
The Heinous

Editor: Exodus Tales

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

Time gradually passed. Chen Mo's World Reputation continued to decrease.


Chen Mo's World Reputation was already lower than -5000, but he still did not receive a System Notification.

Chen Mo did not seem to be bothered. He continued to kill the Jadeite Pheasants repetitively.

-1000 World Reputation was clearly not the limit. There must be some greater title after it!






System Notification: Your World Reputation has reached -10000!

System Notification: You are wanted by all human cities. The human cities have listed you as the most wanted criminal!

System Notification: Your death penalty has reached Level S. Upon death, your level will drop by ten levels, and you will drop all your equipped items. You will revive in the Land of Outcast!

System Notification: You have obtained the title "The Heinous"!

Chen Mo's World Reputation finally reached -10000 after killing the Jadeite Pheasants for more than three hours in the instance!

Chen Mo quickly looked at the description of the title as soon as he heard the notification.

"That serious!?" Chen Mo was shocked following a glimpse.

It was no longer just a single System Notification when his World Reputation reached -10000, but a few of them in a row!

He had become the most wanted criminal in every human city. Not only would he drop all his equipment when he died, his level would drop by ten too! There was no way a Player could survive in the game after their World Reputation hit -10000!


Chen Mo had unlocked the title he was looking for after reaching -10000 World Reputation!

Title: The Heinous

Description: A special title that is only obtainable when Player's World Reputation is lower than -10000. Its effects are only active when the title is equipped, but it is automatically equipped when Player's World Reputation is lower than -3000.


Strength +100

Constitution +100

Dexterity +100

Intelligence +100

Spirit +100

Max HP +3000

Max MP +3000

Movement Speed +5

Jumping Height +2 meters

Additional Effect(s): After equipping the title, Player can only unequip it after 72 hours. When the title is active, Player's name will turn black. Player will be attacked by every kind and well-behaving NPC. Player will drop all the equipped items and lose 5 levels upon death. Equipping the title will increase the Friendliness of certain NPCs toward Player. Player will be granted special authority in the Land of Outcast and the City of Sins. Player will deal 30% extra damage to the monsters in the Land of Outcast and the City of Sins. Player's defense will increase by 20%, and the drop rates of items will increase by 10% in the Land of Outcast and the City of Sins too.

Special Passive(s): Force of Destruction, Concealing Ability

Force of Destruction: Player has a certain chance of destroying the target they are attacking.

Power of Concealment: To avoid being arrested, Player has become better at concealing and disguising himself. The effects of concealing and disguising skills and items have been strengthened.

Holy cow!

The title had +100 to every attribute, +3000 to both Max HP and Mp. It would even increase his movement speed by 5, and the extremely useful jumping height by 2 meters!

It would also grant him special authority in the Land of Outcast and the City of Sins, not to mention the boost to the damage dealt to the monsters, his defense, and the drop rate of items!

On top of it, it also gave him the two impressive passive abilities; the Force of Destruction and the Power of Concealment!

The effects of the title "The Heinous" were absolutely unbelievable!

The title was just too insane. The combined attributes from the full set of equipment that Chen Mo was wearing were fewer than the attributes from a single title!

The problem was, the title was really something. Who would dare to equip it? Everyone would immediately become his enemy once he equipped the title, especially when he had a full set of impressive equipment. If the person beside him suddenly stabbed him out of nowhere, not only would his level drop significantly, he would drop all his equipment too! He would go right to square one within a single night!

If the title that was unlocked upon reaching -10000 World Reputation was already this insane, would there be a title that was even more insane than it?

Chen Mo was utterly curious. However, his face turned pale when he saw a bunch of soldiers in silver armor rushing out from the building on the side!

Brad vigorously twisted his body around when he saw the soldiers.

His face already turned ashen when he witnessed Chen Mo killing more than a thousand Jadeite Pheasants. His help finally arrived in the end.

Chen Mo believed the soldiers had shown up because of the bounty on his head. He was not far away from Aiur Town. The soldiers must have some special tracking abilities to locate his whereabouts.

"Commit Suicide!"

Even though Chen Mo really wanted to know what the consequences of being arrested when he had -10000 World Reputation and 10 Servitude from an NPC were, he still had to make it to the Wolf Valley today. He could not afford to have anything go wrong. Otherwise, he would not make it to the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf in time.

Chen Mo was sent to the Character Creation Space. He entered the game once again without making any changes.

When he appeared in the Goblin Valley, the group of young men at Canglan Tech gasped after seeing his character.

Previously, they only thought the Hunter was smart and creative, whose luck was on point too. However, after watching him blackmailing Inoch and using a quest in Rookies Village to acquire the insane title, they suddenly felt the Hunter was not as simple as they had assumed!

If they were not considered half a Game Master themselves, they would seriously think one of the Game Masters had broken the rules and gone to play the game!

"Maybe he has the information about the game that the guy has stolen a month ago?" one of the young men blurted out.

A month ago, someone in Canglan Tech had stolen information about the game. The guy was caught in no time, but he had managed to leak some of the information still.

"The information that was leaked was nowhere close to what he knows!" another guy shook his head.

The former guy agreed too. The information that was leaked was so little that it was almost negligible. Knowing the information was not really helpful for the Players. It was even worse than the benefits that some of the lucky Players had gotten after taking the surveys when they first entered the game.


Chen Mo was teleported to Aiur Town after he left the Goblin Valley.

"It's so crowded."

Chen Mo had visited Aiur Town more times than any Players after killing himself for more than ten times. He immediately noticed something unusual about the Aiur Town when he came back again.

There were a lot of Players, and the whole place was bustling with noise!

"HAHA, we are in luck, we ended up in the same instance of Rookies Village too!"

"I've been killing myself for two days, five times every day just to come to this instance. They are going to kill the Boss Monster tonight. It's going to be chaotic, but I might be able to get some great loots from it!"

"Of course it's not that simple, do you really think they have invested a million or even ten million just to give you free loots? It's already good enough if you can find a nice spot to witness how they are going to kill the Boss Monster!"

Many people were discussing the same topic. Chen Mo was startled after listening to them.

He somehow ended up in the instance of Rookies Village where the Glacier Gaming Club was planning to kill the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf.

There were times where unintentional actions would bring unexpected success indeed. He knew many of the hackers working for Worm could not even end up in this instance after killing themselves many times, yet he had successfully ended up here just like that.

-The Glacier Corporation Group...hehe, this is going to be very interesting!-

Chen Mo did not have to be in the same instance of Rookies Village to mess up their plan. He did not really mind that he happened to be in the same instance either.

However, he had to make his way to the Wolf Valley and activate the quest from Gleeson before the night!

It would be difficult for him to sneak into the Wolf Valley when more Players started to gather around it.

Chen Mo headed for the Wolf Valley after picking up a bunch of Wolf Meat and his equipment from the storage.