coming?" she replied confused. The struggling from the force had made he weak. She could barely stand. As Roy stood and the sword took over his body again he saw three men coming towards them.

He was about to do something when the bad man burst out, "EGOUGH" and threw his arms out with a powerful explosion of magic. Which sent the fairies flying in each direction. He stamped on one that were on the floor in front of him and Roy came in with his sword.

He swung and the man dodged. He swung again but miss, again and again until he held him back with magic and another man came upon them. The man had a powerful aura of magic around him. He glared at Roy and commanded him to stop. Roy stepped back, uncertain what to do next.