

Tracy Alfred, who was a graduate without a job to care for herself and family. She was a central of every day topic in her home because of lack of job, her father wasn't helping the matter as what he does is drink himself to stupor and her mother who is tired of clothing her force her into looking for a job. Her life change from pauper to billionaire wife, when she meet with the young billionaire, Martin Cornelius.

Aramhidey · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs



The airport was in air quality as the people were moving around

Welcome to Japan was written  

Martin just landed few minutes ago looking all stunning in his lounge suit and black shiny shoe.his face looking cold with less emotions

His guard carry his luggage behind him

"Welcome young master"sunny,the driver his dad sent to pick him bow respective

Martin simply nodded his head. 

"OMG!! Isn't that Martin Cornelius?" 

"He looks more handsome than how he looked in the pictures!"

"Wait, can I get his autograph?"

"WOW! He really is back!"


 The people kept screaming non stop and it got a bit annoying but he ignored them. 

"How does it feel coming to your family after seven years "..The press started throwing questions at him. 

"Are you staying for long?" 

"What's the reason for you to come home after this year?"

"Why did you suddenly leave for Japan without giving any notice back then?"

The press bombarded him with numerous questions

"Boss, let's go home" Sunny, his bodyguard, said and opened the car door for him as the two other guards carried his luggage to the car boot. 

He enter the  backseat, sunny start the car immediately

"Home, sweet home, I have missed you!" Martin sighed. 

"Young master, Japan has changed a lot!" he said, looking at him for the side mirror

"Yeah I see, it looks new to me, have miss Japan so much." He said, resting his head on the headrest

"Why don't you come home so...

"Concentrate on the road and stop talking"

"Sorry boss." Sunny said concentrating on the road.

"I don't want to go Meet Happy Alone that why I asked you to tag along"Kimberly said, chewing gum loudly

"Fuck you,you wanna oppressed me right"Tracy chuckle.

"Go get boyfriend and let me oppress you less"she said sarcastic

"Fuck you and Happy"

"Did you heard  Cornelius  Martin is coming back today"Kimberly gushed happily

"What did I have to do with that now"Tracy sneered

"Go in touch with him and be single less"Kimberly laugh loudly

"You must be crazy bitch"Tracy join her in the laugh

"You're the bitch boss"

"Let move closer there so we can board a car"

suddenly a car drove roughly towards their direction almost knocking them down.the car come to an halt immediately

"Are you fucking blind or what,did you lost your sight all of a suddenly,who in his /her sane drive reckless like this"Tracy snarled not minding who the person is.

Martin step out of the car, with his blank expression looking so cold as always

"You are lucky my car didn't hit"Martin said plainly

"Look at the trash you are spitting out,you almost knocked us down and all you could say is we are lucky you didn't hit us"Tracy barked.

"Only a whore stood by the road, waiting for man whore"he replied, with a scrutable countenance

Tracy walked briskly to him and smacked his face immediately

Kimberly gasped shockingly

Martin cheeks itches badly immediately her hand land on his faces.

"How dare you slap me, you slut?!" Martin hotly spat out. 

"You said what? Tracy asked, shock written all over her face

"Man, that's crazy talk..

"Just let him go Tracy,we have something to do" Kimberly said

"Young master, let go" Sunny who have been watching the drama since speaks

Martin walks to the car,he turns abruptly and gives Tracy one last glance before entering the car.

Sunny stopped the car at the driveway, Martin came out of the car.

"Welcome home young master" the guard now immediately he stepped out

Martin smile shortly,he looked around the mansion and he seems everything has changed, indeed it has

He walked in majestically.

"The youngest billionaire in town". Kelvin said sarcastically.

"The latest loafer in town" Martin said in the same time

"Favorite child!" Kelvin laugh crookedly.

"Unwanted child!" Martin said brusquely.

"How dare you?!" Kelvin became angry immediately he said that,he grabbed his neck, slamming his back on the wall.

"Stop..it..bas...tard" Martin stammered as a result of the tight choke, that furious his anger, as he squeeze his neck so hard that blood escaped the corner of his lips.

"You dare call me wasted, are you under siege or something, did you lost your brain in Australia, don't you remember am still your elder brother" Kelvin roared, Martin blow his arm making him lose grip of his neck

"You should have reminded me by acting like the senior you claim you are, criminal" he spit out blood, putting more emphasis on the 'criminal'

The maid stood looking at them, but they dare not utter a word

"What's going on!" Mr Cornelius asked

"OMG! My son is back home!" Mrs Cornelius ran to hug Martin tightly

"Did you wanna kill your brother, wasted." Mrs Cornelius yelled

"Stop calling me that." Kelvin barked.

He walked to the door angrily

"Don't leave, we are going to celebrate this together as a family" Mr Cornelius said

Kelvin turn abruptly, then walk to his room

"Daddy" Martin gushed like a little boy

"My son is now grown up" Mr Cornelius smile, hugging him.

"Go in first" Mrs Cornelius said, brushing his curvy hair back with her hands

"I will be back in a sec." he leaves for his room

In Martin's room,         

The scent of strawberry met with his nostril immediately he step into the room

"Huhmmm" he hummed, perceiving the scent of strawberry

The room was reshuffle and well decorated than how he left it years ago

This is perfectly his taste, he looked around the room and the picture and art he left there was still tilted even if it looks odd

He smiles beautifully when he remembers those time he own this room but his countenance change instantly when he saw the picture he took with his family before leaving for Australia.

"This bloody bastard" he mouthed