
Divine Intervention

Christian made a Grave Mistake... A soul to be collected, he gave a Second Chance Now his Equals say that this one is capable to destroy the Irth. Now him and the rest of Big Four must set off upon the planet, looking for the being so that they do not cause the triggers of the cataclysmic event. However, Christian faces one of the biggest questions of his entire exsistance. Can he trust what his Equals said? Or is there another reason afoot? Come read this tattered book that stretches from far beyond the cosmos, to be right before you. you won't believe how it ends....

Freelance_Fool · Fantasy
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20 Chs

A Chance Encounter

After what seemed like hours, Christian slowly walked out of the Don's Office. It was near evening by then, and his head seemed to ache in the amount of information he took in.

There were four other organizations in The Five Boroughs. Each one with not only different smuggling operations, but with different influences.

For instance, Un Zen'Tors are a Mexican mafia based solely by smuggling Cocaine into the city, pushing their weight with ease as their many back alley shops cut out the middle man when it came to selling.

The same goes for the Aoi-Akuma and Laskas, who sold smuggled Ginseng and Weapons respectively. Each one showing their tried and true methods with creativity. when all else fails, money did well too.

The Zeppllii family however was a bit more morbid. An Italian Mafia with a cut throat "blood in: blood out" method. They however went with bodies as their trade then temporary items. Power hungry and always wanting more. To not only suit the needs of their clientele, but of their own desires also.

The Pheonix Familia... it's smaller than the comparative giants in this "industry". Yet they control the one thing that ever mafia needs for their own.


From a smooth barrel of whiskey to the refined recipe of well made sake. They controlled it all. They paid the most when it comes to making the cops turn a blind eye, but the monetary rewards they raked in made it a mere pittance.

Chris couldn't help but smile. Pheonix made a small niche in this time, and seemed to be riding much easier than ever before. He held his head however, making his way to the alotted room nearby her own.


A male with a slight scrawny build barred his way to the room. A coy smile seemed to play onto his lips, taking in to what seemed to be a hopeless smuck that may have drank too much.

"Where's you think you going?"

"My room, I am the new right hand."

Christian merely stated, his eyes beginning to focus again as he heard loud steps behind. The scrawny man just laughed, slicking back his hair as he managed to stifle it after some time.

"Yous jokin, right? A putz like you being the right hand to the beautiful Don?"

The man slowly got closer, a quick flick of his wrist causing a shining stripe of sharpened death to appear.

"Now, tell me the truth or I will make sure that it looked like to cut your silly little throat yourself."

The dense headed male held it up, smirking as he thought it would shake the new recruit to his core. Yet all Christian did was tilt his head and looked to the dull blade.

"Would you like to see a trick?"

Christian's words caught the man off guard, causing him to laugh a bit too loud.

"What, think you can win me over now that I caught you lying?"

"No, I am telling the truth. Now again... do you want to see a trick?"

Christian said again, seeming to get the attention of the other grunts. With the attention growing, the male couldn't help but take a bite of this easy prey.

"sure, what is it?"

Christian merely held up his hand, feeling the heartbeats of the thick skulled beings running at the same beat like the rat before him.

"I'm going to stab my hand on your little blade, and I won't bleed."

Before the man could even react, Christian's hand slammed onto the blade, piercing through while his hand gripped on to the rats own.

The people around were stunned, was this man insane to do something so stupid?

A screamed echoed behind Christian, a gun clattering to the wooden floor. The being was in a cold sweat, blood hemorrhaging from the center of it's palm.

"So... you're the type that likes to pull a pistol on the guy with a missile launcher?"

Christian turned and smirked, twisting his hand on the blade, the gaping slit now turning into a square. He screamed even louder, his skin becoming clammy and pale.

"Now... who do you really work for? Lie and it becomes a circle."

The other grunts were stunned. They were too enraptured by this new guy that they didn't even realize that the screamer wasn't even one of them. Two of them quickly lifted the coward up, grasping his chin to make him look up.

"I....I'll never te-"

His defying words were cut short by his painful wail. The square was now a circle, a pool of blood quickly layering the dark stain. The spy could no longer keep focus, his body quickly becoming limp.

A putrid smell filled the air, the clear indicator of the spy's life cut short..

"Bring him here..."

Christian said as he gestured them forward, lifting his hand away from the blade. The Rat known as Wrigley shook in pure terror.

"N-not evens a mark!"

He wailed out as the black vest slowly moved forth, gripping the soul from the espionage entrepreneur.

The ground seemed to shift, the walls dialating... Even the red crimson of the shirts before him seemed to fade to grey...

"When in doubt... Leech the soul to find out..."

I'm so so so so so sorry about the hiatus. this took forever to properly set as the basis of what was in the new York's Irth. I hope that I can resume a regular schedule. I also want to thank my closest friends for helping, especially my Spicy Marshmallow for helping me find the proper gangs and mafias to set in. I can't wait to see what everyone comment. thank you all again so much

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