
Divine Path of Destruction

"Obey my order! Do you think I'll go easy on you just because you're a woman? Ha. Well, what a pity. I'll tell you that I'm a proud supporter of gender equality. So if you keep wasting my time I'll show you how intimidating I can be!" One of the brightest minds of the year 5,000 dies after causing the zombie apocalypse. Due to strange circumstances he is transported to a different world, in this new world there is something called Cultivation, which is used as a means to obtain power. Due to his innate curiosity and great passion for research, he decides to delve into the mysteries of the world. Will he be able to make it? Will he finally be able to feel satisfied in life? He will embark on his journey on a path to success.

EIR_PEI · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 15

After finishing her bath and washing her clothes, Bai Yingzu quickly dressed. She sat back down cross-legged with the intention of returning to cultivation. Reaching the early stage of the first cultivation path was quite easy for her compared to the first time she had done it, this obvious improvement in cultivation speed was attributed to the corrections made to the technique.

Bai Yingzu thought that it would be best to try to advance far enough to reach a bottleneck, once he reached the limit of growth he could focus solely on solidifying his cultivation base, and thereby continue his cultivation with a more robust base.

From the storage ring he took out all the spiritual stones that had been given to him by the third elder, he also took the ring that he had taken from Bai Feng and began to inspect it to see if there was any kind of blockage preventing him from using it. After checking Bai Feng's ring thoroughly, he realized that the ring did not have any kind of protection.

Just like he would with his own ring he took out all the items inside, mainly finding hundreds of spiritual stones and various herbs with dense spiritual energy. Without stopping to think whether they were valuable herbs or not, Bai Yingzu just tossed them into his mouth and began chewing on them before swallowing. He thought of these herbs as a simple source to obtain the spiritual energy he needed to continue his cultivation.

As these herbs entered his body he felt his stomach heat up, then a warm rush of energy ran through him everywhere. With that feeling he knew that he was ready to process the energy, not feeling completely satisfied he threw all of his spirit stones to the ground. These stones released bursts of spiritual energy filling the entire room.

Bai Yingzu was too eager to start cultivation, it showed so much because he even forgot that there was a special room for cultivation inside his house. Inside the cultivation room there were special formations for better gathering of spirit energy, they prevented the spirit energy in the stones from dissipating or leaking outside.

What Bai Yingzu was doing would not seriously affect him, it would only mean that there would be a loss of energy compared to what could be gathered inside a special room for cultivation.

Ignoring all of the above, Bai Yingzu circulated his energy through his spiritual veins as described in the cultivation technique. The extremely pure energy circulated in different directions executing an infinite cycle, gathering a large part at its nine points where the nine inverted eddies met.

*Breaking off!. Without warning the sound of the cultivation boundary breaking was fully audible. Totally out of all logic Bai Yingzu had managed to break through each stage of cultivation from the first path to reaching the second path without the need to solidify the foundation of the previous level of cultivation.

In that instant the breath energy disappeared leaving every space in his spiritual veins empty. Subsequently, the concentration of the blood energy was given way, which replaced the energy of the breath. Being this energy even purer than the previous one, it circulated animatedly filling every corner of the spiritual veins again.

Currently Bai Yingzu's body was similar to a large sponge that absorbed every strand of spiritual energy available outside by the spiritual stones.

With the energy of the spirit stones entering from the outside and the blood energy churning within it, both energies mixed together and traveled in the direction where their spirit sea would accumulate, which would later become the spirit core.

With such pure and clean energy gathering soon his spiritual sea reached its storage limit and began the condensation process to create his spiritual core. At this point, Bai Yingzu put into action the instructions of the technique to create the eternal core of cultivation.

The energy began to compress more and more until it became a solid sphere, but even with this it continued to absorb large amounts of energy. The sphere possessed a brightness so intense that it could blind anyone, its brightness covered the entirety of the spiritual veins giving it a sensation similar to seeing a block of steel in the middle of the radiant sunlight.

With an incredible execution of the technique, Bai Yingzu managed to absorb the energy into every part of his body. His cells were so charged with energy that he could even feel that if he didn't concentrate on keeping them together they would jump causing his body to disintegrate.

At first he could feel a slight tingling all over his body, later it became an almost unbearable itch. When he was already halfway through the process an intense pain invaded him, he could feel his muscles tearing and some of his bones breaking.

If he didn't have enough willpower he would have already screamed in pain, but he had to bear it and gritted his teeth gathering more willpower because he knew what would come in the last stage of the process.

He knew from the Eternal Core Cultivation Technique itself that the last stage of the process was hundreds of times more painful, the previous pains would be nothing more than gentle caresses in comparison. The pain kept increasing to the point where Bai Yingzu couldn't hold his posture, he fell to the ground still without stopping his cultivation.

Meanwhile he could do nothing but writhe in excruciating pain. Bai Yingzu began to think, he counted in successive numbers, he solved the exercises that he had seen in a math book from his previous world, he did anything that kept his brain busy, what he wanted was to distract his mind to endure longer.

The time that passed seemed to be eternal, he stopped his thoughts without remembering what he was thinking, he lost the successive count that he had, he had also completely forgotten the results of the mathematical exercises.

He couldn't do anything else but sink into pain, but even with that he didn't stop executing the technique to create the Eternal Core. It seemed to be some kind of natural reflex as if this was an automatic instruction that he was supposed to execute.

When he was about to lose consciousness he heard a crack, something like a glass bottle had broken. This sound made Bai Yingzu come to her senses to realize that there was no more pain. Feeling calmer, he lay back on the ground letting out a deep sigh.

With his body that had become very weak and feeling very sleepy, he preferred to ignore the reason why he went to his bed to rest.

He simply closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep without even noticing the changes that had occurred in his body. With such exhaustion, Bai Yingzu couldn't care less about what had happened to his body.


The next day, very early in the morning Bai Hui and Bai Yi walked in the direction of the main residential area, following the instructions to the letter, they arrived at Bai Yingzu's house. They fearfully approached the door and knocked.

They were so scared because the day before they had gone to the park where Bai Yingzu regularly sat. They still hoped to see Bai Yingzu lying on the ground with serious injuries caused by Bai Ziouk, the happiest of that would be none other than the plump Bai Hui. But contrary to their expectations, the scene they witnessed in front of his eyes was something unexpected, they found a Bai Ziouk with serious injuries.

Bai Hui almost fainted from fright, as for Bai Yi his jaw was so open that an egg could easily be inserted. Both of them were so confused by everything that had happened, neither could explain the reasons why an apparent common mortal could take down cultivators.

They even came to think that Bai Yingzu was some kind of expert cultivator who was tricking all the arrogant juniors into teaching them a lesson. But all these crazy ideas disappeared from their minds as they remembered that Bai Yingzu seemed to be the same age as them.

That idea was discarded since they did not believe that someone so young would manage to become an expert, the only logical explanation for them was that Bai Yingzu used strange tricks.

Whether it was tricks or not, they only knew that Bai Yingzu could beat a third path cultivator in the late stage. It was natural that they were afraid of making such a terrifying person angry, but after seeing him in a more positive light, they believed that they could obtain his protection and thus never be bullied within the clan again.

In a way they were glad that Bai Yingzu took them as his henchmen, but even with those positive thoughts they still couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Soon the door in front of them opened, being greeted by a beauty they were momentarily stunned. It was only when Xia Yanyu spoke to them that they came to their senses. Somewhat embarrassed, they explained that they had come on instructions from Bai Yingzu.

Xia Yanyu remembered everything Bai Yingzu had told him the day before, but also remembering that his young master didn't seem to be feeling well, he hesitated to wake him up so early to greet the visitors. He soon came to a decision, let both young men pass and headed towards his young master's room just as he had instructed.

Recently Bai Yingzu had started talking to her, Xia Yanyu was afraid that if she didn't notify the visitors as Bai Yingzu had requested, she would make him angry with her and never say a word to her again, or worse yet, hesitate to confide in her. new homework.

Xia Yanyu arrived in front of the door and knocked, but received no response. Somewhat worried, she opened the door and entered to find Bai Yingzu sleeping on the floor. Thinking of the worst he turned to Bai Yingzu in agitation, he heaved a sigh as he realized that his young master's breathing was steady and calm, he was sleeping without any visible problem.

She hesitated again to wake up Bai Yingzu who seemed to be sleeping soundly. Xia Yanyu was filled with determination and with a soft voice she called out to him. "Young Master. Young Master." She kept calling as she moved it carefully.


In an unknown place, a man covered from head to toe in strange clothing was crossing a gigantic desert in the middle of a great sandstorm riding on a strange animal with a long neck and a hump.

This traveler accompanied by his faithful companion who was a talking camel, continued on his way in the middle of the storm following the sole objective of seeking the mystical territory of the immortal God of the desert.

One day he had woken up without any kind of memory or knowledge of himself, when he opened his eyes the first thing he had found was the talking camel that was accompanying him today. He had introduced himself as the magical beast of the immortal God of the desert, saying that he had come looking for him on the orders of his master.

It seemed strange to the man to see the animal being able to speak, but even as he did not remember what the world was like he did not take it into account. He thought that maybe following the talking beast and meeting his mistress would give him the answers he wanted. So he agreed to go in search of the immortal God of the desert, but without knowing the dangers that he would encounter on his way.

The journey was hard, in a short time he had met dangerous beings who undoubtedly wanted to take his life. From giant worms hiding under the sand, wild animals wandering aimlessly, ferocious bandits, and even ghosts corrupted by evil. All of these beings without exception seemed to be drawn to him for some strange reason.

A noise similar to the growl of a stomach sounded in the middle of the storm. "I'm hungry". The talking camel said as he stopped.

"But we just ate before we left." Said the man being surprised again after thinking about the appetite of the talking beast. This one had already eaten enough to feed up to 20 people.

"Yes, I know. But I'm the one who has taken you all the way, it's understandable that I'm hungry for all the effort I've put in."

The beast's words were understandable, so the man agreed to feed it once the storm was over. When the sandstorm was over, they both stopped to eat. The man brought out the provisions and fed the magical beast, he did not eat anything as he was not hungry.

The man and the beast began to talk about the adventures they had lived together, there was little left to meet the immortal God of the desert and they would end their journey.

Bai Yingzu who was by their side unnoticed, heard their conversation while he was lying on the sand. Bai Yingzu had opened his eyes at almost the same time as the strangely dressed man, he could see when the man had met the talking beast and heard the conversation about the Immortal Desert God.

Bai Yingzu had opened his eyes to find himself in an unknown place without understanding how he had gotten there. Although he was curious about the Immortal God of the Desert, he decided to investigate his surroundings to find out where he was. To his surprise, no matter which direction he took he would always return to the same place where that man and the talking beast were.

Having no other choice he tried to talk to the beast and the man to get answers, but he was ignored without even turning to look at him. It was a strange thing that Bai Yingzu approached the man and tried to touch him to get his attention. But he again he was surprised to see that his hand passed through the man as if he were some kind of hologram. He tried to do the same with the beast with the same result.

As he thought of a way to get out of the apparent illusory world, he chose to see where the search for the immortal God of the desert would take him. Like the man with no memory, he thought that maybe he would find answers by meeting that person.


