

Author: Yang Shiliu Category: Romance Status: Finished. this is the last part of this novel With the sound of duang, Feng Yuheng, a master of both Chinese and Western medicine, became the abused daughter of the Dashun Dynasty in minutes. If you want to kill me, you will be paralyzed with a scalpel? Fight with me? The pharmacy is with you, fame and fortune are in your hands, even the emperor You have to get close to me! But what is the situation of the marriage contract, the disfigured cripple is dead, and I need the help of labor and management to win the world? Rogue prince, are you stupid!

Emanuelle12 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 1197 It's not good, it's not good, it's not the turn of others to say

Chapter 1197 It's not good, it's not good, it's not the turn of others to say

"Your Highness Fifth!" Qi Fang leaned closer to Xuan Tianyan again, one hand was tentatively put on Xuan Tianyan's arm, and she was very happy to see that the other party did not refuse. "Your Highness, do you know? It's not just Fang'er who thinks you've suffered a disadvantage, but now the people in Beijing are avenging your injustice! When you married your side concubine years ago, many people ran to the gate of Feng Fendai's courtyard to scold her , I heard that after two days and two nights of scolding, that Feng Fendai knew she was ashamed, so she didn't dare to leave the house, she didn't even dare to show her head. Tell me, what is it if she is not guilty?"

Qi Fang vividly talked about the incident that the people in Beijing went to abuse Feng Fendai that day, when it came to excitement, she even imitated the tone of those people's swearing, it was really a combination of voice and form.

She was talking happily, but his father Qi Huai, who was sitting among the ministers, was about to lose his nerve. It's not that he doesn't know what kind of thoughts his daughter has. That girl has been high-minded since she was a child. If he hadn't kept suppressing it, troubles would have happened long ago. Fortunately, he doesn't like to deal with too many people, so Qi Fang doesn't socialize much, and he has been safe and sound for so many years. But today... He watched Qi Fang talk more and more enthusiastically with the fifth prince, and Qi Fang's two hands were completely on the fifth prince's arm, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. The fifth prince was still smiling at first, but later he didn't know what Qi Fang said, and saw that the smile on his face gradually subsided, and now his face was cold, as if he was about to kill someone.

Qi Huai's face turned pale, and the hand holding the wine glass trembled, but the colleagues around him were still joking with him and said loudly: "Master Qi! I didn't expect your daughter to be so motivated, and she had a great time talking with His Highness the Fifth Prince." Master Qi must be prepared. According to His Highness Fifth Highness's temperament, if Qi Ming'er is not guaranteed, he will go to the Qi Mansion to hire him. You are the third-rank minister. If the negotiation is successful, you may be able to get the position of a concubine! Congratulations really!"

Qi Huai was so angry that he couldn't speak, he stared fixedly at the lady sitting across from him, the two were husband and wife for more than ten years, and the lady immediately understood what her master meant. But what can she do? She is a girl, so she can't rush to the prince and drag her daughter back. So he could only shake his head helplessly, expressing that he was helpless.

At this time, Qi Fang's words were still going on, and Feng Fendai was said to be not only worthless in her mouth, but also inferior to a servant girl. In her words, it was "a cheap life, and finally got the prince's marriage contract. Knowing how to cherish it, but still being so arrogant, this kind of person should be put in the frying pan."

She spoke vigorously, her eyebrows were beaming, and she felt that she was an envoy of justice, as long as she demoted Feng Fendai to the end, she would definitely win the favor of the Fifth Prince.

Unexpectedly, suddenly, a slap fell on her face without warning. The slap was so powerful that Qi Fang, who was talking vigorously, felt something fly out of his mouth, and felt pain after three breaths, and when he looked again, it was actually a tooth of his own.

She yelled loudly, covered her face with her hands, and looked at Xuan Tianyan in disbelief, the blood was still dripping from the corner of her lips, dripping onto her carefully prepared dress, she was very embarrassed.

This slap and a loud cry attracted the attention of the audience, and even the dancers in the audience stopped dancing and looked towards the prince's seat. Qi Fang was crying and kept asking Xuan Tianyan: "Why? Why did His Royal Highness beat me? Am I wrong? Then Feng Fendai is a shameless little fairy, a bitch, she You just don't cherish the Fifth Highness, I will avenge your injustice, why do you still beat me?"

When these words came out, her father Qi Huai's heart skipped a beat, secretly thinking that it was over. Sure enough, Xuan Tianyan's slap came down again, and he slapped Qi Fang into a pig's head.

Everyone was shocked, and some people snapped their tongues, the fifth prince is really ruthless when he beats up women! Such a narrow-mindedness is really an insult to the royal facade.

But there are also people who hold a different view: "In my opinion, it's time to fight! Listen to what that lady said? No matter how bad the daughter of the Feng family is, she has a serious marriage contract with His Royal Highness, and it is justifiable." The future Li Wangzhengfei. No matter whether she has a good temper or a bad temper, the marriage was begged by His Royal Highness, the Emperor, and the Feng family. Do four."

This statement was approved by people: "Exactly! When it comes to the royal appearance, it doesn't matter. The fifth prince can't take over the throne and can't sit on the throne. He is just an idle prince. There is no such thing as appearance. Is he generous or not?" Narrowness has nothing to do with the country, and as long as it has nothing to do with the country, it will not hurt the noble."

Qi Fang listened to the people's words, looked at Xuan Tianyan unwillingly, and asked him: "Does His Royal Highness really think so? One is willing to hit the other? Even that Feng Fendai will slap you on the face , are you happy too?"

"Shut up!" Xuan Tianyan finally opened his mouth, his eyes were so cold that he could freeze to death. He told Qi Fang, and also told everyone who listened with pricked ears, "Feng Fendai is absolutely bad, and it's not anyone else's turn to tell."

So, people understood what the fifth prince was thinking. No matter how many women are married into Prince Li's mansion, in his heart, the Fourth Miss of the Feng family is the most important one. As he said, it's not good at all, and he knows in his heart that it doesn't matter if two people quarrel with each other behind closed doors. However, others can't say it, and if others say more, the end will be like Miss Qi's. The fifth prince will not hesitate to turn his face, be said to be narrow-minded, and beat her parents so that they don't know each other.

But Qi Fang was not reconciled, even though her mouth was so swollen that she couldn't open it, she still struggled and said: "There are still people scolding at the door of Feng Fendai's house on the day you accepted your side concubine! Why don't you see me?" The Fifth Highness went to deal with those people? Didn't you also acquiesce? If it weren't for your acquiescence, how would those people have the guts to scold them for two days and two nights!"

Hearing these words, Xuan Tianyan had a question in his heart. Someone scold Feng Fendai? And he didn't know about it? For two days and two nights, such rumors really could have reached his ears no matter what. Thinking about it again, in those two days he was entangled by the new concubine who entered the mansion, and he didn't enter the bridal chamber, but he also watched singing and dancing with that woman for two days. That's it... He stared straight at the woman who he brought into the palace himself.

The woman felt guilty and shrank her neck in fright.

Xuan Tianyan understood, it turned out that what he had done had brought so much harm to Feng Fendai, he originally wanted to anger that girl, but neglected that the people around him had to do things with a heart. If the people in the mansion deliberately concealed the truth, if someone tried their best to seal the people's mouths, so that he would not know everything about the outside world, wouldn't such behavior be seen by others as being heartless and unintentional, and letting Feng Fendai fend for herself?

But God knows, if he knew that someone had blocked Feng Fendai's house and cursed for two days and two nights, he would definitely... "You reminded me." Xuan Tianyan looked at Qi Fang and said coldly: "Tomorrow morning I will The king will send people to investigate, and those who scold Feng Fendai will have to pay for their words."

After Xuan Tianyan said this sentence, he stopped talking, and lowered his head to drink in silence. Mrs. Qi's family bravely came over and took her daughter back, and the singing and dancing continued on the stage. It was as if what happened just now hadn't happened, people were still drinking and talking, just occasionally glanced at the Qi family lady who was beaten into a pig's head, and then laughed for a while, it was very drunk.

Zhang Yuan had just poured another glass of wine for Emperor Tianwu, and while persuading him to drink less, he asked, "Your Majesty the Fifth Highness, don't you always care about it?"

Emperor Tianwu stared: "What do you care? They are fighting for power and ignoring the government. I care about it. What can I do if they talk about love? Knowing that it is a good thing to love one's own woman, in my opinion, the fifth child should let the phoenix The young lady of the family should fix it well, otherwise he will be left to pick and choose all the women in the world? It should also make him understand that not all women are really worthy of the status of his prince, and there are also Feng... Feng What's going on?"

Zhang Yuan pouted: "Feng Fen Dai."

"Yes, Feng Fendai. There are also people like Feng Fendai who don't want to see him, who sometimes scold him and then kick him. In my opinion, the fourth lady of Feng's family is really good. Some men should be beaten, but This beating has to be done in the right place, and if Miss Feng's beating with bad intentions, it's not worthy of people's distress."

In fact, Xuan Tianyan understood that if he spoke from his heart, what Qi Fang said was not wrong. Feng Fendai is a death-defying person, she has to do it in a good life, she does it one after another, and finally she does it in two pieces, but they didn't wrong him at all.

But just like what he said, Feng Fendai is not good at all, and it's not anyone else's turn to say it.

For a few years, because of the status of the fifth prince's future concubine, Feng Fendai participated in the banquets in the palace. In addition, she also entered the palace before because of the relationship with the Fengfu, so it was a rare time for her to miss the palace banquet.

Although it's New Year's Eve, there is no New Year's atmosphere in Feng Fendai's small courtyard. There were already few servants, but she sent two more away a year ago. The reason is simple, she has no money.

It is true that there is not much money left, and when she moved out from Crystal Yard, she took some silver taels, which were given by Xuan Tianyan before, but she did not return them. But I have been sitting and eating all the time, the servants have to spend, the yard also has to spend, and I have to eat and add clothes, no matter how much money I have, it is not enough.

This New Year's Eve was a miserable one, Dong Ying counted on the remaining money and bought some meat and rice noodles, thinking that she could make dumplings for New Year's Eve, but Feng Fendai said that if the meat were eaten separately, I can make a few stewed braised pork for Xiaobao, so I will keep it. I only ate a few pancakes on New Year's Eve, and it was just a bowl of noodles on the night of the first day of the new year. When it came to Xiaobao, she ordered Dongying to make steamed meat for the child alone, without any grievances.

Feng Fendai has been able to ignore the insults from those people outside a few days ago. Her mentality is now better than ever, and she just shuts the door to live her own life. The voices from the outside world are the sins she has committed. , she didn't want to quarrel with others, and she had no position in the quarrel, so she let those people scold, and comforted Dongying, saying: "If you are tired of scolding, we will break up. Once we talk to each other, it may be endless. It's embarrassing for nothing. ."

Dong Ying has never seen Feng Fen Dai like this before, she is not used to it, but she thinks this is also very good. She thought to herself, if it had always been like this in the past, wouldn't there be troubles with His Highness the current situation?

The master and the servant didn't talk much, and the small courtyard was very bleak on New Year's Eve, Xiaobao didn't mind the coldness, and occasionally he laughed and laughed, which was very heartwarming.

They all thought that this New Year's Eve would go on like this forever, but on the night of the first day of the New Year's Day, after the banquet in the palace ended, a guest came to the small courtyard...