
Divine Heavenly Lord

  It was a sunny day in a wonderful world, with a golden sun hanging in the sky releasing the might of the morning sun    Giving everything under its light rays a touch of gold to it from its light, making it majestic, those that were under the light ray of the sun felt some magical power coming from the sun and it was refreshing their bodies filling them with strength as far as the plants on the earth, the seeds in the earth and the sand itself was feeling the wonderful power of the sun. The power coming from the sun was like a strong will giving life to everything in the world. After the sun started releasing this power to the world a calm and peaceful breeze started blowing in the world and the awesome thing that happened was that this peaceful wind was sweeping the power coming from the sun into every single place that the light ray could not enter. The wind was increasing the places where the power of the sun could enter no matter how dark the place was or how tough the thing might be. As long as the thing could feel the air, be it living or non-living things they were all receiving the power from the sun that was directed to them by the wind. The scenario of the world was beyond words. The buildings of the world look like what were made out of the finest jade in the world.   The world was like paradise with magnificent plants with every fruit on a tree giving off special air making one want to eat the fruits just from seeing it alone.  Helping themselves to see how wonderful this special-looking fruit is, what it will taste like, and how beneficial the fruits are after eating. They were different flying creatures in the sky fly to some trees to take some fruit for themselves for food. The World was filled with magnificence and tranquility. The peaceful nature will make one thinks that this world was always peaceful with no difficult period to face at all like a perfect world with no injustice and everyone could live without having fear of a war coming to take loved ones from them and ruining their life  Is there any world without war, without the struggle of survival, and without taking the side of someone close to you over some stranger? Welcome to a world called Eden where magic and immortality exist. From the beginning of the world there magicians and cultivators everywhere. With these two schools of thought focus on their different field of practice.

HeavenOasis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter 21 Going Back

Oliver flex his muscle feeling the power and he was happy about his sudden improvement.

"So this is what it feels like to be a Dao essence practitioner who never thought I will be able to experience it first-hand even with how hopeful I was back then sometimes I still doubt myself and felt it was impossible". Oliver murmured lightly to himself, he felt like he could not believe what was happening to him he felt it was beyond the natural.

Sometimes some things we believe in as humans and have a lot of hope attached to them will happen we still have some symptoms of unbelief in us like that which we want to achieve will be hard to come through sometimes it is based on the situation we find ourselves, the condition or background we came from. When those set goals or dreams began to manifest even with the happiness we are going through at that moment we know deep down that was beyond what words can tell and we find it hard to put them into words for people to understand.

That was what Oliver was experiencing how he was going to tell people mostly those that are Dao essence practitioners that he was able to become a magical cultivator without a life root and there was no life core in his dantian to store his Dao essence energy, who would believe him.

Oliver walk to where the little cat was lying and bent down before tapping the cat lightly.

"Little fellow are you the one that brought me to this cave, thank you very much". Oliver said as he was tapping the little cat the little cat opened its eyes and glance at Oliver in a simple manner and it immediately close its eyes like it was too lazy to even look at Oliver. When Oliver saw the attitude of the little cat he was a little frustrated been ignored by a little cat.

"Little fellow is this ungrateful at least I did my best to save the both of us". Oliver said with frustration written all over his expression.

But the little cat on the other hand just looked at Oliver and close its eyes again. This time around it stayed in place without moving or opening its eyes even with Oliver tapping it lightly and saying all sorts of words it did not open its eyes the little cat was sleeping soundly in a comfortable manner like no matter what happen in the cave it won't be waking up any time soon.

Oliver looked at the little snow-like cat that was sleeping with all he was doing and was left speechless and confused about what to do because he felt that with all he had done if it was a normal sleep then the little cat would have been fed up and will not be able to continue its sleep but with all the taps and noise that he made the cat did not move an inch. Oliver felt things were out of place with the behavior of the cat.

Oliver left the little to continue with its sleep and sat down opposite the little cat and was watching the little he decided to look at his left wrist he was carried away with all the good event that was happening to him when he check his left wrist he saw a black bracelet on his wrist the black bracelet was under the skin of his hand Oliver felt a connection between himself and the bracelet like it now part of him and it was like before that deep inside his flesh and he felt he could take it off easily on like before where he had to cut his flesh open almost getting to his bone before he could remove it but now he felt with a single thought he would be able to allow the black bracelet to appeared on his skins. After carefully observing the bracelet for some time Oliver saw the bracelet changing color from black which was like darkness to that of his skin color and with the way it blended with his skin it was hard for anyone else to notice the bracelet apart from Oliver that had a connection with it and if Oliver was not focused on his left wrist he would not be able to feel the presence of the bracelet.

Not up to fifteen minutes after Oliver left the little cat to check his wrist the little woke up from its sleep and saw Oliver observing it, it stretch a little open up its mouth like it was yawning after doing all of that it walked towards Oliver who was looking at it seriously.

Oliver was able to see the powerful aura radiating around the little cat but he could not tell what magical cultivation level the little cat was the more he tried to see if could know the level the more he realized how hard it was to see through the power level of the little cat.

"Hey little fellow you have finally woken up, that was some serious sleep, thank you for bringing me here you save my life," Oliver said to the cat in a straightforward manner but was shocked by what followed next.

"hello friend I don't like to be addressed as a little fellow, it's annoying to be called that and you have been calling me little fellow over and over again," the Little cat said with a calm voice and it was more mature than that of Oliver's.

"Take a good look at me, am I really that little that you keep addressing me as little fellow".

When Oliver heard what the little cat said he wanted to laugh but did his best to hold it back, he looked at the little cat before him and shook his head.

"What type of creature did I stumble into, that is full of itself". Oliver thought to himself, and he was also happy that he was able to hear the cat because he was now a practitioner of the Dao so he could hear the intelligent spirit beasts.

"Don't worry I won't call you little fellow anymore". Oliver said to the cat. When the cat heard it jump on Oliver's shoulder, they left the cave.