
Evolution and Freetown II

<p><br/>The woman flew off to an underground bunker hidden in a forest and entered a room where six people were seated. She knelt upon entering and said, "They haven't agreed but I'll be able to convince them if you give me more time". A silence enveloped the room. "Then continue with your mission, you are dismissed", a man with more machine than human parts said. After she left, they began to discuss among themselves.<br/><br/>These people were the leaders of what used to be Asia, unlike the great families who took control of their territory, these 'rebels' allowed the people in their domain to do as they pleased and protected them as long as they paid reasonable taxes. They started as an ordinary rebel group but quickly became a force the great families could no longer ignore. When they officially became the Greater East Federation and attacked New Europea, it was when the great families first teamed up. After a fierce struggle, they settled things a bit but never really stopped competing. This was what was happening in the lands of Europe and Asia as for news about other places, only those strong enough to go to those places would know that.<br/><br/>The Federation had initially wanted to rope in Permora but after the academy rejected their offer, they decided to go for the most experienced rebels in New Europea territory, which would be Vince and Ento, and now that those two had moved to their territory it was the best time to recruit them but not all of them had the same views concerning the former rebel duo.<br/><br/>A muscular man with a scowl on his face harrumphed, "I know they are strong and have years of experience fighting the families but they are too strong a force and too unpredictable to recruit as their loyalty does not lie with us". " If they ever betray us the damage will be too astronomical to bear".<br/><br/>"That's understandable Kim but you also have to understand that they're too powerful for us to miss out on", said a slick-haired Chinese man. "They may be strong enough to be sitting here with us and we can't exactly send them away, that would destroy the image we have built up. The very image that brings us a relatively large percentage of our people".<br/><br/>"I agree in some ways with Kim and Zhu Yu", a green-haired Russian lady added. "They are too strong for us to assimilate into the Federation now and too strong for us not to rope in, why don't we make them commissioned soldiers"? " We'll give them missions to test their abilities and loyalty while paying them to keep them happy till we're sure they can be trusted. After further discussion, they decided to continue with her suggestion.<br/><br/>The next day, the federation's informant went back to try and convince Vince and Ento to join the federation. She arrived at their residence where the two men stood almost like they had been expecting her. "Vince and Ento, the federation leaders will respect your wishes to not be tied down and allow you to be freelance warriors with some affiliation to us". "You can have an easy retirement as long as you help us when necessary and even with that you will get paid whenever you help us in any mission the details can be finalized today when you meet the leaders for yourselves". "Vince smiled mischievously and said, "Then, my dear lady, take us to your leaders". As Vince and Ento walked behind her into the federation's base Ento whispered to Vince, "Take us to your leader is that the best thing you could have said"? "Ento only smiled in response as they got to a door where the informant stopped and ushered them in.<br/><br/>Upon entry, Vince and Ento were met with an oppressive aura that had completely enveloped the room and slammed into them like a tidal wave. The six leaders were sitting at a semi-circular table and they looked at the duo the same way a predator would stare down its prey. Vince got so angered and almost pulled out his hidden blade but Ento stopped him and winked, the two walked towards the leaders slowly releasing their auras and increasing them. It felt like the tidal wave had met a sturdy and nigh unshakable lighthouse which could withstand the relentless barrages of the wave. After a few moments, as if already planned both sides released their auras.<br/><br/>The muscular man named Kim laughed like an unrestrained drunk, "You truly are worthy of your reputation, please have a seat". He said pointing to two chairs. Vince and Ento sat and almost immediately Vince put their demands forward. "For years we've been fighting and killing our fellow humans at this point we want to take a break from that life of violence but since we have to be useful we are willing to compromise and hunt any monstrous beasts that threaten your territory allowing you to focus on your other endeavours and we'll do it for free, how about that"?<br/><br/>A loud silence ensued, the federation's leaders had expected a long and drawn-out verbal scuffle only to be met with such a deal. Though their demands sounded like a scam, you would have to consider that these two had the same level of strength as about three hunting squads which consisted of roughly one hundred warriors. So basically, they'd free up a hundred men to join combat teams just by recruiting these two. After ironing out the wrinkles in their deals the duo were shown around the base and introduced to some of the federation's members by the informant who introduced herself as Natali Shirazi.<br/><br/>Permora<br/><br/>Khrone wiped the sweat off his forehead he had used his lightning to keep Will's in check. Grant sat outside the house peering through the window with guilt in her eyes she had caused this whole thing by being rash and impulsive, she even had a few tears forming in her eyes. This might be the next person whose death she'd caused.<br/><br/>Connor and Aliah climbed up the hill with a bag each and an extra one in Connor's hand. They greeted Khrone who was having another talk with Grant and asked if Will had completed his training and was ready to go on a mission. Khrone answered that Will was very busy and explicitly told them to inform their masters that his disciple was undergoing an evolution.<br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/>SIDE NOTE: Having thoughts about a second story, would you guys prefer a football(soccer) story or a system one? Comment your thoughts<br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/></p>