
Divine Path of Destruction

"Obey my order! Do you think I'll go easy on you just because you're a woman? Ha. Well, what a pity. I'll tell you that I'm a proud supporter of gender equality. So if you keep wasting my time I'll show you how intimidating I can be!" One of the brightest minds of the year 5,000 dies after causing the zombie apocalypse. Due to strange circumstances he is transported to a different world, in this new world there is something called Cultivation, which is used as a means to obtain power. Due to his innate curiosity and great passion for research, he decides to delve into the mysteries of the world. Will he be able to make it? Will he finally be able to feel satisfied in life? He will embark on his journey on a path to success.

EIR_PEI · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 31

Bai Yingzu had attacked Huangying Zhou in the heat of the moment, if he had thought of it with a cool head he could have blasted him out of his pathetic existence with explosives. And this was what he was doing right now, he could finish off his enemies from a distance without having to hold a sword, so he would limit himself to tactics and strategies with firearms leaving melee battles as a last resort.

He prepared to end the little battle. He dropped hundreds of high powered mines at the feet of the phantom emperor, and threw all the explosive fragmentation grenades he could create. While the emperor could get far enough away, he would still take some considerable damage.

The ghost emperor was red with anger as he watched the vile acts of a villain. Almost spitting blood he screamed. "Coward! Take me one on one if you have the guts!"

Bai Yingzu's eyes rolled back momentarily, he had been shocked by the phantom emperor's sheer gall in challenging him to one-on-one despite possessing planetary differences in strength level. In his mind he only scoffed at it.

Unsure if those explosives would be enough, he created a few others which he too launched even after the emperor had backed away to escape the damage of the first ones. Among these new weapons were flash grenades, ultrasonic stun grenades, even a pair of super atom bombs.

Before the ghost emperor was red with anger, but seeing another set of strange tools being thrown at him his face turned pale. Although the emperor possessed an incredible and monstrous power, this would not be enough to counteract those strange tools that seemed to directly damage his soul.

The emperor could go through the multiple explosions and directly reach Bai Yingzu, but if he did this he must risk taking irreversible damage to his soul. Being an inhabitant of the phantom spectral world this kind of damage was like amputating more than one important limb.

Due to the nature of the natives of the phantom spectral world, the state of their souls was more important than anything else, even more so than it would be to another cultivator from some other world. Minimal damage could set them back several small cultivation realms, medium-heavy damage would cause a setback of at least two levels of a large realm, and serious and irreversible damage could cripple the cultivator for life making him directly mortal. common.





Multiple explosions in succession rumbled inside the room and made the ceiling vibrate unstably, it seemed that with a little more force the building would collapse and fall on top of those present.

Using his superhuman speed, he came to the front of Huangying Zhou. With a movement of his hand and a flash of light a revolver with a 5-barrel drum appeared, it looked like a half-finished revolver, with a dull gray frame it had a mechanism that was too simple.

If it were to sell to weapons collectors, they would be reluctant to pay for such an unfinished product, in his eyes it would not be worth much due to its simplistic and inconspicuous appearance. But if revealed to true weapons experts, they could even pay absurd sums to get to hold it for a few seconds.

This was a test weapon that was designed and built within the Bai Group Weapons Research Center, the same place where Bai Yingzu worked. Bai Yingzu worked for the biological weapons department, but from time to time he helped with the investigations of the other departments.

This was the reason why Bai Yingzu knew about many weapons, both their workings and the materials they were made from, although his knowledge of weaponry was only limited to those created by Bai industries.

Thinking of this revolver as a common unfinished revolver was an absolute mistake. This was a prototype to create a lethal weapon with easy mobility. A weapon that combined the technology of the «Minigun Geliot», which Bai Yingzu had used against the strange creatures within his subconscious.

The «Proton Revolver» was an opposite weapon to the «Minigun Geliot», which instead of firing solid electrons capable of piercing surfaces, this was a prototype that fired solid protons, in order to function as a disintegration weapon. Theoretically, the solid proton should penetrate the body, and thus stimulate an unstable reaction towards the particles on the surface, causing them to disperse, whether of animal, vegetable or synthetic origin, they would be left in dust once each particle refused to continue with their atomic bond.

This would be a terrible weapon, which without a doubt once mass-produced could make every nation in the world tremble with fear. Once that technology was successfully integrated into a compact weapon, it would only be a matter of time before it was integrated into a satellite cannon and threatened the security of other countries.

Thinking of this, Bai Yingzu sabotaged the project. After a long investigation he discovered that it was indeed possible to disintegrate matter with unstably charged solid protons.

Knowing that his country would behave with authoritarianism towards other countries for having this type of weapon, and that the other countries that would never accept that would lead to a war that would not end well for ordinary people. He decided to declare the project unfeasible, something that would never succeed no matter how many resources were invested.

After showing a large amount of evidence prepared in advance, he managed to convince government officials to cancel the project and discouraged the construction of similar weapons. Therefore, this type of weapon lost its appeal in the eyes of all investors.

*Bang. Bang. Two shots in succession rang out between the many explosions of the grenades. All of this happened in just a few seconds.

After this it was as if everything had gone silent, without any movement on the part of those around him. Huangying Zhou could only look with disbelieving eyes at everything that had happened, he had received a total of two shots, one in the chest from where that light with which he had managed to contact his father came from, and another shot in his head which made his life extinct.

[Impossible! This is impossible…Totally…outrageous.]

Upon this last thought, Huangying Zhou collapsed on the ground, dying in utter grievance and indignation.

"ARGHHH". The ghost emperor gave a shout charged with utter fury. With a wave of his hand she brushed away all the dust that the explosions had kicked up. And he looked at Bai Yingzu with cold eyes that wanted to catch him to kill him after a long torture. "If I don't kill you in this life, I will never be called Huangying Longwei again!" He roared after making an oath in his heart.

Heading towards Bai Yingzu with great killing intent, the emperor's eyes were completely bloodshot. Swinging his fist generated powerful blasts, an illusory fist appeared and furiously charged to crush Bai Yingzu.

Bai Yingzu for the part of him did not panic, he gave the ghost emperor an indifferent look. Calmly he raised the proton revolver in his hand and pulled the trigger, sending the remaining three shots into the barrel. *Bang. Bang. Bang. The shots in succession each landed on the chest, left shoulder, and throat respectively.

In those moments when the emperor's body was pierced by the solid protons, each of the places had an instantaneous change, it began to corrode as if the rust devoured the metal. The ghost emperor felt a lot of pain, a pain that even the explosion of all the explosives together could not match.

He stopped his movement and the illusory fist disappeared, the ghost emperor was stunned. He looked at Bai Yingzu with disbelieving eyes, and deep within them was a faint trace of fear, he never imagined that a lowly existence from a lower world could bring about such a devastating attack. He was a powerful high-rank cultivator, he had cultivated his soul with the most powerful technique of the 'Deva' level, he could even split his body and spirit to fight individually. Everything he believed in the ghost emperor was seen crumbling in front of his eyes.

Time seemed to stop as both people looked at each other. That young man extended his arms as in the first time of the meeting between the two and with a smile similar to that moment he said.

"I might not be your rival in the physical world, you would almost certainly finish me off in a single blink. But your biggest mistake is that you sought to confront me within my own domain, that was too arrogant of you. Even now that I have proven There is nothing you can do about your total opening in my defense. From the beginning it was impossible for you to harm me in this place."

The ghost emperor was speechless, he had already thought of this, but his arrogance could not accept that his powerful soul could not break the soul of a lower existence. Now that Bai Yingzu had revealed this he couldn't deny it any longer.

With those words that attacked him incessantly echoing inside his head, the phantom emperor felt gravely humiliated, if all this were known on the higher plane he would be treated like a wimp who couldn't deal with a lower existence. How was it possible that the Great Phantom Emperor feared the contraptions of a low existence from a nether world? This would cause laughter and soon no one could take it seriously.

The more he thought about it, the more anger kept building in his heart. Before the ghost emperor could act on it, he was engulfed in intense light. His time was up.

Bai Yingzu guessed that the ghost emperor had appeared from the strange flashing light on Huangying Zhou's chest. Following that logic, once Huangying Zhou died, the emperor would most certainly disappear. And just as he had thought, once Huangying Zhou died the ghost emperor's time was up, right now he would have to leave and finally Bai Yingzu would be free from those invaders within his subconscious.

The intense light devoured the emperor without leaving any change in the surroundings. Seeing this Bai Yingzu could only let out a sigh, he sat down on the ground with a sense of freedom and relief.

He pondered about what the future would hold for him, there was no doubt that today he had gained a powerful enemy. He was sure that the ghost emperor would not be calm until he saw him dead. Bai Yingzu knew that he must prepare for this moment, and if the ghost emperor dared to cross the limiting barrier of the worlds, it would only be to seek his own death.


On the top plane...

Ghost Spectral World...

The sky vibrated violently creating wild gusts of wind that hit the earth fiercely, the weaker beings that could not fight against the strong winds were blown away and sent flying hundreds of meters high in the air and subsequently fell to their death after falling. hit the hard ground.

The fierce winds were able to attract storm clouds, which unhesitatingly unloaded cold raindrops and dangerous lightning onto the land. Hundreds of large lightning bolts hit the earth, and after seeing that people ran in terror seeking shelter to protect their lives, even those who could fight against the fierce winds and saved themselves from being blown away and dying, knew that they could not bear it. the strike of these rays.

The noise of rumbling thunder reached everyone's ears, signifying that hundreds if not thousands of lightning strikes hit the ground, perhaps falling on someone and taking their life. People's fear of that great power grew boundless in their hearts, because they knew that it was not the product of a natural phenomenon.

Among the endless echoes of thunder, the ferocious roar of a beast could also be heard. Charged with a powerful intent to kill, it arose with a repressive aura that suffocated almost all the inhabitants of the phantom spectral world. Those who were not suffocated felt great discomfort just by feeling the vibrant and fierce energy that the being gave off.

This natural phenomenon was caused by none other than the supreme ruler of the ghost spectral world, the Great Ghost Emperor.


