
Divine Heavenly Lord

  It was a sunny day in a wonderful world, with a golden sun hanging in the sky releasing the might of the morning sun    Giving everything under its light rays a touch of gold to it from its light, making it majestic, those that were under the light ray of the sun felt some magical power coming from the sun and it was refreshing their bodies filling them with strength as far as the plants on the earth, the seeds in the earth and the sand itself was feeling the wonderful power of the sun. The power coming from the sun was like a strong will giving life to everything in the world. After the sun started releasing this power to the world a calm and peaceful breeze started blowing in the world and the awesome thing that happened was that this peaceful wind was sweeping the power coming from the sun into every single place that the light ray could not enter. The wind was increasing the places where the power of the sun could enter no matter how dark the place was or how tough the thing might be. As long as the thing could feel the air, be it living or non-living things they were all receiving the power from the sun that was directed to them by the wind. The scenario of the world was beyond words. The buildings of the world look like what were made out of the finest jade in the world.   The world was like paradise with magnificent plants with every fruit on a tree giving off special air making one want to eat the fruits just from seeing it alone.  Helping themselves to see how wonderful this special-looking fruit is, what it will taste like, and how beneficial the fruits are after eating. They were different flying creatures in the sky fly to some trees to take some fruit for themselves for food. The World was filled with magnificence and tranquility. The peaceful nature will make one thinks that this world was always peaceful with no difficult period to face at all like a perfect world with no injustice and everyone could live without having fear of a war coming to take loved ones from them and ruining their life  Is there any world without war, without the struggle of survival, and without taking the side of someone close to you over some stranger? Welcome to a world called Eden where magic and immortality exist. From the beginning of the world there magicians and cultivators everywhere. With these two schools of thought focus on their different field of practice.

HeavenOasis · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 19 Breaking Through

"arr…." The unconscious Oliver struggle to open his eyes, he opened them slowly before he was able to open them completely to see where he was. The brightness affected his sight the moment he open his eyes fully seems like he had been unconscious for a long time.

"Where am I, is this the afterlife" were the first thought that came into Oliver's mind he started looking around and he discovered that he was inside a cave that was big enough to fit close to eight people comfortably with them not feeling any form of discomfort at all. The place was neat with water falling from outside the cave covering the entrance of the cave, Oliver saw some green vegetation in the cave place at the end of the cave about four to five feet distance from where he was.

After seeing what where he was like Oliver decided to check himself, when he woke up he discovered that he could not feel any form of pain from the battle he fought earlier so to him he was already dead and may be in the afterlife that was why he could not feel the pains from his battle, but he was shocked to discover that what he was wearing was the same clothes he wore during the battle and the clothes were tatted with tears from claws mark ripping his clothes in a different place.

He wonder how come he was able to enter the afterlife with the same clothes and with a mark left on it from the battle but his injuries were not there, if he enter the after with the same clothes, why can't the injury part be possible?

Oliver felt things were not right he sat down quickly in a cross-legged manner to examine himself as soon he sat down he felt his sense of everything around him was over heighten as he could hear more clearly than before and his sight was sharper than before and he could feel the life force in everything around.

Oliver felt things were out of place and he was dreaming but there was no way to confirm he was truly sleeping or he was awake.

Since he was a child he had already been exposed to different types of Dao essence manuals so he knows how to do the beginner Dao essence flow chant and the way to follow just that since he had no life root with all the trials he did he came out empty-handed. So he stopped trying because he knew it was fruitless.

But things were different today the moment he sat down to check if everything was right with him. Oliver felt an energy that he was strange to, flow through his veins.

"Have I stepped into the world of magical cultivator" Oliver's thoughts run faster than before he was filled with joy, only from the thought alone he felt it was impossible for someone to become a magical cultivator without a life root it had never been recorded but on one side he wishes it was true and he was hoping to break the records.

Oliver decided to follow the manual to see if he had truly stepped into the world of a magical cultivator. When Oliver follow the process he saw a very dark seed in his dantian and the mysterious energy he felt was coming from the back seed that was floating there Oliver felt a connection between himself and the black seed, he felt the aura of his curse in the black seed as soon as he was able to check if he was a magical cultivator and discover the black seed it could feel the feeling of the seed and he was able to notice that the black seed was happy to notice the presence of Oliver.

Oliver was shocked because the black seed was too life-like and he had no idea what a life root core acted like firsthand but from what he had heard and read there was no life root core that was life-like the way the little seed inside his dantian was acting. But Oliver was happy when he felt the happiness of the black seed and he felt that the little seed was like a part of him but it was still growing.

Oliver focused on the black seed in his dantian feeling because he knew that was the source of the energy he was feeling and with what he was feeling he knew the more the seed grow the more his strength will increase and he will be getting stronger along the way.

"Please if this is a dream like the other ones no one should wake me up it feels so real". Oliver was praying seriously he felt it was too real for him to wake up and will all the want fall into his hand in this real dream of his there was no need for him to wake up.

As Oliver was praying for his dream to last forever he felt some information pop into his head and it was flowing from the little black seed in his dantian in his head he was shocked by what he received tears started flowing from Oliver's eyes, and he knew the moment he received the information that it was real and not a dream. Oliver wanted to scream but he decided to hold himself together he felt if he should shout he will the opportunity and the information he was receiving will be lost and he won't be able to access it anymore. Oliver felt it was the best day of his life and the blissful thing that could happen to him was what had happened the past few days with him stepping into the Samsara world and battling the black havoc wolf

Oliver saw the word arranging in his Dao sense one after the other and every word was releasing a powerful aura.

"To every power, there is a reason and a time to every purpose under the heavens"