
Divine Modes

As long as Xeric could remember, he had always been unlucky, but the last incident was different, so different that it led him to lose his life

KindlySoul · Fantasy
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6 Chs



[Host found!]

[Integrating Duality of Soul in host body]

[Integration Successful!]

"What was that sound" Xeric mumbled as his eyes stirred open.

He felt he was being carried by someone on their shoulder, someone at least six feet tall, this person was running with a tremendous speed, it was as if he was laid flat atop a speeding sports car and he was gazing downward, the ground was blurry.

"Damn Aurelius, giving me work to do, it's okay Xeric, we are almost there, Damn, shit, fuck"

Xeric was surprised by the disgruntled voice, the voice of who was carrying him on the shoulder and was speeding at the same time.

"Where am I?" He wondered.

The scent of thick vegetation, the blurry downward scenery due to the person's tremendous speed, the chirping of birds, and lastly the thick scent of blood.

He realised his head was cleared, but he felt mild pain in his chest region.

'I was shot in the head, how?'

Suddenly, the person carrying Xeric stopped, Xeric felt a sharp pain course from his tailbone as the person threw him on the ground.

"Ouch," he yelped.

"Who are you?!"

The hoarse voice of the man startled him.

Xeric looked around, he realised this place was a forest, a very thick one with little light entering through the dense canopy of trees.

"Where am I?"

He looked up at the man, he noticed he wore a long black woolen robe and matching loose trousers with a wooden sole footwear, similar to a geta.

'Who the fuck is this?' Kelvin wondered inwardly with disbelief written all over his face.

"Wait a minute"



"Hi, hi"

"What the fuck?!"

Xeric held his throat in terror.

"My voice, it is different, how?"

He squeaked in fear.

Xeric noticed his voice was different, so different than his normal meek voice, this one was intimidating, like that of a powerful and prideful person.

The man kept looking down at him suspiciously, disbelief etched in his features.

Xeric started checking out his body, he noticed this body was different, it wasn't skinny like his previous body, it was sturdy with lean toned muscles, he was wearing an ash colour sleeveless woolen top with matching loose trousers, the top was sashed at the waist with a black sash, he noticed bloody stained on the left region of his chest, there was a hole there, large enough to fit the hand of a small child.

He gasped

"I'm dead!"

'Wait, I'm not dead' he looked at the chest region again, 'What the fuck?!, Is it because it wasn't my heart region, who am I self, the bullet pierced my head not my chest'

'What really happened to me, I knew I died the moment I was shot, have I reincarnated into another body?'

That was the only plausible answer to Xeric's current situation.

"Answer me! I can sense two souls in this body, where did you come from, lost soul, how were you able to enter Xeric's body?"

The man asked, his words dripping with authority.

'Xeric body? So we are bearing the same name'.

The man did something that made Xeric stunned and his new body shudder, the man clenched his right fist, and some red ethereal flame was drifting around it.

Xeric's eyes widened and he shifted backwards on the forest ground.

"Your hand glowed, it fucking glowed! Is it bioluminescent?!"

He yelled.

"Wait till I test it on you"

The man launched the fist at Xeric, but he managed to dodge at the last minute.


A loud explosion was heard at the point surface of impact.

There was now a shallow pit there.

Xeric's mouth hung open as if his jaw muscles had worn out.

He was stunned, he couldn't believe what he was seeing, a fist that could change a terrain, the shallow pit was like a crater.

"You got to be kidding"

The words tumbled down from his lips.

The man walked towards Xeric and crouched in front of him.

"Xeric soul is still in this body"

He pointed his finger at Xeric.

"I think I was reincarnated, Sir" Xeric's voice quivered, he knew he had to tell this mysterious man the only answer he could come up with, if not, he would be damaged like the terrain earlier, recalling the speed the man had when he was carrying him and running at the same time, he figured the man slow his fist down to let him dodged the attack, he then started realising he didn't want to die the second time.

'Death, would you please cut me some slack?'

Xeric pleaded inwardly.

"Hmmm..." The man placed his hand on his chin.

"So are you from this world or not?"

Xeric shook his head nervously.

"Wonders shall never end, the world is filled with wonder, how you were able to reincarnate into a body that hasn't died, although Xeric suffered a grave injury, it is remarkable that his body could host another soul"

"Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised, after all, it's Xeric" The man realised.

"But your soul is the dominant one, I can sense Xeric soul, it's asleep"

"I see" Xeric squeaked and blinked in disbelief, but he was thanking his stars that the man understood and didn't kill him.

What if this world doesn't know about the concept of soul reincarnation, he wondered, he knew he would be doomed for sure if that was the case.

He himself only knew about it from his religious beliefs, Hinduism and Buddhism.

Then the man stood and placed his palms together over Xeric.

"Rest in peace, Xeric," he said.

The man fell on his butt and crossed his legs.

'This man is scary' Xeric looked at him incredulously.

"Well, let's get to know each other, it seemed you remembered your memories, but I must warn you, Xeric is the soul spirit god"

"Soul spirit god? What the hell is that?" Xeric asked.

"Xeric is someone you would call a soul monster, just figuratively speaking, it was because the amount of his soul equals that of a million people"

'Perhaps that was why he called this a grave injury'

Xeric looked at the hole in the left region of his chest, it was kinda scary to him.

'Seriously, this is a mortal injury'

The man then frowned.

"But I wonder how you can still have your consciousness intact after reincarnating into his body, and also the fact that your soul was the dominant one"

"Given the amount of Xeric soul, it should be otherwise, maybe he wanted to rest"

The man nodded in agreement with what he said, he looked fully convinced.

"Anyway, I'm Gareth Windrider, what is yours?"

The man stood, offering his hand to help Xeric up.

"Xeric woods"

Xeric answered.

The man looked at Xeric with scrutiny.

"But what is his name" Xeric pointed at his body.

"Xeric Aurelius," Gareth said with a puzzled expression.

Kelvin took the man's hand, and he helped him up.

"Would you start taking care of me from now on?" He asked the man with a determined expression.

The man smiled.

"No problem, We are together"

The man held Xeric's hand and started running with tremendous speed.

"I have a secret to share with you about him"

Xeric was amazed he was keeping up with Gareth.

Perhaps it was because of the body his soul was dwelling, his legs were speeding across the rough terrain of the thick forest, but he knew he wanted to explore this new world that looked like a medieval era.

Today he knew he was reborn, he had cast away his previous life, he wanted to start afresh.

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