
30 Incoming Storm Part 2 part 1

Word count 8,767

Rebecca stared at the meal before her, her mouth watering at the delicious scent coming from the freshly prepared Steak au Poivre, medium-rare steak covered in a luscious, peppery butter and cream sauce, with honey-glazed vegetables at the side.

"You know, when you mentioned that you would serve us dinner as congratulations for passing our first month of training as Huntresses and going through the simulation of the mission in the Arklay Mountains successfully, I didn't think you would be the one cooking it."

Rebecca looked at Jill, who was also staring at her meal with eagerness.

Aeon had apparently cooked it himself, and it was a French dish that he was apparently fond of.

"Well, I did think about buying you dinner at a fancy restaurant, but after thinking about it I decided to take care of things myself. After all, I'm a better cook than anyone else on Earth." replied Aeon, sitting at the other side of the table in a dining room at the Hunter's Dream, Lucy and Oedon by his sides.

Jill raised an eyebrow at him, but Lucy nodded happily at his bold claim.

"He really is. Why don't you dig in and see for yourself?"

Rebecca looked at her, then at Oedon, then back at Jill, who shrugged and began cutting a piece of the meat.

Rebecca did the same, quickly putting the piece covered with sauce into her mouth-

She froze, Jill doing the same, and two loud, bliss-filled moans rang out simultaneously through the room.

Rebecca froze again, a bright blush on her face only matched by the one on Jill, the two women and one man who were no doubt looking forward to their reaction to Aeon's cooking were grinning widely (and smugly in Aeon's case) at the sound of their moans.

Rebecca swallowed, before looking down at her meal with awe.

"That is, without a doubt, the best bite of food I've ever had in my life so far." she declared numbly, Jill nodding at her side.

Aeon snickered a little, but smiled at them.

"Well, I am a god, and I don't spend all of my time fighting or training for the next battle. I do have a few hobbies too… that includes cooking."

"And how much of that decision was motivated by wanting to win women over through their stomachs?" questioned Lucy with a smirk, through she noticeably was eating just as eagerly as Rebecca and Jill were.

"Oh, quite a bit. Are you complaining? I can stop cooking for you if you want?" replied Aeon with a smirk of his own.

Lucy threw him a horrified look.

"Hell no! Do I look insane to you? I won't give up your chocolate mousse for anything else! You can bribe me with all the food you can make, I have no shame in taking it all!"

Aeon snickered, and Rebecca stopped, trying to imagine what chocolate mousse made by Aeon would taste like.

Her green eyes promptly lost focus.

"Well, it's a good thing I made some for dessert, right?"

Rebecca's eyes snapped back into focus, an incredibly hopeful look on her face, but Jill beat her on asking about it.

"You did?" she asked, leaning forward, her metallic blue eyes shining with desire.

"I did indeed!" Aeon replied brightly.

Jill's eyes shone even brighter, a smile on her lips.

"Damn, Aeon. Lucy's right, this is the kind of bribe or reward you can make for me anytime!" she exclaimed, before happily putting another piece of food into her mouth, a small sound of appreciation escaping her as she did so.

Rebecca nodded passionately, very much in agreement.

He smiled. "Well, you did work hard in the last month, so I felt it was deserving of a reward. You've still got a lot to learn, but that will come in time. And besides, considering just how thorough I've kept pushing both of you for the last month, I felt I owed you for that."

Rebecca shuddered at the memories his words brought, and Jill was no better.

That was something of an understatement. The only reason neither of them had scars all over their bodies was because of their newfound healing factor.

Which was a double-edged blade, since it allowed Aeon to wound them pretty badly without having to worry about pushing them too far. Most wounds, even ones that Rebecca knew could be fatal, could be recovered from within seconds thanks to the eldritch blood in their veins.

Rebecca had spent many hours talking about the biology of it all with Lucy, Oedon, and Aeon, and many of the concepts they had talked about flew over her head entirely.

She had decided to go back to university in order to study virology, become a doctor, and help protect the world by creating vaccines to eliminate various viruses like the t-Virus, but even so, she could tell that she would spend a lot of time even beyond classes being taught about biology from those three.

She had actually looked up many of the terms used by her divine friends when they talked about the Old Blood, and it had swiftly become clear that many of the concepts they casually talked about were either cutting-edge science or outright unknown by modern medicine altogether.

And she wasn't even talking about anything to do with their knowledge of the cosmos as a whole.

She had come across a few papers written by Aeon in the field of astrophysics, and even she, who was far from an idiot, had difficulty following the series of theorems used for his research.

She saw it as a challenge, honestly. She was always told she was a pretty smart woman, one capable of great things.

Well, here were literal gods, who had wells of knowledge that were now available to her if she only asked them to share it.

And she hadn't hesitated in asking. Sure, they all used their "teaching sessions" as opportunities to flirt with her, and Rebecca blushed slightly at the memories of all the euphemisms and suggestions she had heard in the last month, but the three were also excellent teachers who were always happy to help teach her about how the world she lived in actually worked.

That, and it wasn't like Rebecca minded the interest she got. Hell, she had flirted back a couple of times herself, even if her inexperience had made those attempts rather lackluster compared to Jill's more straightforward way of showing her own interest in their hosts, such as that one time where she had gone out of the shower room in nothing but lingerie, a wet towel around her neck, and a smirk on her face, when she knew that Aeon, Oedon, Lucy, and Rebecca herself had been talking nearby. She had replied to the looks sent her way by simply turning around, sashaying her barely covered ass as she was walking away, before sending a mischievous wink over her shoulder at them. If that single act didn't signal the three gods about her... interest in them, she would eat her boot… and Rebecca hadn't failed to notice that the wink had been fully intended for her, too.

Having three beautiful women and one equally attractive man flirt with Rebecca at the same time was certainly new, but she certainly wasn't going to complain about it.

Especially when it was obvious they weren't only interested in her physically. Her intelligence had put off a few people in the past, not all men enjoyed having a girl obviously far smarter than them around, but that was hardly a problem with Aeon, who honestly looked delighted by her intelligence instead.

She remembered what happened in the past month, when the two just… stayed up all night, passionately debating one subject or another for hours on end-

She froze, before holding back a groan.

Great, now she was the one thinking up innuendos…

Taking another bite of her meal, she tried not to think of what else she had done several nights during the past month, though only at times she was alone in her home.

In the privacy of her bedroom.

With the content of the box that was safely hidden in a corner of the room-

She ducked her head, trying to hide the bright blush on her face.

Stupid, sexy gods… she mentally grumbled, though it lacked any heat.

It was all their fault! First Aeon mentioning bondage sex that day, then his lovers flirting with her too, and then the research she had done after the meeting where Aeon and the others revealed their true nature, on Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos, had led to her becoming a… a deviant.

She couldn't even think of tentacles anymore without blushing!

To say nothing of those fantasies she had during those nights-


Not thinking about it!

Rebecca took her next bite of food with frustration, eyes narrowed slightly.

Stupid, sexy eldritch gods… she mentally grumbled to herself.

She wasn't the only one who grew closer to Aeon. Jill had spent a lot of time with each of the gods as well, and Rebecca had become very good friends with her within the last month, something made easier to them both because of their naturally empathic personalities and their strong sense of justice (and shared suffering at Aeon's hands from his idea of 'training').

True, Jill didn't have the "book smarts" of Rebecca, but she was far from an idiot, and she had been very interested in learning more about their new divine bosses.

She was almost certain the rather thorough investigation into each of their pasts could only be called that, an investigation.

Rebecca wondered if part of it had been a consequence of Wesker's betrayal, something that Jill hadn't seen coming, and which had left its mark on the woman's ability to trust others.

Either way, she had passed as much time as she could to know each of the three gods better, seeking to learn more of who they were and what motivated them.

Learning that Lucy had met Aeon when he had saved her from becoming a drug mule of a criminal cartel had been shocking, but it certainly explained much of Lucy's hatred of Umbrella's own inhuman experiments.

They already knew well what motivated Aeon, though they learnt further of his personal quirks, not all of them good, though understandable considering his past.

There was a... rage inside him, a cold hatred for people like Umbrella that went far beyond what any of them possessed.

True, Jill and Rebecca hated Umbrella for what they did to them and to others, but they did not… hate like Aeon did.

It wasn't something that appeared often, but when he talked about the ones who caused the plague of beasts in Yharnam, or worse the beasts themselves, there was sometimes a cold look in his eyes so utterly lacking in humanity that it brought shivers down Rebecca's back just thinking about it.

And a measure of that cold inhumanity was sometimes present whenever Umbrella was mentioned, and Rebecca knew that if he could, he most likely would enjoy nothing more than to go into each and every single one of their facilities and butcher everyone inside.

He didn't for several reasons, but both Jill and Rebecca were privately worried over that part of Aeon which was filled with righteous rage and brutal desire for justice.

The fact that Oedon didn't seem all that concerned about it didn't help. It was obvious to both of them that Aeon loved Oedon utterly and that she fully returned his love, and while Oedon was perhaps the kindest person Rebecca had ever met, there were moments where her lack of humanity shone through.

Oedon completely believed that Aeon would always be "good," that no matter what he does, he would always remain "The Good Hunter."

The sheer faith that she had towards him was impressive to behold, but the problems rose when it became clear that Oedon had a looser idea of what is considered "good" than most people did.

Possibly because of her nature as an Eldritch goddess, possibly because of her time in Yharnam, the fact remained that she was actually a lot more ruthless than one might think at first glance.

She didn't hate like Aeon did, and that was perhaps even more terrifying.

Oedon was the kind of person that would just as easily help people, as she would approve a brutal slaughter happening before her eyes, as long as she considered those killed as "acceptable casualties."

And she had complete faith that anyone Aeon killed would be in the second category.

And while Rebecca and Jill trusted Aeon, respected him greatly even, they weren't blind to that inner rage of his, and the potential consequences if he lost control of it.

As for Lucy, they suspected that she would potentially most likely side with Aeon in most cases where morality was concerned. She, too, had a certain inhuman view on death and killing, and while it was more subtle than Oedon, it was there nonetheless.

As such, both Jill and Rebecca had privately agreed to try and be there for them, try and bring a greater amount of humanity to any decision based on morality that may arise in the future.

All three gods were good people, there was no doubt about that, but even good people had their moments of weakness… and when those people were gods who held the fate of the world in the palms of their hands, even a single wrong choice could bring suffering to countless people.

And neither Jill nor Rebecca wanted that to happen. Not only for the sake of the world, but also for that of the three people both of them were rapidly coming to think of as very good friends… if not more.

Then Oedon asked her a question, and Rebecca blinked, before focusing back on the present.

Soon enough, the table was filled with jokes and laughter, the excellent meal finished up to the last morsel, and then Aeon brought the desserts.

If the moans Rebecca and Jill released before were loud, then the ones which followed after eating their first mouthful of dessert were much louder.

And lewder.

They blushed brightly, but then Jill looked Aeon in the eyes and made sure he saw her slowly savor her dessert while making sure to not hold back her moans anymore. She was rather loudly sucking on the spoon with half-lidded eyes. She also used her other hand to unfasten the top-most button of her shirt, but she "accidentally" popped off the button, exposing her cleavage, promptly skyrocketing the already-high sexual tension in the room.

Rebecca, who had stared at Jill with a mix of betrayal, dread and eager anticipation if the situation escalated further, turned to look at Oedon, Aeon, and Lucy, desperately trying to hold the room back from descending into chaos.

Because the look on the three gods' faces could only be called predatory, and Jill replying with a lidded, almost challenging stare only foreshadowed that an altogether different kind of dessert was about to be eaten.

And Rebecca had a feeling the new menu would include her name on it.

"So, any new preparations about the upcoming Raccoon City Outbreak?" she blurted out, before gulping nervously when all eyes turned to her.

After a moment, Lucy smiled, and Rebecca sighed quietly in relief when she answered, the tension in the room now gone.

She honestly wouldn't mind if Aeon finally made his move to have Rebecca "learn under him." She's honestly somewhat surprised that he had yet to do so, but she suspected there had been a combination of factors holding him back.

A desire to get to know her more and her wanting to know him before acting upon it, which she could appreciate and respect, alongside a desire to let her focus on her training.

Probably also a desire to let her know about Oedon and Lucy more first, alongside letting Rebecca time to think about whether or not she really wanted to start something romantic with him, considering the fact that he already had two lovers.

She had to admit, Rebecca hadn't been sure what to think about that, but that was something she had ended up talking with Oedon about, considering she was the one who outright pushed Aeon to have several lovers.

Learning it was partially done at the time out of a desire to hopefully have children to dote on in case her old body couldn't give Aeon any had certainly explained her reasoning for it pretty well… though after that, Oedon made it clear that she was just as interested in women as she was with men, especially when her old self had considered itself male, and while Oedon had no intentions of getting romantically involved with any other men than Aeon, she certainly wouldn't mind having female lovers herself.

There were also some implied suggestions that Oedon might still be able to impregnate other women and being hopeful some of Aeon's future lovers would be willing to go for it, which was…

Well, considering what Rebecca had learned from the Cthulhu Mythos, and most of the pantheon lore in general, she wouldn't be all that surprised if she could, in fact, do exactly that.

A little fact that had not helped in reducing Rebecca's night-time fantasies in any way, shape or form…

"We've been working harder on preparing ourselves. The vaccine is already being produced as fast as we can make it, and we're almost ready to go contact several groups who will help us protect Raccoon City. We are manufacturing more weapons every day, I.S.I.S. is going to be training even harder, and as Aeon let you know before, you'll be joining them for the last month before the outbreak in order to let the troops get used to your presence."

Lucy hummed in thought. "Beyond that, there are a few things you want to look into, right Aeon?"

"Indeed. Jill, do the names Alyssa Ashcroft and Ben Bertolucci mean anything to you?"

Jill frowned, before blinking.

"I think that they are journalists in Raccoon City? I think so, at least."

Aeon nodded. "They are. I'm planning on contacting them soon to help work against Umbrella. Both are ambitious people, but they have the morals and the strength of will to uphold them against adversity. They'll be good to have on our side."

Jill smiled. "Do you mind if I come with you? I'd like to help, and I can give a first-hand account of the mission in the Arklay Mountains."


Oedon then explained the progress made on several of their projects, such as the medi-gel project that Rebecca was greatly looking forward to seeing in the world market, considering how many lives it could save.

Eventually, the desserts ran out, much to the disappointment of Jill and Rebecca, both of whom, to the visible amusement of Aeon and his lovers, made very sure to clean their chocolate mousse thoroughly.

Then Aeon calmly stood up, and smiled at Rebecca and Jill.

"There's one last thing to take care of tonight. If you two would follow us?"

Curious, they got up, following Aeon and the others as they took them through the mansion of the Hunter's Dream, across long corridors and countless rooms, until they arrived before a room that neither Jill nor Rebecca had visited yet.

"Here we go. Enter, everyone."

Oedon and Lucy entered, followed by Jill and Rebecca.

The latter of which had only a moment to be confused by the fact that they were in a bedroom with a humongous bed-

And then Lucy took hold of Rebecca and kissed her deeply, while at the corner of her eye, she caught Aeon kissing Jill passionately, his hands on her ass, and him lifting the woman up to his level. Oedon herself was behind Jill, kissing and biting at her neck, her hands groping the woman's breasts while Jill had thrown her arms around Aeon's neck, kissing him back in between moans whenever Oedon hit a particularly sensitive spot, while Jill's legs went around Aeon's back where she crossed her ankles.

The next thing she knew, Rebecca was completely naked, and so was everyone else in the room, and she was sitting on Lucy's thighs, her back pressing against the woman's large breasts, Lucy's right hand groping Rebecca's right breast, and the CEO's other hand vigorously playing with the folds of Rebecca's pussy.

And Rebecca was left staring at Aeon fucking Jill from behind with his massive penis that made Rebecca weak in the knees just looking at it, while Jill was on all fours, eating out Oedon's pussy. Oedon's legs had gone around the woman's head and she was laying back on the bed, biting her lips with a clear look of lust and desire on her face.

"Like what you see?" whispered Lucy hotly in her right ear, and Rebecca shuddered at the sound, and outright moaned a moment later when Lucy's right hand twisted one of her nipples.

"Come now, look at them." she whispered, rather pointlessly considering Rebecca couldn't tear her eyes away from the scene in front of her anyway.

The sounds of flesh meeting flesh, the hungry looks in Aeon's and Oedon's eyes, the sight of the three naked people fucking in front of her, the moans of approval released by Oedon, the muffled sound of ecstasy from Jill, the thought of being so thoroughly fucked herself…

No, Rebecca could not look away even if she wanted to.

"Doesn't it turn you on, Rebecca? Doesn't it make you want to join in as well, to be fucked like that, to be completely dominated until your mind can only feel pleasure, and no other thought exists than to crave for more?"

A loud but muffled cry came from Jill, as Aeon obviously began hitting in all the right spots in her vagina, and he bent forward, laying his chest on top of Jill's back and grabbing her breasts with both hands, his fingers finding her nipples and soon rolling and pinching them, much to the woman's loud approval.

Rebecca swallowed, panting slightly, a fact not helped by Lucy's whispered words mixed in with the occasional kiss and gentle love bite on her neck, nor the woman's fingers playing with her body.

"Tell me, Rebecca… don't you want Aeon's big fat cock fucking you silly too? What about the feeling of Oedon's soft thighs around your head? Her fingers digging in your scalp as you eat her pussy?"

Rebecca whimpered, thighs rubbing together as her juices flowed freely from her dripping wet sex.

Lucy bit her ear, and Rebecca's hands clenched, her whole body trembling with desire.

"Tell me now." Lucy ordered, no commanded, and Rebecca instantly obeyed.

"Yes." she whispered. "Gods yes, I want it. Take me. I beg you, take me."

Lucy chuckled throatily, the sound sending pleasurable shivers down Rebecca's spine.

"So be it then."

And then she turned Rebecca around, one hand taking a firm hold of the back of her head as she began hungrily kissing her while the other buried itself into Rebecca's drenched vagina, and Lucy began working on drawing orgasm after orgasm out of her.

And Rebecca's world swiftly dissolved into pleasure, and nothing but pleasure.

"Damn Jill! I didn't think an upstanding cop like you could suck cock so well!"

Jill, who was inwardly getting more turned on by his praise, looked up at Aeon, one of her hands gently holding his balls and the other on one of his ass cheeks for stability as he fucked her mouth over and over, while Jill's thighs were closed around Oedon's head, the white-haired vixen with twinkling green eyes sucking her pussy with a mastery that made it clear that, compared to Jill's earlier inexperienced attempts on the woman, the head researcher was far more experienced.

That was the only way to explain the fact that with a full body shudder, she came yet again tonight, though Aeon didn't even slow down even as she let out yet another muffled squeal of pleasure.

Nor did Oedon who, after eagerly drinking her juices, went back to trying to blow Jill's mind with her incredibly talented tongue, and to Jill's own humble opinion, she was doing a fantastic job of it so far.

Jill had never had sex with a woman before, but gods damn, she obviously missed out a great thing out of ignorance.

Well, no matter, she was going through one hell of an introduction of it right now, and no doubt she was going to get all the lesbian sex she could desire after tonight.

"I'm cumming!" Aeon warned, interrupting her train of thought.

Finally, Aeon came, and Jill eagerly swallowed his cum, which she had noticed actually tasted like his incredible chocolate mousse.

Sex magic, he had whispered to her when he had noticed her surprise when Oedon's juices had tasted like vanilla several minutes ago when Jill made the woman cum.

Needless to say, sex with gods was now firmly at the top of her list of greatest life experiences so far.

A fact further proven when Oedon's tongue suddenly went much deeper, hitting her G-spot, making Jill's eyes go wide.

Seconds later, she came yet again, Aeon pulling back and letting her loud moan of pleasure fill the room, joined soon after by another.

"Fuck! Fuck! Right there! Fuck yeees! Don't stop, oh gods don't stop it feels so gooood…" she heard a loud squeal slowly trail off into faint moans of ecstasy.

Jill tiredly looked over Oedon's head, noticing for the first time that Rebecca was currently jumping up and down a blue strap-on in between Lucy's thighs, the younger woman's head tilted backwards in bliss while Lucy's mouth was sucking her right nipple, Lucy's left hand playing with Rebecca's left nipple and her right hand firmly gripping her fellow Huntress's right butt cheek… and if the red handprint there was anything to go by, more likely than not slapping that ass from time to time.

And then Oedon summoned a sex toy much like the one Lucy had, and Jill knew she was in for the greatest fucking of her life.

"Yes! Yes! Fuuuck yes!"

Rebecca tiredly looked at the screaming Jill, who was currently being fucked both in the ass by Oedon from above and in her pussy by Aeon from below, her hands resting on top of Aeon's muscular chest, jumping up and down on both their cocks.

The woman's head was thrown back, mouth open and blue eyes wild as she moaned and screamed her approval, while Aeon's hand gripped her ass and Oedon's went for her breasts.

Then Aeon slapped Jill's ass again, making the woman hiss softly.

"Fuck! Harder you bastards! You want more of me?! Then show me everything you've got!" Jill shouted to challenge them, her eyes manic from being lost in the haze of lust.

Aeon laughed. "Oh, so you want to see 'stars' then, Jill? We'll give you stars!" Oedon laughed at the horrible pun, before smirking lustfully, a glint in her eyes showing that she knew and fully approved of what her husband was planning.

Aeon and Oedon obviously took her words seriously, because they began fucking the bouncing woman at inhuman speeds, both of their cocks going at an alternating rhythm between Jill's two holes. Jill's blue eyes went wide before crossing and glazing over.

"Fuuuuck…" Jill moaned out, feeling so full from the two dicks inside her. Rebecca couldn't help but feel a bit of envy after seeing just how content Jill was as the meat of the god sandwich. Right now, she can't help but daydream if she were in Jill's place...

"Eyes on me, little medic!" a displeased voice stopped her train of thought, getting a hard slap on her ass, making her mewl in pleasure from how much it stung. She then felt two hands firmly holding her cheeks, putting her face-to-face with a sexually frustrated Lucy Miller.

"You'll get your fair share of dicking from them later! Right now, focus on the horny CEO fucking you!" The scolding Lucy gave her brought back Rebecca to what she should be currently doing, satisfying the other, turned on goddess in the room.

Rebecca felt her hair being pulled back, and she gasped a second before Lucy's mouth claimed hers, while the sex toy in her vagina began ramming her at even greater speeds than before, even matching Aeon and Oedon's current pace.

Her green eyes crossed, and she lost herself in pleasure again.

Jill moaned in between lapping at the pussy she was eating and feeling the inhumanly long tongue of Lucy going deep inside her own cunt.

The two women were in a 69 position, Lucy transforming the seat she had been lounging on into a sofa to allow the new position she had decided to use to begin her own time in fucking Jill.

Jill herself was panting heavily, her whole body drenched in sweat, though her improved stamina was allowing her to keep going even after the several rounds she went with Aeon and Oedon, both of whom were currently fucking Rebecca, who was on her back on the bed, Oedon sitting on her face to allow her easy access to her pussy, while Aeon had taken Rebecca's legs, holding them upwards over his chest with her feet on his shoulders while he fucked her pussy.

Oedon's hands were on the young woman's chest, playing with her C-cup breasts which by now had quite the number of red marks from love bites and sharp nails digging into her flesh.

Not that Jill was any different. Her own D-cup breasts had received some rough loving of their own, though Jill was far from unhappy about that. She was rather proud of her bust after all… and it isn't like she hadn't done the same back to Oedon in revenge.

When Lucy's tongue hit a good spot in her pussy, Jill tensed, before groaning out her next orgasm.

She had long since lost count of just how many orgasms they had given her by now…

Rebecca latched on to Oedon's ass, her tongue tiredly licking the woman's folds while Aeon fucked her pussy from behind.

Her green eyes met Oedon's, seeing none of the tiredness within them that she herself felt, only pure lust and anticipation.

"Come now, dear Rebecca! Surely you have much more energy with that new Huntress stamina of yours that you could put to good use..." Oedon challenged with that titillating, melodic, Russian accent of hers, giving Rebecca just a bit more motivation into proving the white-haired researcher wrong.

Rebecca had known that Aeon had a lot more stamina than she did… but seeing the difference between herself and the three gods was something else.

A harsh slap fell on her already red ass, and she moaned in pained pleasure. She still rocked her hips back despite the pain, eager for the next one, due to the sensations of pain and pleasure mingling nicely with the heat from her well-fucked pussy.

Aeon then went to bite her left ear before whispering something that her breath hitch.

"Didn't you want this, Rebecca?" Aeon throatily murmured to her. "You didn't think we'd miss how you looked at Jill when me and my wife were double penetrating her to oblivion, didn't you?"

Rebecca was almost ashamed when her pussy clenched tighter around his cock, though she could tell that Aeon and his wife were smug at making her hornier than ever, if the look on their faces were anything to go by.

Aeon then took hold of her breasts, squeezing the firm flesh hard, making Rebecca moan into Oedon's pussy.

Oedon moaned herself and then came, Rebecca lapping away at the juices tasting like vanilla into her mouth and down her throat, a groan escaping her alongside a shudder of bliss when Aeon came with a loud groan, filling her up even more with his warm cum.

Rebecca fell back on the bed, tiredly turning on her back and looking blankly at the ceiling, her right hand resting on her belly, feeling the warmth of all the cum inside, bringing a small, satisfied smile to her face.

A moment later she felt another weight added to the bed, turning her head a little, she saw Jill looking just as exhausted and satisfied as she was.

Jill's tired blue eyes met her green ones, and Rebecca felt the impulse of kissing the soft, tender lips of the woman in front of her, so she did. Jill's eyes widened, but she soon kissed back, the kiss softer and gentler than the roughier, needier ones they exchanged when they had started this night of passion.

When they broke for air a minute later, a long, messy trail of saliva was all that remained, dripping down to both their incredibly sweaty chests.

Rebecca then chuckled.

"Best night ever..." she muttered.

Jill huffed a laugh, but nodded.


"And what makes you think we're done here?"

The two women froze, before looking with wide eyes at Aeon, with Oedon and Lucy standing at his sides.

All three of them had satisfied looks on their faces… but also clear looks of anticipation.

Rebecca opened her mouth, but froze when tentacles suddenly appeared behind all three of them.

A lot of tentacles.

Jill and Rebecca stared with both dread and anticipation, knowing the night was far, far from over.

"Oh." Rebecca said quietly, "We're screwed."

Aeon smirked. "You might even say, you're completely fucked."

And then the tentacles struck.

Both women swiftly learnt that all that had happened so far was only the warm up.

Now, the real fun began.

And to further their doom, Aeon shared with them just enough energy to keep them conscious and ready for more.

Thus, the two of them were fucked repeatedly, in every position known to humanity and then some...

Until eventually, finally, the gods were satisfied.

And both women passed out promptly, their only thought being,

Worth it.

Jill Valentine slowly woke up, her entire body incredibly sore… which was saying something, considering the eldritch blood in her veins.

Slowly raising her head up, she blinked, looking at the peaceful, sleeping face of Rebecca Chambers, who she had most thoroughly gotten acquainted with last night, considering the number of times she had hungrily kissed the woman on the lips.

Both pairs of lips.

Looking up, she noticed that both her and Rebecca had actually slept on Aeon's chest, one of his arms thrown around both of their naked backs, before she saw two dark eyes, looking gently with a soft smile underneath them towards her.

"Hello there, supercop. Slept well?"

Jill stared at him for a moment, before letting her head tiredly fall on his chest again with a small groan.

"Fuck, Aeon… That was… Congratulations, I'm pretty sure I'm going to walk out of this bed with at least half a dozen new kinks after last night."

He snorted. "Only half a dozen?" he snarked.

She grunted. "I'd hit you for your sass, but I'm too sore and you're too good as a pillow."

She closed her eyes, silently enjoying the warmth of his body against hers.

She didn't have to worry about the time, this being the Hunter's Dream, so she was going to relax and enjoy the moment.

She had been looking forward to this for some time, and by all that was good and holy did Aeon and his lovers deliver, and then some.

She wasn't exactly inexperienced, but she certainly had never been in an orgy like last night.

And don't get her talking about the tentacles. Fuck, those things were just unfair…

She grunted.

"You know, I'll never be able to look at tentacles the same way after this, right? Do you have any idea of how awkward it's going to be for me if any of Umbrella's monsters have any?"

"Well, you'll just have to show them that only the fun kind of tentacles are allowed anywhere near you!" he joked.

She snorted. "I can use swords now, so I suppose that I can literally cut off any unwelcome appendages coming my way..."

"Atta girl." he replied cheerfully.

They fell silent, both of them just enjoying the moment, before Jill sighed and rose, the blanket falling behind her as she stretched with a yawn, Aeon obviously enjoying the sight of her bouncing breasts as she did.

Once she was done stretching, she smirked at him, putting her hands underneath her breasts, emphasizing them to give him a show.

"See something you like, lover boy?" she said sarcastically.

Aeon grinned widely.


Jill grinned at him. "Well sorry, but I really need a shower right now after how much you've enjoyed me last night, and you wouldn't want to wake Rebecca up by moving, now do you?"

Aeon raised an eyebrow at her.

"And where is the bathroom, exactly?"

Jill opened her mouth… and then closed it.

This was a part of the house she had never gone to, and she wasn't sure she could find her way back to known territory- this place was huge.


Aeon snickered, before waving his right hand, a clone of him appearing by the side of the bed.

That clone promptly carried Jill bridal-style, and while she first thought of complaining about it… well, she was still pretty sore.

"There. Now go have fun!"

Jill frowned. She was going to the shower…


She looked at the mischievous twinkle in the clone's eyes.

Oh, shit.

He was totally going to fuck her in the shower, wasn't he?

She groaned, her head falling on the clone's right shoulder.

Rebecca had been right. They were so screwed…

Rebecca Chambers moaned softly, hugging the warm pillow closer to her.

"Five more minutes…" she grumbled to herself, her whole body feeling sore in a way even the mission in the Arklay Mountains hadn't managed to do.

Her pillow trembled as a deep, warm chuckled echoed above her head, and she frowned.

Pillows didn't tremble, nor did they chuckle…

She froze, the memories of the last night finally returning to the forefront of her mind.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked up…

Meeting two dark, amused black eyes.

"Hello there, sleepy head. How are you doing?"

Rebecca stared, before burying her head into his chest with a bright blush.

Gods, the things they did… the things she did!

And she loved every second of it!

She groaned loudly, even as Aeon began snickering hard.

This was it. Rebecca Chambers had lost all innocence when it comes to sex, having explored depths the likes of which she never thought she'd fall into!

And worse, she wanted more!

"You've corrupted me." she certainly did not whine. "I was a model, law-abiding citizen until you came along! A member of S.T.A.R.S. at only 18! I had a bright future and everything! And then you showed up, and now I'm… I'm…"

She paused.

"I'm into tentacle sex!" she cried out.

Aeon began laughing, the smug bastard!

"I was a nice, vanilla type of girl who barely got any in her whole life, too focused on her studies for those kind of things… and now all I can think about is sex! Group sex! Lesbian sex! Hell, even tentacle sex! And don't even get me started on the impregnation fantasies-"

"What was that last one?" Aeon 'innocently' asked, and she froze, holding back an embarrassed squeal through sheer force of will.

"Nothing." she growled, daring him to contradict her.

"Uh-huh..." he replied, smirking widely.

She huffed, holding him tightly, before letting her head lay on his chest, listening to the beating of his heart and running her fingers over his abs.

The sound of his heartbeat was surprisingly soothing.

She could see a mass of silver hair by Aeon's other side, probably Oedon, and a weight on her part of the bed, the blonde hair indicating it was probably Lucy.

She frowned. "Where's Jill?"

"She woke up first and went to take a shower." Aeon replied, though there was a certain amount of amusement in his voice that implied a story of some kind.

Rebecca merely hummed in understanding, before sighing.

"So, congratulations are in order. You got me and Jill into your bed… at the same time. And after last night, I doubt that we're going anywhere else. I hope you're proud of yourself, corrupting two former officers of the law into becoming part of your harem."

Aeon chuckled. "Why yes, yes I am!"

She scoffed, grinning slightly.

"The accused pleads guilty, huh? Not even going to try to defend yourself?"

"Well you're naked in my arms and covered, to say nothing of being filled, with evidence of what happened last night, so I don't think I can get out of this one. But then again, I don't really want to. What about you, Officer Chambers?"

She blushed at the first sentence he said, but smiled nonetheless.

"Well, neither do I. So sorry, but you're stuck with me from now on."

He smiled back. "Wouldn't want anything else, Rebecca."

"Good." she replied firmly. "Now be a good boyfriend, take responsibility, and take your sore girlfriend to the nearest shower in your arms, because I'm not walking there in this state."

"Alright. Here we go!"

And then he took her bridal-style and left the bed with her in his arms.

She let her head fall on his broad shoulder, basking in the heat of his body… before her green eyes narrowed.

"Why are you grinning so widely?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." he replied cheerfully.

There was a moment of silence.


"Yes Rebecca?"

"I swear, if you fuck me in the shower, I will make you regret it somehow."

"What if I healed you first?"


"... Fuck it. Deal."


September 1st, 1998.

Jill looked at the two journalists before her, who had agreed to meet with them in a private area at a lesser-known bar in Raccoon City.

She had looked up their names after that night when Aeon had mentioned they could be helpful against Umbrella, and she had to admit that they sounded like good people to have on their side.

They were not without flaws. Both of them were ambitious, with Alyssa Ashcroft having a reputation for being quite a vain woman, and Ben Bertolucci being rather hungry for money, but they also had principles, and a tight rein over their flaws that most couldn't claim to have.

They were fully self-aware, and used their reputations against those who foolishly underestimated them for it.

And they both already heavily suspected Umbrella of doing crimes, Alyssa especially.

Jill glanced at Aeon, who nodded at her before looking back at the journalists.

"Alright, let's get this started. As I mentioned when I contacted you, I'd like your help in helping expose some of Umbrella's criminal activities, and I brought with me someone who knows first-hand what I'm talking about. Jill?"

She looked at the two journalists who were staring at her with a disturbing amount of intensity.

She knew Ben had a recording device on him, so she smirked at him.

"You can bring that recording device out, you know. I fully intend to have my words on record."

Ben grimaced at being caught, but nodded and put the recording device hidden in his coat on the table.

Allyssa glanced at her fellow journalist for a moment, before looking back at her.

"Alright, so just for the record: you are Jill Valentine, former member of the S.T.A.R.S. division under the Raccoon Police Department, correct?"

"That's correct. And I'm here to talk about what really happened that caused the dissolution of S.T.A.R.S., as well as what Chief Irons has been really trying to hide for the sake of his masters at Umbrella Corp." she declared coldly, sneering in disgust when speaking of her old Chief's name.

Especially considering what Aeon had revealed to her about the man's past.

Alyssa's eyes narrowed, curiosity clear in her eyes.

"So there was a cover-up of some kind! I knew it! Several of the best elite police officers of Raccoon City die, the others get fired, while all records of the true cause remain hidden? It couldn't be more obvious if you tried. Alright, so what really happened in the Arklay Mountains? As far as I know, you were sent there to investigate the recent series of disappearances and brutal murders in the region that no one seemed able to explain, much less stop…"

Jill scoffed. "That's no surprise."

She sighed. "Alright, so here's what really happened…"

And so she told them everything, about the Spencer Mansion, the Leech Queen, Dr. Marcus and Umbrella's research into the t-Virus, and everything else.

As she spoke, Aeon took out a number of documents they had found from the Spencer Mansion, alongside some more about Umbrella's true nature as a whole and showed them to the two journalists.

Over the next hour, both Jill and Aeon gave the journalists a thorough understanding of B.O.W.s, and how they were going to be used as the tools of war for the next generation of conflicts all across the globe.

Needless to say, the two journalists hadn't expected all of this, and while they were incredulous at first, the more they listened, the more they began blanching in fear.

By the end of it, they were grim-faced and silent, staring at them blankly.

"This isn't a prank, is it?" Ben finally said, and there was as much accusation as there was hope that it was the case in his voice.

Aeon looked at him in the eyes, before putting two syringes on the table, and then what Jill recognized as two las-pistols.

"These syringes are vaccines for the t-Virus. Insight Corp. has been creating them as fast as we can, but without an incident forcing the government's hand, we can't come out and sell them to the world, since no one would believe us on why they are needed."

He waved at the guns.

"These are las-pistols, or laser pistols if you want the technical term. They are created by Insight Corp. to combat B.O.W.s since lasers are extremely deadly against unarmored targets like your typical zombies. We are creating these as fast as we can, and we are planning on selling them to Blackwatch Special Forces for a start, followed by the rest of the US Military."

Aeon paused, looking at the two frozen journalists grimly.

"So no, this isn't a prank or a joke. I wish it was, but it isn't. Everything we told you today is true. And worse? We believe that Raccoon City will face a city-wide outbreak in less than a month from now."

The eyes of the two journalists immediately zeroed in on him.

"Explain." ordered Alyssa.

"As you've heard, the ground zero of the previous outbreak has been obliterated, but Insight Corp. believes that, despite this victory, the situation is already a lost cause. Did you know that several outbreaks already happened in the city this summer, each contained discreetly?"

Jill grimaced, though it was nothing compared to the look on the journalists' faces.

Aeon then explained that one of the medical facilities in Raccoon City had fallen victim to an outbreak already, which was taken care of by Barry Burton, and if not for him, the city would have already fallen into chaos.

Worse, an entire Umbrella facility has fallen to a t-Virus infection months ago, and the only reason it wasn't known was that it was a secret, underground Umbrella facility where the only way out was by another underground Umbrella facility known as NEST.

One where even now, William Birkin and his wife were working on the G-Virus.

And Umbrella knew about it, but had decided to do nothing about it, because as far as they were concerned, a facility full of zombies wasn't worth worrying about unless they were actively spilling out into the city.

Aeon thus explained that even now, as they spoke, there were dozens, potentially hundreds of monsters right under their feet… and no one was doing a damn thing about it.

And Insight Corp. could do nothing, since the only way in was by an Umbrella facility.

The two journalists began swearing viciously, but Jill, who had been fully briefed by Aeon before this, knew the bad news was just going to keep on coming.

Because predictably, the journalists began asking about the mayor and Chief of Police's roles in all of this… both of whom are deep in Umbrella's pockets.

That bit of news led to more cursing, if not for Aeon also revealing that Chief Irons was actually a psychopath who had raped at least two women in the past, with both incidents being covered up by Umbrella. Aeon also heavily suspected that some of the screams coming from the sewers, which made the local news lately, was due to Irons mutilating people down there for his own twisted "hobby" as a taxidermist. By that point, the shock value of Aeon's knowledge ran out, and these new facts only brought in pure, unadulterated horror and tiredness that just worsened their already horrendous moods even further.

A far cry of Jill's own reaction to the news of the truth of her former boss's past, which had been… a lot more passionate.

And it involved Jill sparring with Aeon for several hours to cool off in order to stop herself from going where the fat bastard was and cutting him to pieces.

She loved the city she was born in, but by the gods, was it a city full of corruption and secrets!

It was times like these that made it hard to be the voice of reason and mercy that she and Rebecca had promised to be towards the three gods they had come to cherish lately.

And it was a fraction of what Aeon had to know about all the crimes done by people across the world. No wonder it weighed on him to not interfere and bring immediate justice to bastards like Umbrella or even Chief Irons...

Either way, the meeting after that dissolved into various questions from the journalists about various parts of their stories they wanted details about, the impromptu probing ended after the journalists agreed with Aeon in helping to try and get Chief Irons arrested.

The last part of that meeting involved Aeon giving the vaccines and guns to the two journalists, alongside instruction/maintenance manuals and extra power cells for the guns, before saying rather ominously that "they would need them."

From the look on their faces, they weren't going to wait long before using those vaccines… and they were going to keep those guns on them at all times.

Jill wasn't sure what Aeon knew of their future, but it obviously implied bad things if Aeon hadn't been there to help them out.

As they walked away from the bar, Jill looked out at the city around her.

A few weeks. That was all that was left before Hell on Earth.

A few weeks…

"The General will see you now, Miss Miller."

Lucy smiled at the man, before rising from her seat.

"Thank you."

Entering the office, she took her first look at Lieutenant General Peter Randall, the leader of Blackwatch.

A tall, grim-faced man with cold brown eyes and a face that looked stuck permanently in a scowl, he looked every bit as she knew him to be: a ruthless, pragmatic soldier who would rather see his country burn than watch it fall to infected hands.

And she was here to ensure he would rather see his lands taken back by military force rather than being burnt to the ground.

"Miss Miller, I have to admit, I am curious to learn what Insight Corp. is here for, and what Blackwatch can help you with." he said after the formalities were exchanged.

She smiled at him.

"Well, to be honest, this is mostly about what we can do for Blackwatch… and the USA as a whole."

He raised an eyebrow, though she could feel his interest rising.