
Do Actions Speaks Louder Than Words?

kennethlevas · Teen
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3 Chs

Sairento-Kun (Silent)

Hi, I'm Emiko-chan but just call me Emi-chan.

I live in Tokyo and go to a famous highschool with my BFF Fumiko, but I just call her Miko-chan. we're in second year highschool and I study alot and focus on my future.

One day on first period Mr. Hatchiro announced the class about a new student

studying with us, Miko-chan asked Mr. Hachiro "Why would there be a student enrolling in our school in the middle of the semester".

Mr. Hatchiro replied "he got kicked out of his

old school because they got tired of him not

communicating with anyone".

The new student walked in the classroom...

he had black hair and hairstyle like that guy with the white hair in Tokyo Ghoul,

and he wore a mask and black T-shirt with a gray cat face shaped design, He had blue dead eyes and kind of "Ok" face.

while observing him I could hear girls in the back row whispering "He's so cute, I wish He's single..." I wanted to barf so hard that would make my stomach go inside out, while boys in front of me whispering "meh, he's Ok maybe he would like to join our group". And my own BFF Miko-chan told me "hey he looks like he likes cats like you girl". I just replied "yeah sure".

Mr. Hachiro said "would you like to introduce yourself to everyone." The new student just stared at us and maybe observing the class.

He finally moved to raised both hands to the level of his chest and expanded them. We didn't know what he's trying to say even Mr. Hachiro didn't know but Mr. Hachiro remembered about the new student's dad saying he doesn't talk, but he's not mute he just really doesn't talk.

He told that to the whole class and we all agreed to just call him "Sairento" which means Silent. "Do you agree with that boy?"

Mr. Hachiro asked. The new student nodded his head and we thought he liked it. "Alright Sairento, your seat is in front of her". Mr. Hachiro said while pointing at me...

I just sat the whole period and ignored him, or maybe he's ignoring me? I don't know, but we were just quiet.

Last night I watched a scary ghost movie so I couldn't sleep well, I just slightly put my head on my desk and dropped my cat pen.

Sairento grabbed it and tapped it on my head,

I woke up and glanced at his eyes... they were

calm and peaceful like a waveless ocean, it's like hard to look away. I snapped out of it and apologized "oh sorry, I must've dropped that. Hey nice eyes..." I then realized what I just said and ran to the bathroom embarrassed, forgetting to get my pen.

I thought this chapter would be great for a twisted love story...

kennethlevascreators' thoughts