

[Mature Content] Raina had been betrothed to the best friend of her older brother when she was barely a woman and he was a grown man. Since day one, She was aware that she was just a business transaction to merge the two criminal syndicates through marriage. she could be abandoned or used for the greater good afterall this was the fate of a woman in a world ruled by men. She wasn't oblivious and knew that her husband was no knight in shining armor but a monster In her bed yet, she couldn't help slowly fall prey to his twisted humour and deranged obsession. Would she able to conquer his cold heart or the darkness with in him would consume them both?

vdhhvhhbj · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Iiving Horror

Mama my hand hurts!" A little girl no more than seven pleaded as she wrestled against her mother's iron grip on her wrist but the woman was unfazed by her cries. it was as if the more she heard her meek, scared voice, the more furious it made her and she will jerk the girl who will lose her footing and will be dragged mercilessly until her knees were torn and bleeding.

when they reached the backyard of the boarding school where the little girl had lived for years, her mother stopped walking and jerked her head towards the weeping girl with undisguised loathing and hatred. the look reminded the girl of times when her mother was really upset with her and would hit her with the scary baseball bat. on cue, her leg stung from the partially healed wound. her heart stopped in fear and she started cowering for what was to come. her mother raised her head and she shut her eyes tightly, waiting for the slap. but it never came. instead, she felt her mother rubbing a head in a soothing manner.

the girl was young and naive as she peeked at her mother. her cheeks wet and puffy.

"Now, now. you don't need to be so sad and upset. I carried a little thing like you for months and look! those stretch marks are so disgusting just like you. now it's time you prove your worth as gratitude to me for letting you live your pathetic existence! I am going to remove those ugly scars through surgery and for that I need money." her mother was beautiful but at the moment she resembled the witch she read about in the children's book as she chuckled maniacally and the girl started hiccuping from fright. she didn't understand much of what her mother was saying but it was making her little heart squeeze.

her mother placed a hand in the back of her neck and started shoving her towards a group of men who seemed to be waiting for them beside two black cars.

"there was no need to scare the girl like that now." A man wearing a long woollen coat stepped forward and smirked. the wind brushed against him but not a single hair moved from his immaculately set head. he stared at the girl through the black aviators sitting over the bridge of his nose and clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"we won't need to work much on your girl. the scared ones are the easier to break and then it doesn't takes them long for them to submit and fall in line."

"you said you are going to pay. where the money?" her mother demanded anxiously. not once looking at her daughters way who had her head hung between her shoulders as she weeped continuously.

"Patience my dear."the man grinned as he flicked his worst. another man dressed in black suit stepped forward with a silver briefcase and clicked it open.

the woman hummed in satisfaction as her greedy eyes licked the bundles of crisped notes and gold bars. the man hands over the briefcase and clutches it to her chest as she turns around, ready to leave now that she got what she wanted.

"stop right there." the man called after her and she halted in her tracks.

"Are you sure? you're giving away your only child and let me remind you one thing. you will not ever get to see her again as if your daughter never existed. she will belong to us. will be one of us and will breathe for us. we will take her away for never to return."

hearing the last part, the girl jumped in panic as the meaning of the words registered.

they were going to take her away!

she ran to her mother and clutched her legs. not wanting to part from the only mother she knew despite how mad she will get sometimes. her young heart was forgiving since it wasn't capable of hate and resentment and she only longed for her mother's love.

"Mamaa! p-please...dont leave me! I Promise...I will listen to you." the girl begged and weeped inconsolably but the woman only grimaced in annoyance as she kicked her daughter away not so gently and turned to the man.

"answering your question. I can't wait to get rid of this this damned burden." with this she walked away without a backward glance.

the girl attempted to go after her mother but was forcefully held back a man grabbed her by the upper arm.

the man with glasses stared after the woman who was humming a happy tune as she skipped away with an eerie smile.

"what a cold bitch." he muttered.

the man turned to the girl who had surprisingly stopped crying and looked at him with swollen eyes.

"poor thing. don't worry, I will turn you into a living horror and then you can kill your mama one day."

Raina blinked back to consciousness and sucked in a huge gulp of air. her forehead was sweaty and her limbs were shaking as she remembered that day twenty two years ago. she couldn't understand why she couldn't come to wipe that day from her memory for ever. that day changed the course of her life forever and always made her wonder what she would have been if it never happened. what type of life she would have lived.


that man proved his words though. she did turn into a living horror.

feeling a presence beside her, Raina turned side ways only to be locked with a pair of green eyes staring right back at her.

"you are awake." he stated the obvious in a daze.

Raina frowned, a little taken aback by the presence of Luca who looked as it he didn't sleep for days. she went to get up from the bed only to be gently pushed back by him.

how annoying. she thought.

"I have to go." she deadpanned as she stared ahead.

"you need to rest."

"no I-"

"why did you do that?" Luca sank on the mattress and cocked his head at her. his visage impenetrable.

"why take the bullet for me? why would you put yourself in danger like that? why?"

hearing that, Raina curled her fists. she didn't want to answer him when she didn't even know it herself why she did what she did.

"don't flatter yourself. I did try to save you for the sake of Emily but I never wanted to get injured in the process." she scoffed.


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