
Connecting The Dots: Damian Kaine, The Pocket Watch and "Nobody"

Author: [Redacted]

Date: [Redacted]

Introduction: Unveiling the easy going owner of ArKaine Bar, Damian Kaine. And connecting the dots between Damian Kaine, his family heirloom which is an anomalous pocket watch and the enigmatic nobody.

Item: The Pocket Watch (Family heirloom of the Kaines since time immemorial)

Current Owner: Damian Kaine

Physical Description:

* Exterior: The pocket watch, measuring a mere 2 inches in radius, boasts a classical Victorian design. Its front and back covers are adorned with intricate engravings, adding an air of sophistication and elegance to its appearance. Additionally, it features a long, golden-colored chain that is attached to the top of the pocket watch, serving a dual purpose as a keychain. The casing is composed of a dark, lustrous metal, reminiscent of aged brass. The watch's size is compact, allowing it to be carried comfortably, although it is typically stored within a secret compartment beneath the bar counter at ArKaine Bar.

* Dial and Hands: The watch's dial features Roman numerals, indicating the hours and minutes. Delicate, filigree-style hour and minute hands move gracefully across the dial's surface, further enhancing its antique charm.

Anomalous Properties:

* Time Dilation: Within a radius of approximately 10 meters from the pocket watch, time experiences a unique distortion. This phenomenon is known as "Time Dilation." Time passes 1.5 times faster inside this radius compared to the outside world. For instance, if an individual spends an hour within this area, only 40 minutes will have elapsed in the external world.

* Storage of Time Dilation: The pocket watch has the remarkable capacity to accumulate and store the time dilation experienced by anyone or anything within its designated radius. This includes all conscious entities, regardless of their natural aging processes or immortality.

* Activation Mechanism: The pocket watch can relinquish a portion or the entirety of the stored time to an individual, multiple individuals, or entities, provided that the owner is amenable to such an arrangement. Damian Kaine, the proprietor of Arkaine Bar, currently the owner of the pocket watch. To initiate a contract, Damian rotates the small dial-cum-button situated atop the pocket watch. This action triggers the emergence of an extraordinarily sharp needle from the side of the timepiece.

Subsequently, Damian presses the dial-cum-button, causing the casing that conceals the inner workings of the pocket watch to open, revealing its intricate mechanisms. The next step involves Damian passing the pocket watch to the intended individual, along with instructions to prick their thumb or any other finger and apply the finger to the exposed case. To formalize the contract and access the stored time, the individual must then pierce their thumb with the needle, even if they possess colorless blood, lack conventional biology, or exhibit any other non-standard physiological traits.

Remarkably, upon contact with the needle, the blood invariably assumes a red hue, regardless of the individual's actual blood composition or physical characteristics. With the completion of this process, the contract is established, enabling the individual to postpone their death for a duration agreed upon by both the pocket watch owner and the contractee.

* Equitable Exchange: The terms of the contract stipulate that the contractee must provide something of equivalent value to the owner of the pocket watch. This offering may take various forms, ranging from material wealth to precious knowledge or any other resource the contractee deems of equal value.

* Erasure of Existence: In the event of failure to fulfill the agreed-upon terms, the consequences are not limited to mere eradication. Rather, the individual's entire existence undergoes a profound transformation, reshaping reality itself to ensure they never existed. This comprehensive alteration extends to various facets of their life:

"Nobody" comes in picture

Alteration of Lineage and Descendants:

In the event of failure to fulfill the agreed-upon terms, a series of profound consequences unfold. These consequences directly impact the individual's lineage and descendants, leading to a sequence of events that are as extraordinary as they are irrevocable:

* Descendants' Demise: The descendants of the individual, including children and grandchildren, face a dire fate. Their existence becomes intrinsically tied to the original contract, and the failure to meet its conditions exacts a heavy toll. All descendants of the individual will meet their end. All of their life and the remaining time will be taken away and stored inside the pocket watch, their lives tragically cut short.

* Accomplishments: Every achievement, accomplishment, and milestone the individual attained during their lifetime is attributed to "Nobody". Their successes are reframed as the endeavors of this enigmatic figure.

* Possessions and Wealth: All possessions, including properties, assets, and wealth amassed by the individual, are seamlessly transferred to the ownership of "Nobody". Any material possessions once belonging to the individual are now considered part of "Nobody's" estate.

* Titles and Prestige: Titles, positions of authority, and prestigious honors garnered throughout the individual's life are now associated with "Nobody". He assumes the roles and accolades that once defined the individual's societal standing.

* Fame and Reputation: The individual's fame and reputation are reimagined and attributed to "Nobody". Any public acclaim, recognition, or notoriety they once enjoyed is now the domain of this shadowy persona.

* Actions and Feats: All actions, feats, and contributions to society performed by the individual are recast as the work of "Nobody". Their impact on the world is remembered only through the lens of this mysterious figure.

* Memory Modification: In a profound alteration of the fabric of reality, the memories of individuals related to the erased person, including friends, family, and loved ones, are fundamentally modified:

Memory of "Nobody":

The name "Nobody" becomes the singular memory associated with the individual. No other name, appearance, or interactions with the erased person persist in their recollections.

* Photographs and Media: Photographs, pictures, and video footage featuring the erased person undergo an unsettling transformation. The individual's image within these records becomes intensely blurry and unrecognizable, rendering them anonymous.

* Social Media and Online Presence: Social media accounts, online profiles, and usernames are uniformly altered to reflect "Nobody." All digital traces of the erased person are subsumed by this singular identity.

* Financial and Legal Records: Bank accounts, legal documents, and official records are harmonized to feature the name "Nobody" as the sole entity associated with past transactions and agreements.

In very much demand with Gods, Immortals and Deities:

This extraordinary power has drawn the attention of Gods, immortals and deities who recognize that even they are not immune to certain perils. As an illustrative example, imagine a mortal named Keith seeking vengeance against the immortal. Keith possesses an anomalous artifact known as the [Redacted], capable of ending the immortal's existence.

the immortal, aware of the impending threat, forms a contract with the pocket watch owner to postpone his death by seven days. During this period of 7 days, he becomes impervious to death, no anomalous artifact can kill him. Even at his own behest, rendering him truly immortal for the duration. However, after the seven-day extension expires, the immortal is no longer immortal and is vulnerable to aging and natural death. So he must continue to postpone his death continuously through contracts with the pocket watch owner.

Thus, many Gods, Immortals and Deities form contracts with Damian, whenever they get information and realise that they are in grave danger. The only disadvantage for them is that, it is a one time thing only, and after that they are no longer immortals.

Note: Patrons are encouraged to treat these anomalous items with respect and discretion, embracing the unique experiences they offer while maintaining the tranquility and secrecy of Arkaine Bar. Any attempts to remove or misuse these items will be met with appropriate measures to ensure the establishment's harmonious environment.

[This document has been compiled and redacted for the safety and privacy of Arkaine Bar and its patrons. Unauthorized disclosure of the anomalous nature of these items is strictly prohibited.]