
Doctor Who X Reader

In this story you as the reader are the doctors long lost love, you've lost your memories and he has returned to find you without them. You both fall in love after his companion has left then danger strikes as The cloister bells ring. both run to the Tardis as quickly as you can getting inside and locking the doors behind. once inside you stay inside and find out the daleks had returned to try and kill you. unknown to you that they were coming for you to try to kill you for some reason but find out that you were connected to the doctor that you or his other soulmate. Find out what happens next by reading this book.

AlainaHylian · TV
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3 Chs

chapter 3 Birth

Your p.o.v

I was three months but as another month passed I was four months into my pregnancy. The doctor was caring for me and out unborn son or daughter, we didn't know the gender yet nor do we know how many we were having. I was wearing a dress (favorite color) and it had beautiful flowers, as I was walking through the sand as I looked at the sky. The doctor walks out and takes hold of my hand, the doctor looks at me as he smiles. As another month passed, I was starting to show as the doctor was making dinner as I was sitting outside as I look at the sky again. I started to sing softly as I had my hand placed over my stomach as I felt slight movement as I smiled. After two months passed I was now about seven months into my pregnancy as I was laying on the bed in my room that was inside the Tardis. My stomach was a bit bigger than it was before as I lay on my side as I lay my hand over my stomach. I felt the baby move as I felt its feet touch my hand, I then say, "Hehe well your most certainly active. I can't wait to meet you, my sweet little one." The doctor knocked on the door as I look at the door as I say, "Come in." He opened the door as the doctor walks over to my bed.

Doctor p.o.v

Once I walked inside I saw how big she has gotten over the seven months that has passed. I sat at the edge of the bed placing my hand over her large stomach as I felt the baby move. I was happy that the daleks never found us and I was able to have this moment with my wife. Soon to have a little one running around in a year or so, but I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her. As another month passed she was almost full term in pregnancy as things were going smoothly. Up until the other time lords visit as the were angry that I brought a human to our home planet. They knew of her pregnancy as they took her from me locking me away in a cell in Gallifrey. I spent hours trying to formulate a plan to get out of there as soon as possible to save her from having her mind whipped of me. Once I got out I ran through the town straight to the middle of the city trying to get to her. I get inside the city as I ran through the halls trying desperately to find the right room they held her in. When I found it they were about to whipe her memory as I ran in front as I yelled, "Stop please let me explain. She is my wife, my soul mate, she means the world to me. Please if you're going to take her memories away of me don't I beg of you please don't do this to her."

You p.o.v

When the doctor came he explained to them that I was his wife and that I was carrying his child inside me. They put the gun away as I felt a sharp pain in my lower back as I held my stomach in pain. They immediately got me to a delivery room as they kept the doctor in the room as they prepared for me to give birth. They took off my underwear as I breathed trying to get through the contractions as they said that my contractions were seven minutes apart as my water was already broken. The doctor was by my side as he held my hand tight, giving it a light squeeze letting me know that everything will be ok. When my contractions were close to five minutes apart they told me to push as I sat up a little pushing hard as I felt the baby coming. I breath for a few minutes as I push again sitting up a little bit as I felt it come out more as it was very painful. I held back my screams again as I sit up a little pushing hard as I felt it come out more as I hear them say the head is out. I breath a few minutes as I get ready to push, I sit up a little pushing hard as the nurse grab the baby's head pulling gently as I felt the baby come out finally as it started crying loudly. It was crying loudly after they got the amniotic fluid out of its lungs as it continued to cry. They wrapped the baby in a pink blanket as I knew that it was a healthy girl, the nurse hand me the baby girl as I started to cry as I was holding her in my arms.