
Divine Luck

Daniel lost his parents in a car accident at the age of seven. Left with only enoug money to survive for a few years, He decides to make a living off the recently launched VR game 'Divine Path’. The game that changed the entire industry within just 1 week of its launch. Daniel collects valuable items and sells them to other players for real world money. But his life suddenly took a turn when he found a cute creature in the bushes. "Chance is low? Hah! That doesn't work on me!" With a smug face, Danie dismissed the blue holographic panel hovering before him. ========== Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/5ewNTWFUdb (Author: guys, this is my newest novel, if you wanna support me, please add the book to your library, ty!!)

That_Cultivator · Games
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92 Chs

Hidden Quest (3)

Daniel jumped out of the bushes, revealing himself to the bandits. Some would think of it as a suicide, but he had his own plans.

The bandit leader showed murder intent towards him. It was so intense that even his own comrades got chills down their spine. "Attack him! Tear him into pieces!" He commanded the bandits, his voice echoing throughout the forest.

"Haaa-!" Attack!" The bandits looked at each other momentarily before rushing towards Daniel. They were using swords as their main weapon.

As they got closer, one bandit swung his sword at Daniel, trying to land a hit, but to his misfortune, he tripped on a stone and fell on the ground.

"Hahaha… luck is my queen, how dare you think you can land a hit on me?" Daniel burst into a laugher, stomping the bandit's head with his foot. He drew his great sword from the scabbard. Gripping its hilt tightly, he stabbed the bandit lying on the ground.

The others immediately retreated, witnessing the death of their friend. "Kill, don't retreat! Attack at once! We can overwhelm him with our numbers!" The leader shouted from the back. He unsheathed his sword and charged forward at Daniel.

The bandits regained their confidence, seeing their leader join them in the battle. They prepared their weapons again, charging towards Daniel.

One bandit thrusted his sword forward, almost about to land a hit on Danie. but luckily, Lumi's curse of misfortune was in effect. The bandit's sword suddenly turned sideways, his wrist twisted.

"Arghh!! What the hell?!" He shouted, cursing his luck. During this short period of time, Daniel found an opening, thrusting his sword at the bandit's chest.

"Khuggh-!!" The bandit coughed up blood before falling lifeless on the ground.

Daniel dodged the attacks of the other bandits while retrieving his sword back. He jumped back a little, keeping a distance between him and the bandits. Just when he was preparing to strike, he got two notifications.

[The Buff of Luck has come to an end!]

[The curse of Misfortune has come to an end!]

"Shi-!" He suddenly remembered that he was in the middle of a fight, where every single second was crucial. He turned toward the bandits, only to find the bandit leader's sword about to pierce his chest.

"!!!" Daniel jumped back, falling on the ground. Even after this, he didn't manage to completely dodge the attack. A large cut was made on his left arm, blood flowing out of it.

Lumi, who was carrying out her part of the plan until now saw the injury on her master's arm. She quickly activated her healing spell, casting it on Daniel.

Daniel's body suddenly started glowing. He looked at it, a little confused until he saw the notification.

[Lumi has cast a healing spell on the player!]

His arm suddenly started recovering at a monstrous speed. The bandit leader's eyes widened upon seeing this. He finally managed to land a hit, and Daniel recovered in just a few seconds.

'What kind of monster is he?!' He screamed inside his mind, cursing his bad luck.

"Go guys! He's lying on the ground right now! Don't let him get up!" The leader shouted, regaining his composure. He again charged at Daniel with his sword gripped tightly in his hands.

Daniel waited for them to come near him and when they were only one metre away, he jumped up. The bandits didn't expect him to get up before they could reach him. They halted their steps, seeing the wide grin on Daniel's face.

"Ugh!" Daniel swung his sword, slicing the throat of a bandit at the front. The bandit's head was sent flying, landing near the leader's feet.

"Ugh!!!" The leader grimaced, kicking the head away.

"Quite cruel, aren't you? Kicking your poor comrade's head away like that." Daniel chuckled, seeing the leader's face.

"You pest! I will shred you apart!" The bandit leader shouted in anger. He couldn't control it anymore and lost his calm composure. He rushed at Daniel without any plan and acted clumsily, giving Daniel a good chance to finish him off.

"Hyapp!" Dodging the attack of the bandit leader, Daniel stabbed his chest. Blood gushed out of the leader's mouth. Daniel didn't stop at this and kicked him on the chest, making it extremely hard for him to breathe.

The leader fell on the ground, unable to even make a noise. The other bandits watched from the sidelines, not daring to challenge Daniel anymore.

They were all trembling in fear, not even having the courage to run away. Well, they couldn't even run away because someone else was waiting for them.

Just as the bandits started retreating, a cute but ferocious voice came from behind, attracting their attention.

"Nyaa!!" Lumi leaped into the air, landing on the face of a bandit. She scratched it with her dangerously sharp paws and then used a fireball spell directly on his face.

The bandit soon died a horrible death, his face unrecognisable anymore.

The other remaining bandits were now unable to perform any action, their brains about to pop out. They all kneeled on the ground, silently waiting for death.

"Nyaha~" Lumi enjoyed seeing the fear in the bandits. She was a divine being, she was used to being praised by countless people. Naturally, she would like it if even her opponent feared her mighty presence and gave up on their life.

Soon, all the bandits including the bandit leader were finished off. Daniel received a notification that he had never seen before.

[Congratulations! You have killed the camp leader of a large-scale bandit organisation!]

[Received 500 Reputation points across the continent!]

(Author: guys, today's chapter is here! The power stone supply is dropping, please support the book by sending power stones! Send gifts if you want to and keep supporting! Also, don't forget to comment and share your thoughts! Tysm!)

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