

Few weeks after Meryl divorced her husband Tyrson, she realized she was pregnant and couldn't go back to him because of her full hatred for him thinking he is the one responsible for their child's death, Meryl left for Chicago to start a new life with her unborn child. Four years after she was given a job at a jewelry company, unknown to her that her ex husband, Tyrson's the CEO of the company, she was extremely happy about the job with the hope that she will be able to manage the house hold expenses and get to pay her daughter's school fees with the money she earns from her new job. Tyrson on the other hand lives a luxurious life, he has almost every thing he wanted except love. Meryl and Tyrson accidentally met at the company, Meryl knew he wasn't aware of his child Michelle which she kept from him for the past four years, Michelle kept on troubling Meryl that she wants to meet her father but all Meryl could do is to yell at her. Tyrson met michelle at school while he went to donate some things to their school as a philanthropist and they both grew fond of each other and never knew the bound they shared. Meryl tried so hard to keep Michelle away from him not knowing she will end up falling for him again.

Ashadieeyah · Urban
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2 Chs

The New job Meryl's POV

In a large Jewelry company, after sitting on a seat for an hour with the other applicants, holding their credentials.

My waist starts aching, a woman comes out of an office, "no 23" she called, I knew it was my turn, so I stood to indicate my presence,"come with me" she said and I followed her inside the the office.

"Have your seat" said a woman sitting in the office, probably in her late 40s, "thank you, ma'am" I said, as I sits opposite to her.

"Your name miss" she asked calmly, "Meryl Channel" I replied, "is this your first application" she questioned again.

"Yes ma'am" I responded,"are you married, single or divorced "?



I handed my husband, Tyrson a divorce paper, then he stared at the paper dazed and unable to move," this is a divorce letter, I already sign my part, sign and let me go" I pleaded in tears.

I humped my luggage out of the house, crying, then he followed me and quickly grapped my hand and jogged my elbow, making me turn facing him,"what are you doing Meryl, Joanna is my child, I'll never kill her, just allow me to explain myself" he purred, as his eyes welled with tears.

I felt pity for him, I could clearly see it in his eyes that is love for me is real, but there is nothing I can do to help with the situation, all the evidence about my daughter's death, proves him guilty.

"There is nothing to explain, Tyrson" I fired at him in tears, "you're the reason why my, Joanna is dead, I saw you with the gun" I added, he hold slackened, shocked about my words, then I pulled free.

                   **End of the Flashback**

"Miss Meryl" the interviewer called and I came back to my right senses,"divorce" I replied quickly, as tears welled in my eyes.



Tyrson's POV

I came out of my room, well dressed up for office, my jet black heir was carelessly comped to the back, I was heading to the living room when I received Manson's call.

Manson is my secretary at work and also a friend and a brother, no one  knew how he is related to me, because we act like brothers.

I walked swiftly to my phone, which I left on the couch last night and picked it up, "I'll there in a jiffy" I uttered and hung up, then I exited the mansion.

When I got to one of my car, I met my guards waiting for me, one of them opened the car for me and I entered.

Many people just wondered the type of life I am living, rich, generous and a mogul but with no girlfriend or wife.

Some people even thought maybe,I was a gay or a misogynist, but I think I understand myself better than anyone.

I drives away in my car, since I am a kind of man doesn't like the idea of having a driver, though I can have it if  I wish.


Meryl's POV

I prayed silently in my heart, waiting for an answer from the interviewer, she looked at me and could see the nervousness in me

Then she smiled and said, "congrats, you got the job" she declared and I jumped up happily.

"Finally... I just don't know what to say, thank you ma'am I promise not to disappoint you" I stated excitedly.

"It's okay, you can start tomorrow" she said and I nodded, she turned at the other lady that brought me here,"show her where she works" she stated.

"Come with me" said the lady and I followed her out of the Office.


I came out of the company and waited on the street for a taxi, while I was waiting, I saw a candy shop and then decided to get some candies for my four years old daughter Michelle.

I opened my purse and check the amount of money in there, then I walked up to the shop and a woman attended to me.

"Can I please have some candies" I requested, she then went in and she returned not long after she had left and handed me a pack of candies.

I paid her and left the shop, I returned back to the street and sighted a taxi, "taxi" I bellowed and it stopped right in my front.

I entered it and i told the driver to take me to my daughter school.


We arrived at the front of my daughter's school then I alighted from the car and paid the driver.

Many children ran out of the school to meet their parents, I stood at the school gate waiting for my daughter.

Then she came running to me shouting, "mummy..." She screamed and jumped at me giving me a bear hug,"Michelle" I called.

I really love her a lot and her innocent smile reminds me of her father, who I have no idea of where he could be, what he is doing for living and how he is doing without me.

I knew he wasn't aware of Michelle and even if he was aware about her, I'll never let go of my child for him.

Sometimes I don't understand the reason why anytime, I recall Joanna's corpse lying helplessly on the ground, my hatred for Tyrson grew wider.

I really hate him for taking my Joanna away from me, I hate him for ruining my life, I hate him.

"How is the job mum" Michelle asked, how did she know I was looking for a job, Cassie must have told her about it,"who told you I was looking for a job child "I questioned.

"Aunt Cassie told me about it and She also told me to pray to God so that they offer you the job" she replied smartly.

"And you must thank God that I got the job"

I said and she smiled,"really we must celebrate the success "she exclaimed.

" I bought candies for you to celebrate my success "I added," but mum, you told me yesterday that you're short of money"she stated.

"Yeah, it's true I am short of money, but now I got a new job, we need to celebrate" I responded.

"Okay mummy, special Peck" she said and I pecked her, that's our special sign, Michelle is really a blessed child who understands almost everything and sometimes acts like an adult, she's such a cute little munchkin.


Tyson's POV

I arrived at coy jewelry company and one of my guards open the door and I stepped down from the car, I walked majestically into the company and headed to the boardroom.

I entered the boardroom where most of the meetings in the company is held, both the directors, the co workers and my secretary, Manson were all waiting for me on their various seat.

I sat on my usual seat, as the CEO of the company,"I apologize for my lateness" I said,"Shall we start the meeting " I added.

The female director, Julia speaks,"good day everyone, I'm sure we've all heard a lot from our clients giving complaints about the coy 's products and as we all know most of our jewelries are made from jet, I don't think jet is really the problem because we've been using the jet for the past three years and there has been no complaints, I don't think the idea of changing the jet about the last meeting is good " she explained.

"But I think we should try the Jasper" Manson suggested, "the problems isn't with the jet either Jasper, the real problem is the jewellers" Iris added.

"The asst director Caesar is right, it's time we changed the jewellers" I announced, our voices drone on and on in the boardroom.