
Do I Have To Be The Villain?

'Do I Have To be The Villain?' Lei, now Zhao Laohu, couldn't help but ask himself that question on numerous occasions. Cultivation and the pursuit of Martial Arts are the only ways of getting stronger in the World he was Reincarnated in. After taking over the Young Master's body, a new life begins, completely different from the previous one. Fortunately for him, the System given to him by the Goddess allows him to grow stronger and purchase powerful techniques by expending Villain Points gained by performing evil acts. Unfortunately for him, the System shackles his growth when it comes to the traditional ways of Cultivation and training. 'Enemies are coming for me because of what this Zhao Laohu did in the past. I need to grow stronger to survive but... To do this, I must rely on the System and commit evil... Which will, in turn, give birth to more enemies aiming for my neck.' Indeed, a conundrum. And that's without even counting the Hero destined to end the Villain's life. 'Tsk. Once again, I can't help but ask myself...' Do I Have To Be The Villain? Watch a master manipulator, actor, and liar do everything in his power and use everything he can as tools, whether foes or allies, for the sake of his goal.

Adam_K47xx · Fantasy
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83 Chs

A True Martial Artist?

"What... What do you think you're doing?" An enraged Martial Artist asked, his face covered by bulging veins.

He was clothed with a colorful robe of red, yellow, and orange that stood out even in the darkness of the night.

"Taking a piss. Drank too much, you see? Haha." The seemingly drunk man clothed in black answered.

"That's... That's not what I'm asking, you little shit."


"Why are you taking a piss..." It took everything from the Martial Artist not to attack right there and then. "On our Sect's walls? On the Flamboyant Vermillion Tiger Sect's walls??"

"Oh... Is it?" The man looked around stupidly. "I couldn't tell. Since it's night and all. Sorry."

"Then fucking stop." The Martial Artist ordered.

"Ha? I can't, since I already started. Sorry. Toootally wouldn't have if I had seen you."

Behind the bulkier and taller Martial Artist stood two others. They exchanged looks, and their fear was obvious. Their fear of what the most talented of the newest Disciples would do.

"Then it's a good thing we were here. Time to teach you a lesson, dispshit." The Martial Artist banged his fists together. "Now fucking stop so I can break your face in."

"Yep, just a sec. Should be soon. I was partying in the red lights district, you see?"

'How long is this guy going to pee??' One of the Disciples standing behind thought to himself.

"Don't talk to me about those fags."

"Huh? Aren't they flamboyant though? I thought they embodied your Sect's spirit pretty well."

"Oh, fuck this. You're dead!" The Martial Artist shouted as he reached for the man's shoulder.

But as the man's shoulder was pulled,

"Ah! Sorry, haha..."

'Did he just...?'

'He's chuckling after...'

'After peeing on Ru's leg??'

"Alright well, umm... Sorry about all that and uh..." The man pulled his pants up. "Have a nice night, esteemed Martial Artists? Yeah. Bubye."

Just like that, he started walking away.

'Just like that...?'

'Ru must be absolutely fuming... I wonder if-'

"Dipshits." The Martial Artist called out, his hands twitching. "We've joined the Sect, so it's fine if I kill him, right?"

"Since he insulted the Sect, dirtied the Sect's honor..."

"As well as yours then..."

"YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD MEAT!!" Ru shouted as he started running towards the man clothed in black.

As the latter noticed the Martial Artist, he started running too!

'Let's find an empty alley!' The disguised Young Master thought with a smile. 'This one is different from those three jerkoffs or Ui Feng. Let's see how strong Disciples actually are!'

Less than a minute of running later, the Young Master turned around.

"You're no average guy."

"I guess." The Young Master shrugged.

"A Solo Practioner picking a fight with the Flamboyant Vermillion Tiger Sect... You have a death wish, huh?"

"Oh, I wouldn't go that far." The Young Master scratched his head as he chuckled. "Solo Practioner... So you don't recognize this robe?"

"Why would I? Enough talking. Time to smash your skull in."

'So the Assassins being sent isn't a known fact in their Sect...'



"I'm asking for your name, dipshit."

"Is that supposed to be an honor thing? Noted. But nah, fuck that."

"Suits me just fine!" The Martial Artist shouted as he leaped forward.

'He's fast...' The Young Master dodged, but just when his fist was about to hit the Martial Artist's exposed side,

"Jumping back? What are you, scared?"

"That's Qi, isn't it?"

The instant his hit was about to land, the reddish aura had started oozing out of the Martial Artist's side.

"That's right. I suppose a random wannabe wouldn't know much about it."

"Will you tell me?"

"Fuck off!" Ru answered with the largest smile as he leaped towards the enemy once again.

'If I'm right about how it works then...'

The exchange went the same way, except that this time, the Young Master's fist connected.

'Huh? I felt a sting. This guy...'

'A defensive barrier of sorts...' The Young Master thought, his eyes filled with curiosity and interest. 'My fist could pass through it, but it absorbed a lot of the velocity.'

Lei was determined to take in as much from this experience as possible.

As the Young Master of the Sect, he couldn't ask Instructors or Disciples for such elementary knowledge. The best course of action, he thought, was learning from outsiders. From those who do not know Zhao Laohu. From those he could afford to look ignorant in front of.

"Bronze Physique... I am a Martial Artist who has ascended to the Second Tier of the Mortal Realm. The fact that I felt a sting just now despite you not using Qi..."

'So they don't keep that type of information hidden?'

"A Silver Physique Martial Artist, am I right?"

"You are." Lei answered with a chuckle.

"The type to only train their Physique and not their Qi, huh? I'll show the difference between someone who follows a Sect's-"

"Just come for me already."

The Young Master yawned, and the Martial Artist did as he was told!

'To be safe, I'll assume that he can use Qi offensively too. I'll act as if going for his side again, but aim for his chin at the last moment-'

The reddish light of the Martial Artist's Qi shone in the darkness of the empty alley. Lei had just enough time to activate his Clairvoyant Tiger's Eyes Technique.

'Fuck...!' He cursed, barely able to dodge the punch.

"Not bad, wannabe Martial Artist." Ru smirked, preparing to attack again.

Just like in the previous leap, the aura covered his feet.

Wind Tiger's Footwork!

The Technique burned through his Endurance, but it was necessary.

Thanks to it, their speed was the same. The Young Master's left foot drew a half circle, and his fist connected with the Martial Artist's chin.

Ru spat blood, and before his enemy could move,


A fist covered in Qi connected with the Young Master's stomach!

His back hit the wall with great strength, cracking that wall.

A drop of blood went down his mouth.

The attack was powerful. Too powerful!

"Looks like it's time you learned..." Ru cracked his neck. "What a true Martial Artist is."