
Divine Souls

Friends Aki and Runar try to perform a binding spell with each other when things go wrong and they are sent into a new world. Given new names and a system they slowly grow and become more powerful. This is my first time writing something so please forgive me if its bad. If you enjoy please give power stones. Doing so will tell me you like it and I'll add more chapters daily. Cover is not mine. If it is yours please let me know and I will take it down

FoxyWitch · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Leaving the Forest

Leaving the sanctuary felt like such a strange thing to me. I have been in there for most of my time on this world and I haven't seen the sky much at all. The night was cool but not too cold. It felt like it was spring or fall to me. As the elders and the cultists began to walk I made sure to have my <Mapping > skill activated. Slowly mapping the path as we moved forward it seemed as if we are moving towards the place where I or I guess my other selves were born. Thinking about it makes me feel both sad and angry. But I also felt happy that the two of them are still together in a form.

After about 3 hours of walking we finally neared the clearing. As we got there I noticed a couple red dots on my map heading towards us. 

[Mihael] Elders please wait. I can sense some of the enemies heading towards us. 

[Elders] How are you able to do that? Wait never mind, it must be a gift from the god. We shall heed your warning. Everyone please pay attention! We have enemies approaching. We must hold them off until the airship gets here. We must protect the young lord. 

Right after we reached the middle of the clearing a few strangers came out of the opposite side of the woods. They were 5 in number but I assume there are more than this on their way.

[???] Halt right there! If you care for your lives you will hand over the child. 

[Elder 1] We will do no such things. Brothers prepare a barrier!

The elders all stepped forward as I felt a surge of powerful magic flowing out of all of them. They all spread their arms our as a golden barrier formed around the clearing. 

[???] So you choose death then. Good this will make things much easier. 

The enemy soldiers began running towards the barrier as the spears they were holding began to glow in a green light. They began striking the barrier as I could sense the mana from the elders flowing into the spots they were striking reinforcing it. The guy in the back who I assume was their leader just stood there looking pissed off. After about 10 minutes he finally began to move. 

[???] Fine then I guess I will have to do things myself. 

Gathering mana I could feel the wind rushing towards his palm as a glowing green ball of wind was formed. It then began to lengthen forming a spear of wind. Suddenly he threw it at the barrier. It arrived in just a second as I heard a cracking sound.

[Elder 1] Shit! pour more mana into the barrier! We can't let him break it!

[Elder 2] We are but it doesn't seem to be enough! 

[Elder 3] Shit shit shit! I don't think it's gonna hold. 

[Elder 1] Focus all of the barrier on the spot where the spear is! We can hold it off just keep pushing.

The elders looked extremally stressed as I could feel more mana being poured into it. After about 10 seconds the barrier gained more cracks almost shattering but it managed to hold just barely as the wind spear dissipated. The elders looked happy as the barrier began to repair itself. The cracks were disappearing as it began to glow bright gold again.

[???] You wouldn't have managed to hold that off if there weren't 8 of you combined. Don't worry though there will be more spears heading your way. 

As he began to gather more mana around him condensing 3 wind spears I heard a noise from above. It sounded as if a cannon was set off and suddenly the mysterious stranger quickly changed his spears into a shield as an explosion was set off.

[???] What?! You were supposed to be the only ones here! Our intel shouldn't have been wrong.

Looking angry as the airship began to reach close to us a platform lowered to the ground.

[Elder 1] Thank god they came just in time. We almost didn't make it.

[Elder 2] Yes I am almost out of mana. Hurry blessed one! Get on, we will be right behind you!

Climbing onto the platform that was lowered I saw all of the cultists also getting on and heading into the airship. The elders soon got on as well and as the platform began to raise up the stranger spoke.

[???] This isn't the last you have seen of me. We will meet again and my lord will have that child. 

After the airship had safely taken to the sky and we were away from the enemies the elders spoke to me. 

[Elder 1] Thank god we got away. If you hadn't warned us I feel things would have gone differently. 

[Elder 2] Let us thank the god for the blessing they have given you.

The rest of the elders joined in in thanking the god Manos Atia.

[Mihael] I am just glad we got away safely without any casualties. That was quite a stressful situation.

[Elder 1] Yes but now we can rest easy on out travel to Aesus. Let us rest because it will take around a month to get there.

Back in the forest... 

The man pulled out an amulet and poured a bit of mana into it. 

[???] My lord I am sorry to admit but the mission was a failure. The child got away. 

[Lord] It is okay Vidar. We will have the child eventually. For now prepare to return.

[Vidar] Yes lord Hassal We will return as quickly as possible.

As the call was ended Vidar spoke to his men.

[Vidar] Alright you heard the lord. Let us return home. We will find you child no matter what.


In a couple chapters I will be adding a time skip to help move things along. But this can be considered the end of act 1.

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