
Do You Know Me?

this is based on @Harrish6 Healing What Has Been Broken. The twist is that Error never fell into the void. Yes, I'm aware somebody already has done this but this is my own twist.

Lunar_Dreamcatcher · Book&Literature
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32 Chs

Chapter Four: Bitties

Blue's POV:

We talked for awhile, joking and teasing each other. It's great! The original council doesn't act like this. The council acts like a gang. These guys act like family! Stars, even Stretch doesn't act like a brother to me.

"So Blue~? What was the last meeting about at the original council?" Cross teased.

"You dummy!" I hissed, whacking his head. "You know I don't tell you guys about those meetings like I don't tell them about yours!"

"Ack! I'm sorry Blue I was just teasing you." Cross laughed. I pouted for a minute then joined in.

"Stars! I forgot I planned on visiting the bitties today!" Error exclaimed after his phone went off.

"Oh! Can we join you, mom?" Horror asked, jumping up and down.

"Sure!" Error replied, grabbing a bag from his 'home'. He opened a portal and we all ended up in BittyTale. Strange, when I looked back I thought I saw a window open. Oh well.

"Hello Cry!" Error greeted the owner of the shop.

"Greetings everyone. You all know where the bitties are." Mama Cry responded.

"Thank you Cry for letting us visit them!" I chirped.

"It's no problem Blue. The bitties love you guys." Cry giggled.

We all headed to the playpen area. We sat down as bitties covered us.

"Hello!" A bitty me nicknamed Blue Rose greeted as he climbed onto me.

"Hello, again Blue Rose!" I greeted. I glanced over to the others and saw the gang -Minus Error And Night- helping the bitties cover Nighty in the. And those who weren't covering Night were getting new clothes from Error.

We played with the bitties for awhile until we left back to OuterTale, making sure to say bye to Cry.