
Divinity’s Ascent: The Death God Chronicles

In a world steeped in darkness, the enigmatic figure known as "Zero," Zac Frost, endures years of torment and subjugation by a malevolent organization. With his frail body on the brink of collapse, he stumbles upon a chilling revelation: a vast, uncharted realm that may hold the key to his survival.

DARKFR0ZT_ · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Destination: Base 17

The screen materialized, resembling the character statistics familiar from Virtual Reality games in his previous world. Positioned in the top-left corner was his Soldier ID: SC – 777. Intrigued, Zac clicked on it, prompting the appearance of another tab on his virtual screen. The expanded information revealed the full significance of SC; it denoted the team to which he was assigned – the Slaughter Corps. Alongside the team designation, a succinct history of the Slaughter Corps unfolded, providing context to his newly assigned unit.