
DJ's Marvel Academy

26 Year old Damien James hates his life, and one day he gets an anonymous text of he could leave world for Marvel's will he, find out. -------- I will try my best to upload at least twice a week. Also write in the comments if the chapters are too long. Sorry for changing the name late, but it feels better to me. *Disclaimer* I Do No Not Own Marvel or Naruto or any Third party refrences.

Rad_da_Boss · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

1 A Fresh Start

In an alley in New York, living in a Cargo Van with blacked out windows is 26 year old Damien James or DJ who hates his life. His only thrill in life is watching Marvel movies, Anime,  reading Manga, working on cars, and music. His van has four 3 and half feet long boards of his van which he uses as shelves and each shelf is full of marvel movies, anime DVDs, various CDs of Metal music, and a few manga. He currently works as a carpenter and has a douchebag boss. At this moment he is watching Ant-Man and on his phone at the same time playing a marvel game on his small 24" TV and suddenly…

{Ring ring}

Speak of the Devil his phone screen reads El Douché

He answers

DJ: This is DJ.

???: I know who it is idiot!... Anyway I'm calling to see if you completed the kitchen for the Madison estate yet?

DJ: No sir not yet, I just need to add the doors to the cabinets.

???: What that should have been done already, this is absolutely pathetic, it better get done tomorrow understand?

DJ: Yes sir..

[Hangs up]

DJ: Douche..

You see DJ has been an orphan his whole life and everywhere he went it seemed that everyone hated him, even the people at the orphanage, he never had a single friend his whole life.

{Text Alert}

DJ: Hm..

[Text] Would you leave your world for the world of Marvel?

[DJ Text]: Yes

DJ thought I guess this is for a game or something

[Text] If you could pick 5 powers and what types fighting styles would you like?

DJ: Ooh that's tough, [Texting] I'd have to say 1 has to be Byakugan from the Naruto series, 2 Naruto's Sage Mode, 3 obviously super human strength, 4 Sasuke's Chidori, and 5 Tsunade's Healing jutsu and for fighting style I just want all the Animal Styles of kung fu.

[Text] Final question would you like to be born or stay as is?

DJ didn't really think much of that question he thought it must be for like cutscene or something.

[DJ Text] Born

[Text] Very well please wait one moment.

DJ figured it was confirming his answers before sending him the game. Without warning DJ lit up like a light bulb and vanished with his phone falling to the floor...DJ is now in a white room with a desk and an old man sitting there.

???: Hello Damien it's nice to see you.

DJ: wha- where the-

The old man held up his hand.

???: Sorry can't say that word here.

DJ: I-is this

The old man nodded

DJ: Are you?

The old man nodded

DJ: Am I

???: Oh ho no my dear boy you're not dead.

DJ: Then what's going on?

???: Well you did reply to my text correct, how you would leave your world for Marvel's?

DJ: Y-yes that's right.

???: So that's where you're going.

DJ: Are you serious?

???: Of course… now be that as it may it will not be the MCU rather it will be years after Thanos and it will be when all of the hero's are grandparents, will this bother you?

DJ: No, that's fine as long as it's not like before.

???: Oh yes, far from it, I want you to know before I send you, you will not remember anything from your past life and you will not remember me or about your power choices. However they will come to you over time and by the time you are 15 you will have gained all five powers and mastered almost all of the animal styles from your parents who will be proficient in such styles of fighting. Do you accept this?

DJ: I do

???: one last thing do you want to change your name or keep it?

DJ: Keep it.

???: Very good and with that I bid you farewell.

Light envelopes DJ and he disappears.

In the Marvel world a baby had just been born, a doctor hands the baby to its mother and father.

Doctor: Molina and Jared James I present you, your son.

Molina: Jared look our child has been brought into the world.

Jared: *smiling* I'm a father.

Molina: What shall we name him?

Jared: Damien.

Molina: I like it, do you like it little Damien.

A small smile shows on the child's face

Jared: I think that's a yes.

Six years later

Sounds of punching can be heard

Jared: Come on DJ harder

DJ: Alright I got it.

They are in a gym sparing

Jared: Come on son imagine yourself as a tiger and use brute force.

DJ: I know Pops.

Jared: Then let's see it!

DJ: Hiyah!

Forming his fist in the shape of a claw. Slamming his father's arms which are blocking each punch.

Jared: Good keep it up make me lose focus, distract me.

While fighting

DJ: Oh hey mom!

Jared: Huh *turns his head*

DJ gets him in the chest.

Jared: *coughs* good one son I think you are indeed learning very quickly.

DJ: I am learning from the best.

Jared blushes and scratches the back of his head

DJ: Pops I want to learn more styles.

Jared: Not yet Tiger and Snake are good for your age.

DJ: But I feel ready.

Molina hangs down from nowhere

Molina: Not yet dear.

DJ: Ahhh, stop doing that mom.

Molina jumps down.

Molina: Aw, did I scare my little baby waby.

Molina hugs DJ tight.

DJ: Okay, okay mom, please stop you're squeezing the air out of me.

Molina: Oh, my little boy is too big for hugs know is that it?

DJ: Yes.

Molina: Humph, anyway I agree with your father you are to young for more animal styles.

DJ: But-

Molina: Ah, no buts.

DJ: Okay


Molina: Alright my turn on the mat lets go.

DJ: Okay.

(2 years Later)

DJ now being eight has improved tremendously with his fighting skills so much that his parent began teaching him Mantis and Crane Style.

He is training with both his parents now.

Jared: No, sweep under then kick up this way even if they dodge they still get hurt.

DJ: Got it

Molina: Don't get distracted

Molina threw a punch at him, but DJ grabbed her fist.

DJ: Who said I was?

Molina: That's my boy.

Jared: Now son focus and take the Crane stance and strike as hard as possible.

DJ: Right.

He did as his father told him and began striking. While attacking his eyes began pulsating and suddenly turned white with a hint of purple his pupil disappeared. His parents saw this.

Jared: Son your eyes!

DJ: What about them?

Molina: They turned almost white.

DJ raised an eyebrow

DJ: Yeah right nice try, you can't distract me that easy.

Jarred: No we're serious

DJ with a worried look on his.

Molina: How did this happen?

DJ: Come on quit kidding.

Molina: We aren't kidding.

DJ runs to a bathroom and looks in a mirror and sees his eyes.

DJ: Wha-what's happening to me? It doesn't hurt, and it still feels normal...well better start wearing sunglasses.

He walks out of the bathroom and to his parents.

DJ: Well what now?

Jarred: I don't know, but we will figure it out together.

Molina: Does it hurt?

DJ: No it doesn't hurt at all.

Molina: But what purpose are they for.

DJ starts to concentrate his eyes and a pulse generates. Veins bulge on the side of his head.

DJ: I see a near 360° around me.

Jarred: What do you mean near 360°

DJ: I see everything except a very small spot at dead center of my back.

Molina: How small?

DJ: The size of a quarter.

Jared: Okay will it help you with fighting though.

DJ: Let's find out.

DJ takes a fighting stance.

Both his parents rush him throwing flurries of punches and DJ blocks everyone of them as if they were moving in slow motion, using two fingers he hits two nerve endings in the shoulder of his father and that arm goes limp.

Jared: That's impressive, very useful for who we are.

And who are they exactly….Ninjas, Molina and Jarred are actually Japanese but changed it to pretend to be Japanese-American

Molina: Indeed very good for rendering your opponent useless, let's see what else it can do..

They continue sparring.

(3 years later)

After perfecting the "Byakugan" which DJ calls it he came into two new powers the Chidori, it's lightning that covers his hand. As well as an incredible healing factor which you can physically see as a green aura and he can use it to heal others as well he found that out after using Chidori on his father.

Jared: Alright son focus everything and come at me.

DJ: You got it Pops.

He concentrates eyes they become the byakugan and rushes his father throwing punches which his dad blocks, but can't evade. Then DJ backs off and lowers his left hand and it generates lightning.

DJ: You sure about this Pops You could hurt yourself?

Jared: Remember Son never show emotion on the battlefield.

DJ: Right, no mercy.

He put his head down and slowly brought it up his eyes scream no mercy.

Jared: 'I've always wanted to fight someone stronger than me, I just can't believe it's my own son, I'm so proud of him as well.'

DJ appears right in front of his father, and tried striking him in the shoulder, but his father ducked to which DJ responded by kneeing Jared in the face. Jared slides backwards holding his nose.

DJ: You good Pops?

Jared: Oh yeah, come over here help me with this.

DJ runs to his father. Once there he looks at the nose which is broken he closes his eyes concentrates and his hand glows green DJ then cups his father's nose leaves it for two seconds then removes his hand and Jared's nose is completely healed. Molina reclines from the ceiling.

Molina: What did he break this time?

DJ: His nose.

Jared: You know son this is an impressive ability you have, too be able to heal any injury is fantastic imagine the lives you could save, especially the lives of your comrades is amazing.

DJ: I guess..

Molina: Sweetie what is it?

DJ looks at them nervously.

DJ: I don't know how, but I have another new ability.

Jared: Another one… what is it?

DJ: Super Strength.

Molina: Really how do you know?

DJ: Well this morning while doing my chores you guys now, how I listen to music while I work, well I didn't realize, but when I was changing my bed covers I pulled the bed from the wall.

Now you guys are probably saying "oh so what so he can pull his bed from the wall so what?" while being bolted to the WALL yeah I didn't think so.

Molina: That's what the noise was, I actually thought it was you playing your music.

DJ: What since when does music sound like metal scraping on metal?

Jared: Have you heard your music son?

DJ: Yeah it's good.

Molina: Sure it is dear, come on time for lunch.

DJ: It is though.

They leave the gym.