
Divine Path of Destruction

"Obey my order! Do you think I'll go easy on you just because you're a woman? Ha. Well, what a pity. I'll tell you that I'm a proud supporter of gender equality. So if you keep wasting my time I'll show you how intimidating I can be!" One of the brightest minds of the year 5,000 dies after causing the zombie apocalypse. Due to strange circumstances he is transported to a different world, in this new world there is something called Cultivation, which is used as a means to obtain power. Due to his innate curiosity and great passion for research, he decides to delve into the mysteries of the world. Will he be able to make it? Will he finally be able to feel satisfied in life? He will embark on his journey on a path to success.

EIR_PEI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Chapter 19

The words of the Immortal God of the Desert made his eyes widen in surprise as he realized that he was missing something very important. Bai Yingzu really hadn't thought to take the training seriously, let alone rise to a level beyond that necessary to defend himself in a common arena.

Even though he could be called a genius, Bai Yingzu's thoughts and wishes were too simple. When the Immortal God of the Desert almost pointed out his null ambitions with his previous words, he could understand that he somehow shared similarities with the God of the northern blue planet.

Bai Yingzu just wanted to live peacefully, as well as follow a path of research and new discoveries. Obtaining new knowledge and storing it for future generations was part of his wishes, but he did not have such a great projection as reaching power beyond the insurmountable.

Realizing that the misfortunes of the God of the blue planet could also befall him, he then thought of taking the quest for power more seriously. Either way getting stronger wouldn't make him deviate from his goals, however, this involved dividing his time in such a way that none of his activities would get in the way of each other. Even with that he was confident that he could manage his time without problems.

Bai Yingzu was silent for a short moment. The Immortal God of the Desert looked at him realizing that his words had had the desired effect, as one last push he said in a calm voice.

"Do you wish to obtain the power to confront the misfortunes that will most certainly come in the future?

Maybe you are thinking that it will not happen just because you will try to stay away from the problems. But believe me, whether you like it or not, avoid them or walk right into them, misfortunes will always be there looking for the perfect situations in which they can appear."

Bai Yingzu heaved a soft sigh, looking into the eyes of the Immortal Desert God again, he said. "I know what you're doing. I may not be a total expert in psychology, but I'm still familiar with that field. I can certainly tell when a novice in the field of the mind wants to manipulate me into doing or thinking differently.

I don't know about your intentions in trying to do that to me, and I think at least it's not something that could harm me, on the contrary, in a certain way it could be beneficial for me. If you are willing, I will accept your teachings, but I will not acknowledge you as my teacher."

Bai Yingzu's carefree voice entered the ears of the Immortal Desert God who wordlessly hesitated for a few seconds as to how to respond.

"Ha ha ha. I have to acknowledge your intelligence, you're really someone interesting, now I have less doubt why you're here.

I will pass on all my knowledge to you at almost the same level as my successor, but you will only be an unofficial disciple, something like a storehouse of knowledge. But first you have to agree to two conditions, you know what they say, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

My first condition is that you must not pass it on to anyone else, least of all your descendants. The last thing I want is for my legacy to end up being corrupted under the protection of some family that treats it like some kind of treasure that must be passed down from generation to generation.

The second condition is that you will be obliged to fulfill a single favor that I will ask of you in the future. But don't worry, you won't have to do anything unreasonable, nor anything that could harm you, much less your family or friends.

I take my words very seriously, I also consider the family as something really sacred and I am against any action that could damage the family bond". His last words were said in a solemn way, showing the great weight and seriousness with which I was saying.

Bai Yingzu was silent as he looked at the expression on the Desert Immortal God's face. He couldn't discern how much of what he had said was true, but he felt that he could trust him to follow through on his words to the letter.

It only took a few seconds of contemplation to decide his course of action, he nodded firmly and said. "Since you are sincere I have no reason to reject you, I accept each of your conditions, you can trust that I will comply with everything agreed. But I also have to tell you that although I am someone of my word, I am also willing to break my oaths in case that you would fail to comply with your established part".

In this way both reached a mutual agreement establishing the limits of each of his words. Neither Bai Yingzu nor the Desert Immortal God wanted to deal with future surprises because of holes in the deal. In fact, it was Bai Yingzu who asked to rectify and repeat the agreement they reached, but in case he hadn't asked for it, the Desert Immortal God would have done it, taking the initiative gave him a good impression about Bai Yingzu's character. .

When they had finally finished establishing the agreement, along with the limits and benefits that it would bring, they shook hands like two experienced businessmen.


And so the time in that room passed smoothly. Being so focused on the teachings of the Immortal God of the Desert and adding to this that there were no windows in the room to give a view of the outside, Bai Yingzu lost track of time, he did not know how long they had passed, but he was almost sure that maybe it had been a few years.

He didn't care about what happened outside, nor what happened in the cultivation world where his physical body was supposed to be. The Desert Immortal God had explained to him the disparity of time between the current world and the cultivation world.

Basically the Desert Immortal God World was an isolated space of time running somewhere else separate from the cultivation world. The Immortal Desert God couldn't give him an exact number, but he estimated that time could go from 1,000 to 100,000 times faster than in the cultivation world.

Bai Yingzu's childlike appearance did not change because his existence was governed by the laws of the cultivation world. Which meant that if in the world of the Immortal Desert God he became 1,000 years older, his appearance would not change because in the cultivation world he had only aged about 10 minutes.

Bai Yingzu had asked the reason for this time disparity, after all, he understood that the one who had set this up was the Desert Immortal God himself. However, this doubt was not answered, the Immortal Desert God did not intend to answer. Bai Yingzu thought that perhaps this had something to do with some sensitive topic so he didn't ask any more questions.

Putting aside all the unimportant questions, he concentrated on training according to the indications of the immortal God of the desert, and although he was hardly with him because he also had to teach his disciple, from time to time he returned to give him new instructions. .

Soon the Immortal God of the Desert realized that Bai Yingzu seemed to be some kind of genius capable of understanding everything he said to him without much effort. This gave him a pleasant feeling of happiness. Even though he and Bai Yingzu didn't consider each other master and disciple, they were still able to form an uncannily similar bond.


Bai Yingzu stood cross-legged as he practiced the Immortal God of the Desert's most powerful technique, 'Great Domain'. During the entire time that he had been training, he had failed in every one of his attempts to execute the Grand Domain.

Almost all of the techniques that he had learned from the Immortal God of the Desert could be executed successfully, except for a single one, that was the Great Domain.

Failing once more in the execution of the Grand Domain, he gritted his teeth with even more determination and tried again. His energy circulated like a raging current, concentrating on each of the correct points as indicated by the technique, the energy flowed and slowly began to change its nature. The spiritual energy changed into world root energy, he tried to contain it in every part of his body leading it towards the set points.

Believing that this time he was doing it right, his lips curved into a smile, but this smile froze as he felt a lack of control in the energy of the root of the world, because of that the energy pierced his body to release itself to the outside, and although he tried if he controlled it, it only became more aggressive and caused him more pain, forcing him to dissipate it. Bai Yingzu breathed heavily feeling exhausted.

Still not intending to give up he thought of another way. He had believed that this time he would make it because everything seemed to be going well. Taking into account the initial results he thought that his current method was the right path for him to follow, he just had to fix some mistakes.


After a long thought and after getting down to work he finished polishing some small details of his method. He once again gathered the spiritual energy in his body and transitioned it to world root energy conversion. But this time unlike the previous attempts he opened the entrance to his mental space.

After so much thinking he had realized something, that the energy of the root of the world would always seek to break the balance reached after the condensation in the energy points. And then he thought that it was not necessary to keep her in balance but only to keep her inside him.

When the energy leaving his body was dissipated, all he had to do was prevent it from combining with the outside environment. If the world root energy wanted to break the balance it could do so, Bai Yingzu would guide it into his mind space so that he could move as much as he wanted.

Putting his theory in motion he allowed the world root energy to enter his mental space, as soon as it entered he circled around aggressively. It fell like gusts of violent climate change on small ancient temples and modern buildings, shattering glass and shattering doors.

He then changed his target to the gigantic ancient temple and the gigantic skyscraper, but stopped attacking him after a few seconds after realizing that both structures were immovable giants. Like a wayward child bored with a toy, he backed away from the structures and turned toward the seemingly fragile gardenia garden.

Bai Yingzu could see and feel everything that was happening within his mental space, seeing that the world root energy wanted to wreck his two main structures and finally gave up without achieving anything, he smiled as if he was looking at the harmless pranks of a child. But when he noticed the change of focus from him to the gardenia garden he showed concern, he even thought of expelling the energy in that instant.

As he was about to step in to protect his garden, the entire gardenia-strewn field expelled his fragrant perfume through a dense white mist. This mist was able to repel the aggressive onslaughts of the world root energy without much trouble, apparently this angered the energy which began to become more savage with its attacks, but still was unsuccessful in causing any damage.

After failing to cause any damage he ended up giving up. Circling like a whirlwind-generating furious wind, without warning it charged at the isolated and seemingly delicate 'Mystical Flower of Heavenly Spring', that transparent blue crystal flower the very one that had helped Bai Yingzu recover from paralysis. the.

At that time Bai Yingzu was prepared to expel the world root energy no matter that it would cause him to fail in executing the Grand Domain. That flower had been his benefactor, without it he would most likely be bedridden or immersed in a deep sleep for the rest of his life. He had promised himself to protect her, and he was a man of his word, someone who would deliver no matter what.

But once again it was slow, before he made any move the mystical celestial spring flower lit up with a faint blue glow and absorbed the impact of the world root energy. The world root energy stirred fearfully as if he had found his deadliest predator. He unhesitatingly tried to run away, but he was held back by the dense fog of the gardenias which pushed him back into the sphere of influence of the mystic celestial spring flower.

The beautiful blue crystal flower acted like a sponge and absorbed each strand of energy, quickly the entire mental space was freed from the presence of the world root energy.

Dumbfounded by everything that had happened Bai Yingzu felt too surprised and at the same time so useless, in none of his attempts had he been of any help, he was slow in everything.

He sighed and thought that the Great Domain's execution had been a failure. After all, the world root energy had disappeared from within him, and without it it was impossible to execute the technique.

When he was about to rest from so many failures, he noticed something that made him open his eyes in amazement, the crystal flower exuded an energy similar in nature to the energy of the root of the world, but unlike the previous one that lit up with a golden shine this one did it with a blue shine.

The moment the energy came out of the flower it filled the environment of his mental space. Bai Yingzu could feel a connection, this made her feel in complete control over the new energy. Taking control, he prepared to attempt the Great Dominion technique once more.

The energy in his body swirled everywhere, through every corner of his mental space to the interior of every one of his vital organs, skin, bone, and blood.

The outside of his body was surrounded by a blue aura that intertwined with the energy from outside forcing the union in a complex network. His eyes gave off a faint blue glow and his aura exuded an air of mystery.

His mind became clearer and he gained increased processing power to the point where he could focus his attention on multiple things at the same time without any difficulty.

He could imagine, remember and even solve multiple mathematical exercises as complex as could be imagined. His memory was also improved on several levels as well as his reaction and thinking speed.

If before his mind could be said to be above the average human being to the point of a genius, now he was above the most powerful machines of his time. It could be said that if he participated in a math contest with great geniuses, he would be cheating by using a supercomputer like his brain right now.


