
Divine Heavenly Lord

  It was a sunny day in a wonderful world, with a golden sun hanging in the sky releasing the might of the morning sun    Giving everything under its light rays a touch of gold to it from its light, making it majestic, those that were under the light ray of the sun felt some magical power coming from the sun and it was refreshing their bodies filling them with strength as far as the plants on the earth, the seeds in the earth and the sand itself was feeling the wonderful power of the sun. The power coming from the sun was like a strong will giving life to everything in the world. After the sun started releasing this power to the world a calm and peaceful breeze started blowing in the world and the awesome thing that happened was that this peaceful wind was sweeping the power coming from the sun into every single place that the light ray could not enter. The wind was increasing the places where the power of the sun could enter no matter how dark the place was or how tough the thing might be. As long as the thing could feel the air, be it living or non-living things they were all receiving the power from the sun that was directed to them by the wind. The scenario of the world was beyond words. The buildings of the world look like what were made out of the finest jade in the world.   The world was like paradise with magnificent plants with every fruit on a tree giving off special air making one want to eat the fruits just from seeing it alone.  Helping themselves to see how wonderful this special-looking fruit is, what it will taste like, and how beneficial the fruits are after eating. They were different flying creatures in the sky fly to some trees to take some fruit for themselves for food. The World was filled with magnificence and tranquility. The peaceful nature will make one thinks that this world was always peaceful with no difficult period to face at all like a perfect world with no injustice and everyone could live without having fear of a war coming to take loved ones from them and ruining their life  Is there any world without war, without the struggle of survival, and without taking the side of someone close to you over some stranger? Welcome to a world called Eden where magic and immortality exist. From the beginning of the world there magicians and cultivators everywhere. With these two schools of thought focus on their different field of practice.

HeavenOasis · Fantasy
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53 Chs

3 prologue 5&6. A Glimpse Of Time 3

As soon as it was a little brighter and the people of Eden could see clearly they were all happy and the hope they had that everything will be alright as long as the nine thousand bell of punishment was rang everything will be fine and whoever was behind the calamity will not be able to escape was growing stronger than before. 

The hope was raising more and the effect of how the change came suddenly they have no other option but to believe more of the strong magical cultivators they have and that they will be able to solve the issue with ease without any form of danger befalling them.

Everyone in Eden started kneeling one after the other they began praying for the calamity to pass them by and for the day of dao blessing to return and bless the land and every one of them.

Seeing how their most celebrated day in history was turning into a day of calamity it cause sadness to fall upon the world of Eden even with the day getting a little brighter it was hard to see what was beneficial to you all suddenly was turning into what will cause you pain and mischief.

No one will want to sit down and take it just like that, they will try to find a way to put even the slightest of change to it as long as it will be able to turn everything around for their good.

Everyone young, old, big, and small in Eden they knew they will not be able to have the necessary effect on what was happening but they did their best in the small way they could to help.

Some were ready to even give their life back to Eden in other to ratify the calamity. So that the sharp wind that blowing and hurting everyone, mostly the children, will come to an end.

When everyone was praying hopefully for the calamity to pass them by, the coverage that was blocking the mortal and supreme realm from seeing the immortal realm was removed and they could see the immortal realm, it was the first time for most of the people in the mortal realm and the Supreme realm.

The majority of the mortal realm citizens only dream to be able to see the supreme realm and not stay there because they knew they can't stay there not to mention the immortal realm.

While in the supreme realm, they did not have the hope of going to the immortal realm knowing it was hard to go to the immortal realm, you must have the strength, and not just that but you will also have a backup.

One must have a solid connection with those in the immortal realm if they don't send for you or give the order you will not be able.

Depending on the citizens in the immortal realm with the help of a lot of them to step into the immortal realm, you will have to have a lot of strength that can rival most of the geniuses in the immortal realm and silence some of the geniuses.

Everyone in Eden was now sharing the same sky unlike before that the sky they saw in the mortal realm was different from that in the supreme realm and the immortal realm.

Up in the sky, a handsome young man was standing there holding a sword in his right radiating an air of might and complete peace.

That he would stand for what he believes in and won't bow down to anyone no matter what comes out of it, ready to die for what he stands for till the end.

The young man was like someone that was twenty-five years old but standing there he was like he had experienced a lot and he won't wave easily.

He was wearing black trousers and a black fitted long-sleeve shirt with a handles cape. The cape was down to his knees and all he was wearing had a touch of gold to it.

The handsome young man had long black hair that was reaching his shoulder with his sword in his hand and was filled with the might he was releasing. He was like a double edge sword, a humble person that will die for humanity and one that won't take nonsense from anyone.

Standing opposite the young man were eleven people, seven were men and the remaining four were women.

Four of the men were elderly men giving off the aura of experience of countless times they could not recall how long they have lived and were also given the air of people that have one foot to their grave and won't last long.

The might they were releasing was enough to turn Eden upside down, but it was kept in reserve they tried their best to suppress their might.

Of the remaining three men two were middle age and the last one was as young as the young man opposite themselves.

The four women all look beautiful with two being mature beauty, the other two were young ladies, one looked like she was at twenty and the other looked like she was twenty-five.

"You are not getting away today Oliver no matter how hard you try,"

one of the elderly men said to the young man in black opposite them with a lot of authority, the way he spoke shows that he was the leader of the eleven people 

"Senior Sir, I am not running away today I did nothing wrong, so what is there to fear".

The young man called Oliver said with ease with a simple smile on his face 

"Who is your Senior? Don't even try to sweet-talk me out of this, it won't work and I don't know where your confidence is coming from. You will wish you never committed this atrocity but it will be too late by then.

As soon as the word of the old man was finished. Him and the remaining ten people stood in different positions in the sky forming a special array with all of them doing some sophisticated hand seals.

Immediately the wind that looked like it was going to harm the citizens of Eden stopped and all of it was aimed at Oliver with full force.

The wind with the effect of cutting someone hit Oliver but he was able to limit the effect of the wind on him, with the wind was leaving light bruises on him.

Oliver stood in place the sword in his hand was still in its sheath and had not been drawn out even with the attack from his opponents.

"Do we really have to go through all of this can't we just talk and understand each other better?" Oliver said with a carefree smile on his face.

"Hey, you! Little punk, you better shut your mouth there is nothing to talk about between us" .

The Older man from earlier rebutted forming a different hand seal 

The tingling sound of the nine thousand bells of punishment could be heard throughout Eden. A giant golden bell materialized in the sky above the people that were fighting and facing Oliver releasing the might of authority and being ready to take anyone under its judgment. 

With the summoning of the bell, Oliver knew that thing was getting serious and it was not the time to stand there doing nothing.

"World of swords". Oliver said calmly with his left index finger pointing towards the sky. Different auras started rising, giving the feeling of the season of time from summer to winter.

Swords qi of fire and ice started flowing and within a few seconds it was visible for the eyes to see. 

The mortals could see it and to them, it was beautiful and splendid to look upon but to those that were facing it and some magical cultivators that was watching from afar, they could feel the destructive force lying inside the peaceful display.

From the nine thousand bells of punishment, one could hear different roars of beasts and that of war cries with different sound of weapons clashing against each other.


When the attack of the bell and sword landed on each the whole of Eden vibrated with the sound of the attack's echoes ringing in the ear of all.

Up in the sky, dark clouds were formed from the dao essence left from the attack. It was thick smoke formed from the clashing and it covered the people in the sky that were fighting.

When the smoke subsided, what hit the view of everyone made them to be shocked to their core they could not believe their eyes.

Oliver was about a hundred steps back and he was stained with blood coming out from his chest and also from his mouth.

On the other side, of eleven, four were severely injured and of the other seven six were lightly injured with only the elderly man that was speaking to Oliver from the start being completely fine.

"Is he that strong?".

Was the thought that was ringing in the head of everyone that was watching the battle and those that was involved in the fight.

The elderly man had a painful expression on his face. He did not believe that they will put in this much effort to kill Oliver but it would still fail with his side sustaining more injuries.

A figure appeared amid the eleven people that were fighting Oliver and it was the man wearing a brown robe from earlier.

"Didn't you receive my call? Why are you just coming Leo? Questioned the elderly man seriously.

"Sorry elder brother Charles I did not expect younger brother Oliver to have broken through. It is all my fault" the brown robe-wearing man said to the elderly man who was the leader of the group.

"Oliver, don't worry, I will make your death easy and quick, by trying to destroy the dao heart of the world. If not stopped on time you would have destroyed more than half of it".

"Thank heaven you were caught on time. I wonder what would have happened".

"I am wondering what magical cultivating will be like now that you destroyed close to half the world dao heart". Charles the elderly man said with rage.

"No wonder they are so bent on killing him, I wonder what the dao heart of the world is". All the citizens were bewildered

"No need to explain since none of you will listen".

"But why would I destroy the source of all of our strength and the joy of all of us, our pride".

Oliver said in a downcast manner feeling like people that he thought will believe in him are killing his trust 

"let's set the twelve annihilation array let's go all out this time around' elder Charles said with seriousness written all over his face.

With Leo joining them they became twelve against one the twelve of them started forming a circle. Six people from the first circle, inside the circle formed by six was another circle formed by four and I'm the middle of the circle by four were two people, elder Charles, and Leo.

 They all form different complicated hand seals the first circle powered the second circle and the second circle powers the two people in the middle.

A powerful flame erupts in front of the two in the middle with the ability to destroy all, the atmospheric pressure change immediately it was extremely hot and without enough strength, the power of the flame will turn one to dust. 

The flame was directed to Oliver as soon as it was formed as it was getting closer to him the power of the flame was increasing with every second that passes the power increased. The flame was continuously drawing power from the twelve people and the doa essence of Eden.

"They indeed want me dead but this flame won't be enough and I will be able to withstand it but the price I will have to pay will be heavy and taxing". For the first time, Oliver had a die-hard serious expression on his face since the start of the battle 

"World of the Sword. Immortal Accession! Roared Oliver.

This time around the two sides were going all out with all they have up their sleeves and no side will want the other to triumph over them this time.

When the two sides collided this time unlike before that the after-effect of their attack spread across Eden this time around it did not at all. The force of the attack was absorbed by the two sides.

Oliver had a grin on his face the fire from the attack was eating him alive "So they wanted to wipe out all those that are close to me through karma but thank the Gods I was able to cut all my karma ties before the battle.

On the other side, they looked weaker than Oliver and will not be able to deliver any attack again. After their previous attack, they were lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

They were staring at Oliver with despair in their eyes, they saw that he still had the strength and even with how little it was it will be able to kill them.

But Oliver just stood there with no thought of attacking them and they were at the standstill a figure appeared wearing all white.

"deevin Lord celestial" both sides blotted out.

The group of twelve knew that it was over for Oliver.

"Heaven's punishment," the figure said lightly with a wave of his hands everyone in Eden started to notice life force energy leaving them to accompany the attack.

"For me to allow the innocent lives in Eden to go through this I rather just end mine life" When Oliver saw the attack of the man he said to himself lightly 

"lightening of hope" As soon as Oliver said the words, they saw bright light shining from inside of him outward and the glow of the light blinded the eyes of all that was there for some moment.

When the light faded away what await the eyes of everyone in Eden was a pillar of ashes like a statue made from ashes and was being blown away by the wind with the sword falling from the sky.

A light murmur came from the ashes as it was blown by the wind

"I don't know what is happening but I think someone is attacking the dao heart of our world, I think our world dao heart is dying.

The words flow with the wind so light that none was able to hear them.