
Do you not have gun safety?

A gunman stands before his death watching the bullet slowly reach him. A battlefield littered with bodies of all races and genders, standing up from behind a sandbagged barrier someone yells for the gunman to move Now he isn’t in Egypt, in front of him an old woman and other kids. Talking about incoherent nonsense as he starts regaining his own senses back. What will he do surrounded by the worlds most dangerous weapon, MAGIC and TECHNOLOGY

Enslaved_Spirit · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The fuck happened?

(POV Connor)

Walking into a corridor that has opening allowing for sunlight to penetrate through, I release Freedom who takes off into the air and heading towards the tower not far off in the distance.

-So why am I here- Jacob asks as we we turn the corner to see the entrance surrounded by armored statues.

-God damn it- he said as I laugh in mockery.

"I'm glad you understand, just scream if anyone try's coming up," I said while opening up the secret entrance.

As I made my way up the stairs I hear the door close behind me hiding the entrance.

I crest the top of the stairs to see a tidy yet unkempt room. It would've been tidy if it wasn't obvious that there was people in here prior to me looking for something.

I walk past some interesting looking artifacts to get behind a large central desk. In the center of the desk was a map of the island before Hogwarts was built onto it. There was many caves sprinkled around the outer edges of the island.

Looking around I couldn't see why Dumbledore would have gotten removed from his position. Harry decided not to tell me why Dumbledore and Hagrid were removed from their positions, apparently I just "couldn't handle it". Hell if I know, and I didn't know what I was looking for. Which was very helpful in my search.

I decided that I'd just grab I bunch of shit and just put it into my magical waist boxes.

Over the past couple months, I researched about transfiguration. It was interesting to learn about changing something into something entirely. My first subject was of course my magical box. If I could make if portable, shit would be busted. And so I did, I made it into a leather waist band that had a large central section for the actual box part. It was basically a magic fanny pack, but you know, cool.

After learning that I tried live subjects. Since I didn't want try it on Freedom yet until I got the hang of it. So instead I asked Professor McGonagall, she apparently was the teacher for that study so she offered me the option to take the class, I politely declined but instead asked if she could do something like tutoring for me after classes. She accepted, which was unexpected for me, turns out she's a really nice lady as long as you do as you're told. Since I wanted to learn magic that was above that of a second year she was my best bet.

Over the last couple months before the raid on Dumbledore's office I studied under Professor McGonagall.

I quickly shoved a bunch of shit into my magical fanny pack, I learned alot about the box now that it was portable and always on me. It had a huge amount of space on the inside. I learned about enlargement runes when I was upgrading my ammo clips, but this space was HUGE. There was also weird ass shit I've never seen before to stuff that made no sense as to why it was there. Whenever I put my hand in there, I had to think of what I wanted to then get it, but if I left my mind blank I could root around feeling the abstracts shapes and differing sizes of whatever was floating around in that large space.

As I began to start rooting around on the other side of the room, I head loud cawing coming from outside the window. I quickly ran over to the window behind the desk which overlooked the castle grounds. Looking up I see Freedom fighting off three medium sized crows. He seemed to be winning but I could see more crows coming in from the distance. As I opened the window and whistles for Freedom to come to me I heard the screams of thousands people surrounded by fire.

"I know who that is but god damn it, both fronts," I hold out my arm which Freedom lands on. I look around and pull a lever which seems to have no effect until I see Jacob's head cresting over the stairwell.

-Thanks for opening the door, but we got company- he said while holding up a halberd he stole from the armored statue he replaced.

"Got them on both fronts," I say while pointing out the window.

-Shit- Jacob cursed, -Divide and conquer?- he said while sticking his hand out for a fist bump.

"I got a better plan," I say while fist bumping him and reaching into my pack. I pull out an attachment for my gun as many heads leap out from the stairwell.

-Shit, they're here- Jacob yells while swinging down with his halberd on the nearest guy who swirly dodges and throws three knives into Jacob's chest.

"I'm on it I say while," I say while attaching the syringe like attachment onto the tip of my gun.

I quickly stick it into the side of Freedom as he winces and hops onto the ground and quickly grows in size.

As I watch him grow, nine crows fly into the room through the open window and quickly shift into assassins clad in black.

As I watch them take out their wands I point and yell, "Get them Freedom!" The now hulking bird the size of bear charges at them. His wings now changed into legs with large claws reach out and rake across the closest assassin to him.

The assassin yells in pain and tries to cast a spell as a beak quickly removes his head from the rest of him. His body falls limp as his comrades look at the now deemed Freedom charges at them. They dodge to the side and cast spells throwing a multitude of objects at the beast. As they slam into Freedom's side he lets out a mixture between a roar and screech then lunges at the next assassin with his front legs outstretched like a hug.

Though the hug quickly ends as Freedom bats the assassin into bookshelf and stomping on his head until it looks like a smashed grape. As Freedom fights the nine assassins, 15 assassins are caught in a volley of changing spells and armor wielding a halberd.

The assassins throw knives into the gaps of the armored man to find that they pass right through him.

The armor lets out a maniacal laugh as he cuts down his third assassin.

-Did you really think that would work, I AM INVINCIBLE- he yells then charges an assassin who is trying to take out his wand.

As he is about to reach a group of four assassins leap to him, tough before they can reach with their swords a large bolt of lightning arc across them. They quickly fall down to the ground twitching.

"Watch your back," I yell as I stood a blast of flames at a group of three assassins readying a spell. They try and dodge but I turn two of them into charred remains of what they once were.

With only six more assassins remaining on our side, as Jacob quickly finish's the guys knocked out by my lightning. I turn and face Freedom, though he seems to be having some trouble the large smile? seems to indicate he's fine as he bits the head off the second to last assassin. The last one tries to run towards the window to escape, Freedom tackles him and breaks through the glass toppling him and the fleeing assassin out the window.

I quickly rush to the window to see Freedom eating the now dead assassin as he quickly plummets to the ground. I quickly start pulling the trigger of my gun waiting for a helpful spell to be casted. As he about 50 meters from the ground I quickly changed him back into his eagle form and he spread eagle taking off into the sky looping back to us.

As I turn around to restart fighting the assassins, I see Jacob lifted and struggling in the air as the remaining four assassins have him held in their spell.

"Kill yourself muggle," he said with emphasis on the last word.

"I'm not gonna kill my self, Jacob you alright?" As I looked at him I knew that something wasn't right, the blue and black flames that connected his armor was flaring and heating the entire room. The assassins holding him were closer to me than he was, so I could quickly kill them but as I stepped forward, eyes opened on the outer edge of his breast plate. A large mouth split the center of the breast plate layers of crooked teeth, like a shark, lined the outer ring of the mouth.

A purple spiked younger shot out and speared through an assassin standing closer than the rest. The tongue pulled him head first into the open mouth swallowing while as his screams echoed around the room. The other assassins quickly realizing their mistake turn and run from the armored demon.

Before they could reach my position three tongues shot out of the maw spearing into the fleeing mens' bodies. They all screamed in pain as the were pulled into the now larger mouth. It expanded like a snake making enough room for all three of the bodies to fit simultaneously.

The armored demon started wandering around the room grabbing the deceased bodies of the attackers, shoving them into the mouth. When there was no one dead left he hobbled over to me.

"Hey there bud, you alright," I said while slowly backing up. The eyes all looked at me as a hand reached down and patted my head. The tongue reached down and caressed my cheek before receding back in the jaws of the beast.

Then everything shut, the many eyes and mouth shut along side the flames dying down, until it was as Jacob was before.

"Hey you alright?" I said while kicking his helm.

-ahh, I've got a headache shut up- he said while sitting up holding onto his head.

"You don't even have a head dude, anyways what the fuck was that dude?"

-What was what?-

"You became like some eldritch beast and are everyone, shit was crazy."

-I don't remember anything after I blacked out in that weird spell they cast-

"Don't matter, we can talk about it later, why were they after us anyways? We could've questioned one of them, but a certain someone ate them all, sooooo now what."

-Let's meet up at the spot Harry told us about and talk with them. Maybe they know something-

"Alright, let's just get out of here"

We descended the stair case and headed towards a supposedly secret spot where we can talk.