
Chapter 11 Kneel and Apologize!

Translator: 549690339

Liu Hu shivered as he knelt at Qin Jiang's feet, occasionally raising his head in fear to gauge Qin Jiang's expression.

And everyone present at the moment had their jaws dropping!!

What did they see?

Sir Hu, one of the six overlords of Jiangcheng, kneeling at this guy's foot?

They couldn't believe their eyes!

Brother Dao was also dumbfounded, "Hu... Sir Hu, what are you doing?"

"Shut up! Kneel down! Quickly beg Lord Qin for forgiveness!"

Liu Hu scolded angrily, "This time, you damned idiot have brought a catastrophic disaster upon us!"

He gritted his teeth with a face full of rage, wishing he could tear Brother Dao to pieces!

Of all people to provoke, it had to be this grim reaper… they were doomed!

A chill went down Brother Dao's spine when he realized the situation was grim; he knelt down with a thud, lowering his head and not daring to look at Qin Jiang.

Complete silence fell over the place.

Qin Jiang said with a smile, "Xiaohu, your man here is quite something, daring to bully my fiancée. You've been managing them really well."

Liu Hu trembled upon hearing this, and hurriedly said, "Lord Qin, I... I didn't know anything, it was all his doing!"

"I will immediately cleanse our ranks and give you a proper explanation!"

Qin Jiang waved his hand and narrowed his eyes, "Why do you like to play this game of fighting and killing? Today I came to reason, not to fight and kill! Don't you agree?"

"Right, right, right!" Liu Hu echoed, while wiping the cold sweat from his forehead; the more Qin Jiang smiled, the more fearful he became.

He tentatively asked, "Then... Lord Qin, how would you like to handle this matter?"

Qin Jiang said indifferently, "First, come over to apologize."

"Second, a million in compensation to my fiancée and her family, no problem, right?"

"No problem, no problem!" Liu Hu said sycophantically.

The crowd was thrown into confusion...

What was going on??

Sir Hu, the overlord they held in high regard, was showing such respect to this young man, even... it could be described as groveling!

It shattered their worldview...

Qin Jiang's voice turned cold, "I don't have time to settle scores with you today. I'll let you off the hook for now! But if there's a next time, I won't mind throwing you back in jail to scrub the toilets for a few months before coming out!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Liu Hu showed a smile uglier than crying and kept bowing, "Thank you for your great mercy, Lord Qin!"

Qin Jiang glanced at Brother Dao, "Remember, carry out the task I gave you without missing a word! Do you understand?"

"Understood, understood!" Brother Dao was so frightened that his legs went weak, and he kept nodding his head.

Sir Hu himself was so terrified of this young man; how could he dare to act up?

Not following what the other party said – was he seeking death?

Afterward, as Qin Jiang walked out, Liu Hu quickly got up, about to bow, "Lord Qin, let Xiaohu escort you, take care—"

Seeing Sir Hu trailing behind Qin Jiang like a quail, everyone at the scene gaped, as if they had seen a ghost.

Qin Jiang left the gambling house and did not return to the Xu Family but went back to his own home.

Meanwhile, at the Xu Family, Xu Muge sat on the sofa with a worried face, her fingers tightly interlocked, occasionally looking towards the door.

Liu Ya snorted, "Muge, it's been over an hour; that guy is probably wasted by now! You stop worrying!"

"Daring to cause trouble on Brother Dao's turf; he was asking for death!"

Liu Ya said, "Such ignorance of the way the world works! I wonder if Brother Dao will implicate us... I hope Brother Dao won't take his anger out on us!"

Just as she was fretting, a knock suddenly came from outside the door.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

This voice made Xu Muge and the others shiver in unison!

This... this was Brother Dao's voice!

"It's over, all over!" Liu Ya and the others had faces filled with despair. Brother Dao had come to seek revenge. Now, they were done for...


However, when they trembled as they opened the door, intending to beg for mercy, Brother Dao had fallen to his knees with a thud.

"Xu Brother, sorry, sorry, we were blind before!"

"Please forgive us!"

This scene left Xu Jinhong and the others completely dumbstruck!

"What... What's going on?"

Xu Jinhong stepped back several times, too frightened to speak.

"Brother... Brother Dao, what... what are you doing? Get up, quick!"

His panic was palpable! What on earth was Brother Dao up to?

Just kneeling there, who could stand it?

Not only him, but Liu Ya and the sister and brother Xu Muge inside the house were also shocked.

They had witnessed Brother Dao's previous arrogance! Wouldn't they be scared by this sudden act?

Who knew what kind of trap it was?

Brother Dao kneeled at the doorway, trembling as he said, "Xu Big Brother, I came here today to apologize. If you don't forgive me, I'm not getting up!"


Xu Jinhong paused for a moment, "Brother Dao, what are you talking about? Get up quickly!"

He hurriedly pulled Brother Dao up, swallowed hard, and said, "Brother Dao... you're... you're killing us here!"

Brother Dao rushed to explain, "I really did come to apologize to you today!"

"And also, this card has five million in it, it's our compensation to you!"

"We've brought you so much trouble during this time, and for that, I am truly sorry." As he spoke, he fervently slapped his own face.

Xu Jinhong wanted to stop him, but couldn't, feeling completely helpless throughout.

Afterward, Brother Dao presented the bank card with utmost respect, saying, "Xu Big Brother, I am sincerely here to apologize this time. You have to speak a few good words for me to Lord Qin!"

Lord Qin?

Everyone's minds buzzed! Was it Qin Jiang who had resolved their problem?

Furthermore, not only had their debt been cleared, but Brother Dao personally came to apologize, offering a million as compensation! They found it unbelievable!

"Xu Brother, if you don't accept my sincerity, then I may just have to kneel here indefinitely!"

Seeing that Xu Jinhong was still stunned, Brother Dao thought he wasn't willing to let it go and immediately was about to kneel again!

Xu Jinhong quickly held on to him, "Brother Dao, please get up!"

He cautiously accepted the bank card, his palm all sweaty.

Could it be some kind of trap?

After all, dealing with Brother Dao was like playing with a knife, they might as well do as he suggested!

"Phew—" Seeing that he accepted the bank card, Brother Dao let out a sigh of relief, "Then Xu Big Brother, if that's the case, I won't bother you any further."

Brother Dao nodded and bowed repeatedly, meekly leaving the place.

Liu Ya quickly stepped forward, still astonished, "Why did Brother Dao suddenly change like that? Is it really because of that guy, Qin Jiang?"

"Is there really a million in this card?!"

Her eyes started to gleam.

"Won't we find out if we try?"

Xu Jinhong gripped the bank card tightly, if it's real, then they have struck it rich!

A million, no less!!!

And, the likelihood of Brother Dao deliberately messing with them was slim.

Thinking from another angle, if Brother Dao truly wanted to harm them, he had more than a hundred ways to do it. There was no need for him to demean himself like this!

"Let's go! To the nearby bank to find out if it's real!"

Qin Jiang didn't return to Xu Family but instead took a cab home.

At the same moment, Shen Longting also called, reporting today's situation at Luo Corporation.
