

DJ_Darkest_side · Urban
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Belonging to the small town of Elko in the Northeast Nevada, Emily Wilkins is an effervescent and high spirited girl waiting to execute and fulfill all her dreams. Emily, a poverty-stricken, lived with her parents, Emeril and Amy. Her father always wanted to see his little fairy with a stethoscope. Being fearful about their reality her father always holds her up.

But some assert that time does pass. Emily is getting ready for her medical entrance examination. Emily and her parents are eagerly anticipating the outcomes.

Mr and Mrs Wilkins are sitting in the living room couch, waiting for their daughter to join them. Today, the medical entrance examination results are going to be declared. Emeril sees his daughter approaching and sets his laptop from his lap on the coffee table.

Emily looks anxious and tensed. She is worried about what would happen if she failed the exam and her parents' dream was destroyed. Her usually well styled natural blonde hair are in a messy bun, she is wearing a t-shirt almost two sizes bigger than her. It is her favourite one and like most kids have comfort blanket, it was her comfort t-shirt. When she was 14, her mom had accidentally spilled bleach on her dad's t-shirt. They couldn't afford to throw it away and Emeril couldn't wear it as he had to meet many people at work. So, it was handed down to Emily. Whenever she feels sad or tensed, she wears that comfort t-shirt.

"What happened, dear," her father questioned.

"I am concerned about the outcome."

"Emily, don't worry," her father held out his hand for Emily to grab as she sat between him and Amy on the couch.

"You will undoubtedly succeed on the exam this time as well," her mother responded.

"Thank you, guys. I don't know what I would do without you. Let's check the outcome. I hope everything works out fine."

Emily checks the result with her parents, and again she aces the examination.

Emily shouts and dances enthusiastically.

"YAH! HURRAY! Mom and dad, I can't believe I did it. Now I can attend the medical school of my dreams," her hazel eyes are beaming with pride and her parents are very excited now that all of their aspirations will come true now. Emily's parents sob and encircle her in an embrace.

It takes 2 months for the admission process to be completed but it feels like an eternity has passed. Emily's patience was on the verge of breaking when her parents give her the news that the process is completed.

She is over the moon on her first day at college. After completing all the formalities and getting comfortable at her new home for the next couple of years, Emily and her roommate decide to have a little 'get to know' time.

"Hannah, I'm super nervous. I don't know what to expect on our first day," says Emily and takes the empty seat at the coffee table.

"Emu, why are you nervous girl? I am super excited to meet our hot, dashing, and rich seniors!" Hannah exclaimed while helping herself to another cupcake.

"Are you kidding me? I am nervous because of lectures, classmates, and teachers. Are you serious?"

"Absolutely! I'm damn serious."

Emily rolls her eyes on her new friend's remark but decides not to waste her time by arguing.

"Whatever. Let's go or else we will be late on our very first day!" Emily says enthusiastically and gets up from her seat to leave.

"Yes, otherwise the hot boys will go to their classes and I will remain single forever," Hannah replies and follows her friend.

Emily and Hannah stand in front of the University gate, thinking about how their lives are going to be changed forever for the better. It is a new start. Emily, lost in thoughts, takes a few steps towards the entrance and four Mercedes enter from the other side of the road simultaneously. Three of them pass around her but the fourth one comes to an immediate halt just a few inches from her.

Emily yells angrily, "Who the heck are you? Can't you see a living girl in front of you? Do you really have eyes or are those buttons?"

"Come out of the car," Hannah yells fiercely, running to her new best friend's rescue.

Six boys come out of the cars surrounding her. Emily doesn't care about their looks but Hannah can't keep her eyes from scanning each of them. The one who was less than a feet away from turning Emily into chopped beef is the most attractive and handsome one. He is around six feet tall, dressed in black button down shirt that was hugging his muscles. He is wearing dark blue jeans and a pair of formal shoes. His look is completed by an unbuttoned lab coat.

Everybody cheers and claps loudly as soon as the boys get out of the automobiles.

" H6-H6-H6-H6..."

They are the well-known, wealthy, wise, attractive, and the most desirable bachelors in the entire medical university.

They are all referred to as H6 (6 Heroes).

The guys are from prominent families in the nation. Most of them are multi-millionairs and billionaires.

Emily and Hannah are in complete amazement but due to different reasons. Emily continues to stand while observing them without speaking.

William is the main figure of H6, and other members include Alex, Ryan, Reeza, James, and John.

The most well-liked student at the university and every girl's heartbeat is William. William's father is a well-known businessman in the region. He serves as a trustee for more than 20 of the state's medical colleges.

"Are you completely insane? How could you treat somebody like this? Is this your father's road?" Emily scolds him.

"You're not wounded, are you? Make no fuss about it," William responds with full attitude. Emily can see him smirking which adds fuel to the fire of anger building inside her

"What in the world are you saying? What do you mean when you say, 'you weren't hurt?' For all I know, I could have died!" Emily screams at him.

"OH! You must require cash! Wait," he says and pulls out his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans. He grabs some money and walks towards Emily.

He grabs Emily's hand and puts the money in it forcefully.

"Take the money and leave. Don't spoil my mood today. Understand?"

"What, you think I want money!"

"Alright. If it's not enough then say the amount you need to keep that mouth of yours shut."

Emily gathers all her power in her right arm and slaps him across the face. The crowd goes so silent that one could hear the students talking inside the classrooms. Emily then snatches the money out of his hand and throws the money on his face.

"You can't buy everything, understand? There are some things known as respect and self esteem. Next time remember this before trying to buy your way out of something."

Emily is a self assured young woman and there's nothing one can do that will shake her confidence. While the man in front of her is famous for his egoistic and arrogant nature. Blood is boiling in his veins and rage is evidently fuming inside him.

"You have dared to slap me, William Wilder, you're so going to regret it," William exclaims in a fit of rage but before he could do anything, the Principal notices the crowd and arrives.
