
Doctor from another world

In this continent, doctors are revered, so I chose to become a doctor. I saved a beautiful girl named Long Aotian. I married her, and I became invincible. "The clinic is short on money? Use my pocket money. It's not much, just one hundred million." "Rivalry among peers? Alright, this hospital will disappear by the afternoon." "A troublemaking ancient dragon? Oh, I'll slay it." I have a stunningly beautiful, invincible, and gentle and virtuous Valkyrie wife, and an adorable and lovely nurse...

ero_01 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 004: They've All Come Back!

"Every time a martial artist's level increases, a new vortex of energy is formed in their lower abdomen."

"Now, Ling Fei can feel an incredibly powerful and mysterious force surrounding the first three vortexes, protecting them."

"The Valgari solution can lock in a martial artist's cultivation level at half of their current level. So, even if you're an 8th level martial artist, you'll never fall below the initial stage of level 3, as long as you don't die. It's commonly referred to as forced segment protection."

"Looking at Luo Xian again, Ling Fei's eyes are filled with admiration as she kneels down on one knee in respect. "Doctor Luo, I apologize for my previous disrespect!"

"It's fine." Luo Xian waves his hand. "In any case, do you believe that I can cure you now?"

"I believe in you." Ling Fei's expression is firm, her heart filled with shock.

The Valgari solution is a treasure sought after by many top powers!

To be able to concoct the Valgari solution and casually serve it as a drink to guests, yet live in a slum and run a black clinic...

He must be a reclusive expert who transcends worldly matters.

His claim to be able to cure her meridian knots must be true - after all, what would he gain from lying to a poor and powerless girl like her?

Luo Xian nods silently.

Putting on this act not only lightens the mood and adjusts the patient's mindset, but also serves to completely subdue them.

After all, the treatment method is quite vague and could easily be misunderstood.

But Luo Xian has never been one to waste his breath explaining things to patients. He relies on his overwhelming medical skills to gain their trust, like with this Valgari solution.

"Good, since you believe in me, let's begin." Luo Xian points to a single bed against the wall. "Go over there and lie down."

Ling Fei follows Luo Xian's instructions with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. "Are we starting the surgery now?"

"What surgery? A massage will do."

A massage?

Wait a minute... meridian knots, the incurable condition that stumps all the world's top doctors, can be cured with just a massage?

This is too ridiculous!

Just as Ling Fei is thinking this, Luo Xian climbs onto the bed and suddenly straddles her hips.

The soft and elastic feeling makes Luo Xian's whole body shudder, and he pauses for a moment.

Ling Fei notices someone pressing down on her body and turns to look, immediately blushing with embarrassment. "Doctor Luo, what are you doing..."

This position is too embarrassing, especially since she's never been intimate with any man before.

If she didn't already have some understanding of his medical skills, Ling Fei would be taking countermeasures right now.

"I have to hold you down." Luo Xian is a little awkward. "The massage process will be quite intense."

"Huh?" Ling Fei doesn't understand.

Before she can think more, Ling Fei is grabbed by the neck by Luo Xian in a flash, her brain stops turning, and she briefly loses consciousness.

Ling Fei's meridian knots are located in her neck, and Luo Xian accurately targets the area, moving quickly and precisely.

In an instant, Ling Fei's neck feels like it's been electrocuted, a mix of numbness, pain, and indescribable pleasure making her feel like she's entered a heavenly realm. Her whole body feels like it's been reborn, light and clear.

She sees her eyes become unfocused, her body relaxes, and she lets out a sound of extreme pleasure from her throat -


The scene is quite awkward, with Luo Xian lying on top of Ling Fei to hold her down, her body twisting and turning, rising and falling with the massage movements...

At the same time, Luo Xian needs to control the subtle flow of energy in his fingertips to stimulate Ling Fei's acupressure points just right.

This massage is really tiring!

What's known as "tiring" is actually more mentally exhausting.

As a transmigrator, Luo Xian has read countless romance novels, and his resistance to women is quite high.

However, being in close contact with the beautiful martial artist Ling Fei still stirs his heart and makes him feel uneasy.

But Luo Xian is a very professional doctor. He forcibly calms himself down and completes the five-minute massage without any unnecessary movements.

After all, he's already suffered a big loss from massaging female patients before, and he won't make the same mistake again.


After the massage, Ling Fei lies weakly on the bed, her muscles all over her body twitching slightly.

Her sweat-soaked clothes cling to her, emphasizing her figure, and her chest heaves like a bellows.

During the most intense part of the massage, she was even unable to breathe.

However, now she doesn't feel uncomfortable at all, but rather full of energy and joy.

As the massage progressed, her long-dormant meridians gradually became active, starting with a few small pulsations and then spreading throughout her body with the force of a raging fire, opening up her meridians!

It's been a year, a whole year, since she felt the presence of her inner energy.

After a while, Ling Fei finally calms down, nimbly jumping off the bed, taking a deep breath, and looking eager to try out her skills.

She glances at Luo Xian, then quickly lowers her head, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Although she was in a daze during the massage, she knows that she lost control of herself.

However, Doctor Luo doesn't seem to have been affected at all, and he didn't take advantage of the situation during the massage, which makes her feel safe.

And with the effect of her meridians being restored, she's even more anticipatory.

Her inner energy has returned, but whether or not her meridians have recovered enough to use martial arts techniques is still unknown.

"Where's Bimoji? Hurry up and come out to try using martial arts techniques!" Luo Xian stands at the door, urging her on and interrupting Ling Fei's thoughts.

"Oh..." Ling Fei is a little dazed and hesitates before walking out the door.

These few steps feel like a lifetime.

Ling Fei stands in the dirty and messy alley of Red-Eyed Fruit Fly Street, as if in a dream.

Encouraged by Luo Xian's gaze, Ling Fei prepares herself and bends her knees, then generates a strong vortex of energy around her body.


With a loud, shocking sound, Ling Fei soars into the sky, using the explosive energy of the vortex to perform several high-speed emergency maneuvers in the air, gracefully and impressively.

This is the legendary signature technique of Ling Fei, "Rising Airflow"!


Ling Fei lands lightly.

The girl spreads out her hands and stares at her palms in a daze, as if they don't belong to her body, a strange joy filling her heart and causing her to tremble with excitement.

The feeling of regaining control of her power...

Not just power, but also status, position, and freedom in life...

It's all back, everything is back!

Then she looks at Luo Xian, her gaze burning.

The originally destitute and desperate girl has unexpectedly gained a new lease on life, and it's all thanks to the man in front of her.

The girl's purple eyes are filled with shimmering waves, churning with a thick and special emotion, as if she's finally found something she's been searching for.