
Date with Shizuka: Part 3

Desmon's gaze wandered around, finally landing on something that caught his eye in the distance.

"Let's play a round of ping pong."

"I give up." She raised both hands, and if she could, she'd wave a white flag.

Desmon scored an instant win just by suggesting the game.

"You're not even going to try?"

"I value my life too much to play against you." She shook her head quickly.

The memory of the safety net nearly snapping from the force of Desmon's swing still lingered, so playing ping pong with him was out of the question.

"And here I was planning to go easy on you..."

"Your face says otherwise."

Since Shizuka had started bragging, Desmon's expression was anything but cheerful.

-Games involving strength are banned, so skill-based games it is.

It might be considered cheating to pick games where Desmon has little chance of winning, but Shizuka wanted to show him there were things he couldn't do, as he was always overly confident, assuming he could win any challenge.

However, after hearing about what happened the night before, Shizuka realized Desmon had truly been close to death, only surviving by sheer luck.

So, if he were ever to face a powerful demon he couldn't defeat, he'd rather fight to the end than try to escape; a choice Shizuka would never allow if she had a say.

"Then let's compete in that."

Desmon pointed to the retro fighting games where two players could go head-to-head.

"You can't even win at home, and now you want to try here too?" She replied with a smirk.

In her apartment, Shizuka had a console with various games, so Desmon would occasionally play with her, mostly racing or fighting games. As expected, Shizuka always came out on top.

"There's a first time for everything."

"Have you even practiced since last time?"

"Am I sensing fear? Grandma." His tone was designed to get under Shizuka's skin, and it worked; she clenched her fist as a vein pulsed on her forehead.

"Alright, brat, let's go. I'm going to beat you to a pulp!" Shizuka said, her voice dripping with competitiveness.

-I'll show him just how scary I can be!

Shizuka inserted the tokens, and after choosing their fighters, they started.

They played three rounds, as they ended up tying, but in the final round, Shizuka's gaming prowess shone through. She perfectly parried Desmon's full combo, finishing him off with her special move.

"Is it even possible to react that fast in a game?"

"Don't be a sore loser, Desmon." She flashed a huge smile.

-I don't even know how I pulled off that move... Shizuka herself was surprised at the flawless timing.

"How about we switch games? How about bowling this time?"

Noticing Desmon looked a bit down, she chose the next game to give him a chance to shine.

"I've heard of that. You're supposed to knock things down with a ball, right?"

"It's something like that..."

Shizuka explained the basics while they walked, leaving the arcade and heading down a floor to the bowling alley that took up the entire level.

"Want something to eat?"

It was already noon, and after hours of activity, being hungry was to be expected.

"If you're paying, I won't complain." He replied with a grin.

"Who else would pay if not me?"

"I'm broke... not my fault."

"I've heard that more times than I can count."

Since she was the one who invited him, she took out her wallet and paid for their game time, along with ordering some food.

"Don't forget to put on the shoes."

"What a hassle..."

Once they had their bowling shoes on, they headed to the resting area and started choosing the balls they'd use.

"Just curious… can you lift that one easily?"

Shizuka pointed to the heaviest ball, typically used by experienced players who needed a lot of strength.

"Piece of cake." He said smugly.

Desmon picked up the ball with ease and even started spinning it on his finger like a basketball.

"You don't have to show off, but... it's a bit unreal to watch."

"You've seen crazier things, and this surprises you?"

The day they met, Shizuka nearly got killed multiple times, encountered a demonic dog, and then drove through Chiba with a demon chasing them.

"Just because I've seen weird things doesn't mean I think they're normal."

"Is this really that weird?"

"It is!"

"Excuse me, here's your food..."

A staff member brought their order, only to find Desmon casually spinning the heavy bowling ball with ease.

"I was starving." Desmon put the ball back to eat comfortably.

Shizuka watched him with interest before she started eating too.

Later on, that same staff member would attempt to replicate Desmon's trick, only to end up with a sore finger.

"They should put up a sign that says 'humans only'''

"Don't be a sore loser, Shizuka." Desmon teased as they left the arcade, laughing.

After lunch and once they got started, the score between them was close, until Desmon started hitting strike after strike.

He managed to adapt his throws perfectly, holding back just enough to avoid punching through the walls, and ended up achieving a perfect score.

"I'm not a sore loser; I'm just saying it's a bit unfair…" She yawned as she said this.


"Not really… well, maybe a little." She stretched lightly as she walked.

After hours of moving around, any regular person would feel tired, with Desmon as the exception.

"It's getting late, and I still have to go all the way to Tokyo. Let's head back to the hotel."

"I guess you're right."

Shizuka had already had plenty of fun, even more so because Desmon's company had made her day more enjoyable.

Once they were out of the public eye, Desmon summoned Kurox.

"Hey, I told you to…"

"You told me to act like a normal student to accompany you, but technically we're already on our way back." His tone was serious, like a lawyer defending his case.

"Unbelievable that you'd go to such lengths to find loopholes..."

"Thanks for the compliment. Plus, you're tired, and letting you drive would be dangerous for me."

"Since when would a simple car accident be dangerous for you?"

"You know, I'm just an ordinary, everyday student, hehe!" Desmon playfully tapped his head, sticking his tongue out.

-This guy is just too much...

"Come on, hop on. I don't have all day."

Desmon got on Kurox, waiting for Shizuka.

"By the way, what about the motorcycle you borrowed?"

"If the police here are doing their job, it won't be long before they find it and tow it away, so there's no problem."

"I can't tell if you're respecting the police or just mocking them..."

"Maybe a bit of both?"

With Desmon answering her questions, Shizuka had no choice but to climb onto Kurox.

"Shizuka, watch where you put your hands, or I'll have to toss you off along the way." He said with a teasing tone.

"Unlike you, I doubt I'd come out of that unscathed!"

Ignoring her complaint, Desmon started driving.

-Didn't expect today to be this strange and fun... Shizuka thought as she felt incredibly comfortable.

Unlike any other vehicle, riding Kurox smoothed out the road's roughness, making the trip peaceful and relaxing.

Shizuka's arms wrapped around Desmon's waist as her head rested on his back.

"Should I thank you for the cozy feeling?" He asked with a cheerful tone, noticing two soft things against his back.

But Desmon didn't get the response he was hoping for from Shizuka.

"Hey, Shizuka, did you hear me? I feel like an idiot if you don't answer."

Still, there was no response, only the sound of her steady breathing.

-You should be more honest...

She had fallen asleep, and though Desmon couldn't see it, Shizuka had a peaceful, happy expression.

"I guess I can take the long way."

Desmon made sure Kurox kept a steady speed so Shizuka could rest until they reached the hotel.


In a certain simple, old apartment complex, two girls could be seen inside.

Friends? Or maybe sisters?

Whatever the answer, it didn't fit the situation.

One of them was gripping the other tightly by the neck.

The victim struggled to break free, but the hold was too strong.

Slowly, panic and fear began to take over as she struggled to breathe.

In the desperate eyes of the poor girl, a single word reflected.


She wanted to scream, call for help, or beg her sister to stop, but she couldn't.

Her struggles weakened, and tears started streaming down her face.

She felt her mind clouding, unable to think or do anything to stop it.

Yet, in the last moments of her life, the image of someone special appeared in her mind.


Thanks for the review; it motivates me to release chapters faster.

KevDest11creators' thoughts