
Dodens Porter

Heidy is a beautiful and energetic girl. Her curiousity is beyond normal. One day, on a road trip to her father's hometown in Indonesia, she accidentally enters a gate to a foreign world in the year 1600. There, she meets a man named Axton, a pure descendant of the Vikings, who lives in a village called Midnight Sun Village. The village is an area that has been targeted by a cruel man, the ruler of Dodens Porter named Christopher Van Diederick, to expand his territory. Heidy helps Axton to protect the village from any monster attacks sent by Van Diederick. She does not know if in fact, she has much more important mission by being there, that is to bring her mother back. The mother she thought was dead, as her father always said, is still alive and under the influence of Van Diederick's magic.

Anne_Malila27 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Circle of Fire

Heidy could only stand frozen at Bayu's harsh attitude towards her. After all, she couldn't go against her father's decision. On the one hand, Bayu is a very gentle and loving man. However, on the other hand, he can turn into someone who is very strict and scary if he feels disturbed. Like it or not, the girl just obeys. She starts to pack all her things into the suitcase. For Heidy, her visit to Indonesia this time is very meaningful. At least the girl got what she has been looking for, namely the face of her mother. There is no need for another photo of her because Padma's beautiful face has already in her memories and dreams every night.

Meanwhile, Patra also has to face Astri's anger. The tan-skinned youth admits his mistake in inviting Heidy to go out of the house. However, when he asks about the Padma, the mother prefers to end their conversation.

Astri immediately meets her brother-in-law. "Bayu!" Astri knocks on Bayu's door, which is packing at the moment. Half-complaining, the middle-aged man goes to the door and opens it. Astri looks with a friendly smile even though it seems a little stiff. "Please forgive Patra's behavior. I have reprimanded him earlier," says Astri. "Today, Rendra will return from Semarang. I will complain about that kid so he could also be reprimanded by his father. Patra is very obedient to ..."

"No need," Bayu interrupts, "and I'm going back to Norway tomorrow anyway," he continues.

"Why so sudden? Is it because of this incident?" Astri looks uncomfortable with what Patra and Heidy have done. She also feels guilty for being negligent in taking care of her sister-in-law's daughter.

"From the start, I have no intention of staying here for long. I still have a lot of things to take care of in Oslo," Bayu explains, starting to flex the tension on his face, which has been looking serious. He could understand the discomfort Astri shows in front of him.

"Okay. I'll prepare some souvenirs. I remember that Lingga once said that she wanted to eat anchovy sauce. I'll make it for her first," Astri then walks away from Bayu who is still standing at the door. The man takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

Around seven o'clock in the evening, Rendra just returned from Semarang. He looks tired but still showed a friendly and smiling attitude when Bayu approaches him. The brothers chat for a while in the family room. "Why in such a hurry?" Rendra is surprised because Bayu decides to return as soon as possible to Norway.

"I still have a lot of work there. After all, this is already according to plan," Bayu explains. "What about the branch office in Semarang? Has the problem been resolved there?" he asks.

"Thank God. I was surprised, even though it was only a small problem, but they couldn't handle it well," Rendra complains as he loosened the tie he is wearing. "I've met with an important investor. We discussed many things," says Rendra.

"Maybe you need to make an overhaul in the office. Just do it as long as it can make the work system much more effective. There's nothing wrong with ...." Bayu doesn't continue his words. He catches a glimpse of Heidy walking towards the exit. Immediately, he gives a signal to Rendra to wait for him for a while. Rendra nods slowly.

Bayu rushes after Heidy who is now standing in front of the terrace. "Where else are you going, Dy?" he asks softly. Bayu tries to suppress his remaining emotions due to Heidy's actions this evening.

"Nothing. I was just observing the front yard of my uncle and aunt's house. I will remember every detail as a memento because I'm not sure you will take me here again," says Heidy languidly.

"Never mind, Dy. I don't want to argue. Get some rest now. We will depart with the earliest flight schedule," Bayu says as he returned to the house, leaving Heidy who is still pensive alone. The girl's eyes stare into the darkness of the night. The dim garden lights add to the serene atmosphere around it.

The girl intends to follow her father who had already moved in. However, in the corner of her eye then catch something in the darkness. Curious, the girl walks closer to the apparition. Without making a sound, she crosses the front garden. Her slender feet step on the grass the gardener had just mowed this afternoon until she stops in the middle of the wet lawn.

A round, reddish-white light circled in front of her eyes. The ball as big as a basketball stops when Heidy's hand reaches out and touches the strange object. Heidy's one finger goes into the light. It is warm and moist. It feels like her fingers are touching the clouds. But, the warmth suddenly turns into a string.

An electric current flows through Heidy's fingertips and stings her entire body. The girl flinches and is about to back off. The balance of her body suddenly disappears. Heidy falls with the back of her head landing first on the grass. Her vision is blurry for a moment before she tries to get up and sit down slowly. She rubs the back of her head, grinning softly. The pain begins to be felt, radiating to the back. "Ouch," Heidy groans. She struggles to stand while looking around. Heidy tries to look for the strange sphere of light around her, but she couldn't find anything other than a yard filled with various kinds of flowers and ornamental plants from the collection of Astri, her aunt.

"Hey," someone calls. Heidy turns her head in the direction of the voice. Patra stands straight behind her, smiling broadly. "What are you doing here?" asks Patra in surprise.

"Ah, nothing. I'm just enjoying the atmosphere of the last night here before heading back to Oslo," Heidy says. "Come on, let's get inside," she wraps her hand around Patra's arm, then pulls the young man.

Heidy continues to drag her adopted cousin to the front of Patra's room. "May I borrow your stationery?" she stares intently at the young man. Patra who is confused immediately takes Heidy into the room. Hastily he opens a desk drawer and takes out a book with a pencil and hands it to Heidy.

"What do you want to write?" asks Patra again.

"Not writing. More like drawing," Heidy grins, then looks down. Her eyes focus on the blank book. Her fingers flex in curved lines that merged into circles surrounded by images of fire.

"What's that?" Patra raises his eyebrows while observing the strange image.

"I saw this thing in your yard earlier," Heidy explains with a serious expression.


"Just before you said hello. That thing was right in front of me. It glowed very brightly. I was curious and wanted to touch it, but it seems that the mysterious object contains an electric voltage. I bounced and fell," says the girl enthusiastically. "When I woke up, it was gone," she adds.

"Hmm," Patra moves to his study table. There, he opens the laptop and turned it on. Not long after, he opens a search engine on the internet, then types a keyword.

Heidy comes closer and reads the type. "Pulung?" she spells it.

"Yes," Patra replies. His gaze does not leave the laptop screen at all. "Pulung, a ball of light shaped like a comet. By people in this country, Pulung is believed to have magical powers," he explains.

"Magical powers?" Heidy repeats.

Patra nods quickly. "Magic power, Heidy. Pulung has a power that can be beneficial or harmful. It depends on who sent the mystical item to you," he says.