
Divine Pet Evolution

In a world where mythical creatures and magical beings coexist with humans, the extraordinary Jiang Cheng finds himself reincarnated with the ability to sign up for a lottery that grants him powerful abilities and creatures. With his love for games, his improved memory, and his unwavering determination. As Jiang Cheng navigates through the challenges and setbacks of this fantastical realm, he encounters a variety of mystical creatures, from the elusive sacred dragon to the enchanting Ning Wanyue. Along the way, he discovers the secrets of the world and discovers his own destiny.

Jean_Greig · Eastern
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30 Chs

Chapter 5

"Hmm... Really, SSS-level, isn't that so powerful?" Jiang Xiaoguo playfully stuck out his tongue and asked, "Who is it, who is it that subdued such a powerful divine pet?"

Turning around and glancing at Jiang Cheng, Jiang Xiaoguo lifted a quilt and prepared to walk into the bedroom, but his footsteps never moved, obviously looking forward to Jiang Cheng's answer.

"Jiang Cheng, you won't say it's yourself, right?" At this moment, the bedroom door was opened, and Xu Xu, who was wearing loose pajamas, walked out of the bedroom with a pink water glass.

Went straight past Jiang Xiaoguo, who was struggling to hold the quilt, and promised to find a water dispenser, but found that the whole room was in the window, except for a dining table and two small stools, where was there a water dispenser?

was about to ask Jiang Cheng where to fetch water, but Jiang Cheng took the lead in speaking.

"Promise, why are you here?" Jiang Cheng glanced at her carefully, his eyebrows raised slightly.

"You haven't answered my question yet, you came back from Aoyama Park, you must have seen the dragon, you say... Who the hell was the dragon subdued?" Xu Yu was a little embarrassed after finding out that there was no water, so he had to continue the topic just now.

Jiang Xiaoguo was holding the quilt and wanted to carry it in, but she was really struggling, so she had to put the quilt down.

When Jiang Cheng saw this scene, he didn't answer the promise, but reminded Jiang Xiaoguo, "You just fainted just now, your body is weak, how can you do such heavy work."

"Let's make a promise to move. Promise

: "..."

"Jiang Cheng, you're still not a man, do you have to let a girl carry such a thing?" Xu Yu said angrily.

"My sister is weaker than you, and I didn't see you helping. Jiang Cheng glanced at her, "I don't know what your purpose is in my house, but you are really not welcome here."

"You... Eh, you're still not human, it's my kindness, seeing that your sister is weak, I'm afraid that something will happen to her, so I'm ready to stay and take care of her. Xu Yu glared at Jiang Cheng with an unhappy face, as if he had been treated unfairly.

But Jiang Cheng saw it very clearly, this promise came with a purpose.

"Xiaoguo doesn't have such expensive pajamas, the pajamas on your body should have been brought by yourself, and this water cup of yours, poor people like us must not be able to afford it.

Jiang Cheng just looked at Xu Promise and continued, "Who will prepare a set of pajamas and daily necessities in advance before going to someone else's house?" "Say, what is there about Xiaoguo that is worth investing in?"

"Hmph, kindness is not rewarded, forget it, since you don't welcome me, then it's better if I haven't come. The promised caution was exposed by Jiang Cheng, and he was suddenly a little annoyed and angry, and slammed the door and left.

"Brother, it's so late, Sister Xu only wears pajamas to go out, it'll be fine, right?" Jiang Xiaoguo looked at the dilapidated gate with some concern.

"Don't worry about her, her purpose is not pure, she should have been prepared in advance, besides, she is an intermediate martial artist, how can anyone dare to rob her. Jiang Cheng put the quilt back in its place, and suddenly turned to look at Jiang Xiaoguo who was following.

"What's going on with you today? Did you find anything unusual when you went to the hospital?"

"Brother, it's okay, the doctor said I'm just anemic and malnourished. Jiang Xiaoguo pouted, and said in a somewhat uncaring tone, "But it's strange, Sister Xu said that she would take me to the test tomorrow... Test your mental swings.

"Mental fluctuations?" Jiang Cheng's eyes lit up, and he glanced up and down, "It's really funny." The

Spiritual Fluctuation Test is a test specially conducted for some spiritual masters with spiritual talents, and Jiang Cheng guessed in his heart that his younger sister is very likely to have the talent of spiritual spiritual masters.

Promise this kind of person, although the family is rich, but the ambition is not small, belongs to the kind of unprofitable and unprofitable.

After a period of getting along and observing at school, Jiang Cheng had already seen through her, and there were not enough interests, how could she give up face and rely on her shabby apartment?

Promising to be pampered since she was a child, let her stay in such a dilapidated apartment, it is even more uncomfortable than killing her.

To be able to let her step out of her comfort zone and take care of his younger sister, needless to say, Jiang Xiaoguo's spiritual talent must be very strong.

Spirit pets are divided into 14 types: force, earth, wind, water, fire, wood, electricity, ice, ghosts, sounds, spirits, superpowers, poisons, and insects.

Among them, the spirit pets of the super energy and spirit systems are the most precious and the rarest.

Correspondingly, the spirit masters of these two lines are also the best among the spirit masters.

Because the super-energy and spiritual departments are different from other spiritual pets.

These two special spirit pets will never sign a cooperative battle agreement with a spirit master who has not awakened the talent of the two systems.

Only the spirit master who has awakened the talents of the spirit system and the super energy system will be recognized by the spirit pets of these two lines.

The spirit pets of these two systems are also particularly powerful, just like the spirit pets of the spirit system, which can affect the spirit of others, create illusions, and the spirit attack is invisible and qualitative, and it is difficult to guard against it at all.

A powerful spirit master can even kill an opponent directly with just one look.

If you have not practiced spiritual exercises, you are not a spiritual spirit master, and you have no magic weapons to guard against spiritual attacks, it is easy to be hit, and you are almost invincible.

"So, my sister is still a seed player of the Spirit Master?" Jiang Cheng gave her a strange look.

"Hmm... Brother, why are you looking at people like this?" Jiang Xiaoguo was a little embarrassed by Jiang Cheng, and said a little awkwardly.

"It's okay, when my brother becomes a spirit master, my brother will take you to the test, and go to bed early. Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand and couldn't help but touch her head.

"Brother, you're bragging again..."Jiang Xiaoguo saw Jiang Cheng's movements, pretending to be a little disgusted, but his little head stretched out obediently, "Bad brother touched people's heads again, hum, people went to sleep, good night brother."


enjoying Jiang Cheng's touch, he said goodnight to his brother, and jumped back to the bedroom with small steps.

Jiang Xiaoguo knew in her heart that her brother had said this sentence countless times, and she had never seen him succeed, although she knew that he was comforting herself, Jiang Xiaoguo was very useful.

Jiang Cheng watched his sister's back disappear into the living room, and then on the system, he called up the attributes of the divine dragon and began to check it on the skill column.

"Advanced Skill: Dragon Teng Mastery: 0/100

Advanced Skill: Dragon Attachment

Mastery: 0/100


It's all water skills, and there's no detailed explanation, so you can only really know what it's good for by experimenting yourself.

He was a little eager to test it now, how strong these skills were, but he also knew that if he tried it out in this rash manner, it was very likely that he would demolish this apartment...

After taking a look, Jiang Cheng didn't look at it, but teased at Shenlong, "It's all water skills, I can't see it."You're still a parallel import. Shenlong

: "..."

"Didn't you say you wanted to let me out?" After signing the cooperative operation agreement, Shenlong's attitude towards Jiang Cheng changed a lot.

The rules of this world seem to be very powerful.

After learning that it had been tricked again, it originally wanted to regret it, but found that as long as it had this thought, it had a mysterious will to directly want to erase it.

As a result, it has become cautious even in the tone of its conversation with Jiang Cheng now, for fear that it will be wiped out by the mysterious will if it is not careful.

It felt that its future dragon life was going to be bleak... It's so hard...

"Don't worry, as long as you sign the agreement, you can share my will to live, stay inside, it's okay. Jiang Cheng spread his hands.

"You're tricking me again?" Shenlong's mentality collapsed.

"Okay, tell me, what is this dragon god transformation used for?"

Hearing Jiang Cheng's command-like tone, Shenlong didn't know why, he always had a sense of surrender, and replied busily, "The Dragon God Transformation is the magic skill of my dragon clan, there are nine changes, and each change can increase the power of a dragon!"