
Do you not have gun safety?

A gunman stands before his death watching the bullet slowly reach him. A battlefield littered with bodies of all races and genders, standing up from behind a sandbagged barrier someone yells for the gunman to move Now he isn’t in Egypt, in front of him an old woman and other kids. Talking about incoherent nonsense as he starts regaining his own senses back. What will he do surrounded by the worlds most dangerous weapon, MAGIC and TECHNOLOGY

Enslaved_Spirit · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The thoughts there after

(Connor POV)

There was a large shift after winning that game. The transfer kids and Harry's gang weren't as looked down upon.

I some how found myself in both groups, I don't like Harry, but he seems to have found some weird connection with me. Might be because we're both looked down upon but strong(?) or that he's just weird. My moneys on the latter.

As I make my way up the stairs I rack my brain of my findings.

I've been trying to figure out how the hell my gun/wand worked. Most people wave their wand around say the words and the spell comes out, but with my gun it seems to store it. I "cast" the spell by pulling the trigger, so if I cast a spell then immediately cast another then pull the trigger, the first spell casted would be shot. The problem comes when I'm in class learning a new spell, my first couple shots usually end up being some spells I was secretly learning.

I've been trying to get ahead of the curve with my magic knowledge. The power to shoot a small comet and evaporate people into dust, why wouldn't I learn that. The fact that the other transfers are more familiarizing themselves with people and the wizards past is beyond me. Connections aren't good unless they're reliable, the only things reliable are animals.

Besides for being a tinkerer I was a big fan of animals. I tried to train any animal I could get my hands on. I had an extensive collection of scorpions, very dangerous ones at that, kept in small breeding enclosures.

I trained some to be ruthless killers, I kept them in small jars across my belt which I would throw either at people or near them. I don't usually miss hitting someone with the jar, but if I do miss that is why I bred them for their ferociousness, fight claw and tail to either kill or be killed. After extensive experience with these venomous creatures (snakes, centipedes, but most importantly scorpions), and LOTS of long agonizing nights I became immune if not at least resistant to most poisons.

I would most likely get but when I was collecting venom or poison for medical purposes. With more medical technology coming out they now see a large need for venom in research or anti-venom. I also keep an excess of venom in case any of the company silent killers were running low or wanted to try a new kind of poison.

But that was what felt like ages ago, my new pet/ familiar as everyone else seems to call it was Freedom the Bald Eagle. A reminder of where I was born. I guess a gator would have made more sense 'cause I'm from Florida, but the national bird in the wizard world would have to do.

Thinking of all that I head up to the top most peak of the small staircase used to get in between bedrooms. I do have a room but I dislike sleeping with others and no one really goes all the way to the top because they have the stamina and attention span of a rock.

I reach the peak of the stairs, turning the knob of the door in front of me opening into my makeshift home. A small window overlooks a large green field. Pressed against the window is a wooden desk with half worked on projects. In the less cobwebbed corner a small cot and the chest from when we were first brought here in.

I brought the chest because it continues to give me things. It is as if you could remember something you forgot, reach into your EMPTY luggage, and pull it out. But most of the times it was random.

First time a realized this was when I was going through what I had the first time around and when I woke up the next night I had some of my tinkering workshop shoved into it. One time was a folding table, which was odd because I never had a folding table, but beggars can't be choosers.

Pressed against the same small wall as the door was a bookshelf full of magical tomes/ my school books. I read through them all and we don't really use them do I don't see why people carry them around. They're given to us waaaaay before it's used, so I just memorized the contents and went on from there.

As I look around the room I wonder how the hell I was forced onto the quidditch team, which is a dumb sport name, but I'll have to wait until tomorrow as I go to sleep sprawled out on the cot.

I wake up rubbing my to the sound of small numerous scraping at the foot of my bed as I reach for my gun.