
Diving Deep

I start walking back to the house and then some figure appeared in front of me out of nowhere 
 “Aa..... “ I screamed but there was no sound coming out!! I'm terrified, I step backward then I fell on the ground trembling I look again at the shadow in front of me what is this?!! it was too dark to see probably 
 The shadow approaches “ Aaaah... it's ok I won't hurt you “

BlackOrnella · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter(3) Shock

"Aaaah " I'm feeling like I have been beaten up with a baseball pat I opened my exhausted eyes ( is that another memory ) it was a weird place as well I was laying in a bed I stayed like this for a while ( huh?! Why the memory didn't start yet??) I try to move my finger ( wait what... I'm able to control my body did I wake up from that dream? ) With a heavy movement I sit on the bed I looked at my hands on my lap like the man in my dreams

"What it's mine " I was very stressed and relieved at the same time I'm not in another person's memory I'm tired of this I'm glad that I woke up from that nightmare...

I looked closely at my hand and body wait chunky stomach is still there and also my birthmark on my thigh but I hoped magically I become thinner and my skin becomes soft and flawless

(in that case, I need to pull myself up and figure things out ... I have to make sure of it ) I looked at the darkroom I'm in it I noticed a mirror (let's check What did that weird man do to me?)

With a longing to shut any doubt that she's had of that repeating torture of sharing stranger memories and emotions hitting her one after another nonstop in one sit is tiring her soul...

I get out of bed the first that my foot hit the floor (BAAAMB...?) my body gives out and fell to the ground it's taken me by surprise I stayed processing what just happens suddenly the door of the room flies open and steps start getting closer

I'm laying beside the bed the only visible thing is the tip of my head now the person is right beside Me I turned my head slowly and our eyes locked

He was very tall maybe because I'm laying on the ground or he was really tall he got dark hair and blue eyes color no one of them is blue the other is Hazel

It stands out that all I can see in the darkness... he approaches me then kneels in front of me

" you finally woke up did you try to get out of the bed I think that's the reason why you're on the ground...your body is still stiff and not ready to carry you "

A quiet calm voice from the entrance "Your Highness... Do you want me to prepare something for the lady?"

"Yes, Albert informs the cook to make something gentle on the stomach she didn't eat in a while " I was gazing at him every time his face hit the light I could see his handsome features ( why have I been surrounded by handsome men) he got very close to me that makes me automatically distance myself from him with a steady confident calm voice he said," may I?" he put his hand beneath my knees while the other hand behind my back and carry me in his arms like a Princess (I didn't give him my approval to touch me yet ) I broke my silence I was uncomfortable and nervous

" what are you doing put me down!!"

I barely finish my sentence He already put me in the bed " I apologize if I make you uncomfortable but the bed is near and you can't move properly so I give you a hand "While he was talking he covered my body with the blanket and then he lit the candle that was on the bedside table he then sits in the chair in front of me and crossed his legs and put his hands on the chair arms

"I think the food will take some time to be ready so... How about a little chat?"

( what is that feeling he's not asking he's demanding I felt a sweat dripping on my back )

"S...sure "

"First of all who are you ?"

" Alana " I was afraid that I answered quickly I was disturbed I start playing with my nails

He glares at me for some time he opens his mouth I gulp my saliva " MMM... just Alana "

"No... I'm Alana Anderson "

"Where are you from Alana?"

(Wait a minute why am I being interrogated I didn't do something wrong) all my anxiety is gone and l replaced it with confidence I talked to him with a firm attitude "Sir who are YOU?"

"That is not the answer to my question "

" and why are you the only one who gave the questions "

"Answer me before I lose my patience " he starts tapping his finger on the chair arm

That didn't scare me I continue "You answer me first I didn't insult you I don't know anything in the first place who are you where am I what going on with me, wait is this a kidnapping??"

I was frustrated that my voice start to rise a bit I look straight at his eyes he stop tapping he covers his mouth with his other hand thinking while staring at me

"Why would I kidnap you?"

( what are you thinking you handsome bastard )

Suddenly there was a knock on the door the Butler entered the room with the maid dragging a serving trolley full of food the man stand up from his seat

" we will finish our conversation later... I will excuse myself "

He walks out of the room the maid put the food in front of me and starts to light the rest of the candles (now I can see properly )

The Butler speaks in politeness "My lady this is your assigned maid she will attend to you this evening " he bows his head and excuses himself

I was dumbfounded I notice the room and the man that was there the Butler and the maid it truly looks like I traveled a hundred years behind

"excuse me is there a mirror nearby?"

The maid nods slightly "Yes my lady "

She goes to the dresser and brings me a small mirror I look at my reflection ( ooh lord... I never thought I will see those features that my parents give me) I couldn't stop staring at my reflection I put the mirror on the side and looked at the maid.

" can you tell me where am l?"

" I'm sorry my lady but I'm not allowed to have a chat with you forgive me "

( that f**ker forbade her to speak with me )

I endure my anger and start to eat the food in front of me.


In the morning I woke up I stretch my body last night I barely slept that man didn't visit me again the maid did her job perfectly before she left me to sleep she handed me some medicine she said it will make me able to move tomorrow


"come in "

The same maid entered the room with breakfast and followed by another with a hanger fall of clothes I stared at them in surprise I'm not used to this treatment I'm the one who always serves others

"Where is the master?"

I said that because I knew that man was the master of this beautiful place of course in the morning everything was clear the room was glamorous I felt like a princess but how much I could keep this princess treatment

" Forgive me, my lady I'm not allowed to answer that "

I cut her off "Okay okay I understand " I know that was rude but I'm not in a state of considering my attitude toward others


The Butler entered " my lady his Highness asking for your presence "

" thank you tell him I'll be there "

He bowed and head out


after finishing my breakfast the maids help me to stand up I think I restored my ability to stand and walk on my own they start dressing me even when I refuse their help they insisted I tried a beautiful light pink gown with simple details and long puffy chiffon sleeves I like it I don't want to take it off the maids looking at each other smiling when they saw my genuine happy expression as I twirled I asked

"Is this style made me fatter?"

" you look very beautiful miss "

Sure they will shower me with compliments it's their job to make me happy after all...I checked again if my stomach is showing or not... I sighed it's fine I'll work harder to lose that stubborn fat

the Butler escorted me to the man 'master' office he knocks on the door and waits for a respond

" come in "

The door was opened and revealed the man sitting behind his desk writing something when he noticed me standing beside the Butler the man widened his eyes for a moment then he pointed at the sofa in front of his desk I walked towards it and took a seat he followed me and sit in front of me he crossed his legs and rest his hands on his lap

"Did you rest well"

"Barely "

He glared at me I tried to avoid his deadly stare

I add " I'm sorry about yesterday but can you please cooperate with me we will answer both our questions and clear the misunderstanding "

With a firm cold voice" Okay let me make it short you are on the verge of making me lock you in a cell so if you want to clear the misunderstanding starts answering "

I panicked and freezes for a moment then answered " I don't know what makes you think that I deserved to be locked in a cell but I assure you I'm not a bad person"

He chuckles in irritation and bitterness


Feeling insecure always shows in our looks so love yourself no matter what and keep looking at the half full of glass and your life will change for the best...

...That advice that I never take it...

No one is born with knowledge, we are fast learners and I'll try my best...

BlackOrnellacreators' thoughts