
Do I know him?

Charlotte's family is a big mess. And so is her life. Life had been giving her a really hard time. Her father and mother were always in bad terms. At last, they decided to divorce. She and her mother found it really difficult to deal with all the financial problems. And not soon after the divorce, her mother passes away due to chronic stress. Charlotte's uncle (or rather, rich uncle) starts to take care of her and brings her along with him. She tries her best to forget about it and joins the city's best school, where she starts to study with all her heart. Charlotte Williams is a pure vampire. Unlike her parents, she is really warm-hearted. A kind, beautiful girl who has mastered the art of lying since a really tender age. Thanks to her socializing skills, she fits almost perfectly in her new school and finds herself with some good friends. Everything goes well until she crosses her way with Tyler Anderson, Eastwood High's most popular and richest bad boy. He starts bullying her and stalking her from the first day itself. Why does she feel like she has seen him before? Will she ever recognize him? Will his heart melt when he sees her this unexpectedly? This isn't a love story. This is how a dead love story becomes comes back to life.

ZaraHayat15 · Teen
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A Fresh Start

Life is hell.

I knew it that dad was cheating on mom. And my mom was cheating on dad. Weird, right? Well, that is my family. Or you can say, was my family. Growing up with such parents is like living in hell. When they had a really bad fight, I had to stay at my friends house for a week. I never loved dad, but I surely did love mom. She was the best supporter and friend. No matter how angry she was, she never used be angry with me. Her sudden death hit me hard. But somehow, I feel happy that finally she has found peace. Uncle slighty placed his hand on my shoulder and said," Let's leave." A tear trickled down my face as I stood up and slowly started walking towards uncle's car. Life surely is unfair.

We landed at the city's International Airport after an three hours. We picked up our luggage and headed out from the airport to the taxi. I took a seat beside Cherry, my uncle's cat. We drove to uncle's house, which is a 30 minute drive from the airport. I couldn't help but think about mom. I was lost so deeply in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that we had reached home. My new home from now. I slowly picked Cherry in my arms and started walking towards the door. It felt as if it had been years since I last came here. My parents never took me out because they were busy fighting. I have always been hanging out with my friends. Let's just forget about the past and move on in life. As soon as I entered the house, Aunt came towards me and hugged me tightly." Oh, Charlotte! You've grown into such a beautiful girl." She greeted me into the house and served me some snacks. She talked to me and asked me about my health and my studies. I answered her every single question politely. She went into her room as she had some important things to do. I stared at the expensive paintings which covered the wall, with hardly any space between them. The chandelier hung beautifully from the ceiling. After eating, uncle called me and said," Charlie, come. I will take you to your room." I nodded my head. This is the first time someone from my family has called me 'Charlie'. I hurried up behind him to the second floor. We had been walking for a while when we stopped in front of a huge empty room." This is your new room, Charlie. Hope you like it." He said with a smile on his face. I gave an equally bright smile as I walked in. The room was really huge and had an enormous walk in closet. My previous room was really small and it barely had any space for anything other than the bed.

I unpacked my luggage and started organizing them in my room. The fresh, cool air with the faint scent of rain made me feel really fresh. After two hours of hard work, I took a nice, warm shower and headed downstairs to have lunch." So, how are you doing?" Fiona asked, staring at her phone screen." Doing good. What about you?" I asked her. This is the most awkward cousin conversation ever. She sighed as she slowly nodded her head. I'm really bad when it comes to talking with relatives. I munched down the last piece of chicken and headed to the kitchen. Aunt handed me a packet of oreos and patted me on my head. I never get to have snacks everyday. Fiona is really lucky to have such a loving family. I happily tore the packet and started eating as I slowly ascended the stairs." Charlotte! Can you please come here?" Aunt shouted." Sure." I answered calmly. I kept my oreos outside and walked into their room." Come here, please." Aunt said, softly. I walked towards her with small steps." We have found a school in you will study. Eastwood High, the city's best school. It's okay, you don't have to hurry. You can tell us when you're ready." She looked at me." Sure." I happily said. I had heard about the school a lot in my last school. I had always dreamed of having a simple high school life. Getting good grades, cool friends and having unlimited fun. It was a dream come true. Suddenly, her phone rang and she gestured me to go and close the door. I left the room, closed the door, picked up my oreos and headed back to my room.

I was just so excited that I couldn't even think about anything else. I stared at the ceiling of my room with thousands of thoughts running through my mind.

It was the first time I felt so quiet and so happy. I just wish everything goes well from now on. I picked up my phone and searched for my school online, just to know more about it. The school seemed to be really good. After a few minutes of scrolling through random sites, I kept my phone back and thought of taking a small break from what had happened today.

The day went really well. After dinner, I went to Aunt and said her that I was ready to join my new school. She looked really happy when I said her that. I smiled at her and left the room. I could only think of one sentence at the moment. This is my fresh start.