
Divine Concept Unknown?

[R-18 content] [Necromancy] [Magic+Science ] [Dungeons ] [Celestial objects] [Angels] [Demons] Thomas Netherlore aka Tom after dying too many times gets reincarnated into a world full of mana and otherworldly energies. This life compared to his previous one, where he couldn't even get past the age of 20 was different. In this life, he fused with the husk of a divine concept gaining a system in this process. He then finds out about his biggest cheat the 'infinite soul'. There are many fascinating things about this new world that piqued his curiosity and more was about himself. This ignited his long-lost passion for knowledge, truth, and power. In this new and chaotic world, he strived to obtain knowledge, power, and a harem. The world was a different one. A palace where morals do not exist, a place where the toughest fist rules, and a place where one can be anything. 'A world that can give one everything and at the same time take everything away Slowly but surely Tom would take over the world of 'Lokam' and make it to his liking. An exciting journey with pleasure and hard work awaits Tom. ••• [ Book contains incest ( Sexually immoral stuff) The system of power is detailed making it more detailed. please: the concepts such as Providence, and destiny will not be used by the main character, but it exists in a bad way. ( If you don't know what I'm talking about... just don't mind it.) ] ••• [I have little writing experience so please guide this junior Not my first language *Cover not mine* ]

Dimensional_Duke · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Bella **

A cave was not the best pace to make love, but it's not the worst one.

However when compared to a stage it was the best one, especially when seeing a naked girl. The light from the cave entrance made Bella naked body seem like body of a godess.

Lu Bella hid her small boobs and her private parts with her hands.

Her breath was haggard hot not from physical exhaustion but from mental stimulation.

She was gorgeous for a girl living in the wild

Although they were living in the wild cultivation helped a lot in daily life stuff like cleaning, clothing, housing etc. cultivation maybe ment for power and fighting it also helped in human needs, so it was perfectly natural for a girl to be... fit.

"Why hide show them" he said with a piercing gaze.

She slowly removed her had with intense shame.

Her pointy breasts into full view her brown nipples were small but nonetheless erect.

Her pusssy was the most amazing, it was the most perfect thing he ever seen. One could say that this Creation was sliced perfect. The most perfect flower would plae in comparison with it. In the cultivation world people like to entitle the most perfect things or people with the word 'Divine' and if one applied this with the current situation, Bella's slit would probably be titled as the 'Divine Pussy'.

Han Tian's mind was blank as he stared at this divine construct it was as if he was trapped in an illusion.

As he stared intently at Bella's little sister. Bella was beyond embarrassed, she was flushed with shame. Soon she couldn't hold it anymore and hid her pusssy with her little hand.

Han Tian was disappointed, but he also felt that her actions were very cute.

'"Trying to hide from an eagle on plain ground, futile attempt hump." he said.

He walked forward and cupped her cheeks, gave her a kiss on the cold lips. It was a normal kiss not an intimate one.

Soon his hands went forward grabbed her perky ass and fondled it roughly.

"Mmm~ "

Bella liked it rough and this was proved how her legs gave out. The way she felt pleasure was unexplainable.

Every activity feels best when it's a liked one, even more so when it's done with a person you find nice company. It also applies towards sex too, it's always better to do it with someone one whom one likes.

Bella eyes quivered when he used her butt like a dough, her hands were on his neck as she couldn't balance her legs.


This time he gave her a moderate smack on her pussy, "Mmm~!" her body quivered while she moaned like a little bitch.

Bella mind was now foggy especially after that pussy smack, it was an entire new feeling for her, no the entire thing was a new feeling, kissing, smacking and caressing.

Lower dimensional worlds could never explain the way she felt now, but if she could, it would probably be the word... Amazing.

She would have never known that touching and groping could produce such good suff.

Her hands wandered around his body unconsciously trying to remove his clothes that remained as an intimate barrier.

Han Tian naturally took notice finding it extremely cute, he let her do as she pleased. Soon he was bare-chested, Bella's pointed breasts ticked his chest, as they shared their sensual warmth.


He bends down a little sucking on her small tits and also spanking and kneading her perky ass as he got a few moans form her.

The noticable thing was she moaned like any other girl with exception ie.

"Bwa.. (More~)" She pleaded.

"What, I didn't hear that." he faints ignorance.

Bella hid her face in his chest, muttering in a low voice "Bwwa... (Spank. Need. More)"

Her voice was shakey barely forming any incoherent words, but Han Tian still understood it. He smiled knowing how honest her voice was.

He never understood how communication between them worked. They did some form of testing and they confirmed that he was the only one who could understand her making him utterly confused.

He could interpret the intention behind her words. So even if she had complicated emotions in her mind, her voice never betrays what she felt in her heart.

"Oh damn." he was a little surprised seeing how much a naughty masochist had she become.

On second thought, every female had a little masochism in them, after all feeling pleasure form getting drilled can sound a little painful to the normal person.

"Bwaa... (Also don't forget... you are my master today... you can do literally anything to me. )" Her breathing got rough as she said this while tugging his hand which was incredibly cute.

As cultivators it normal for them to get bored over time, It was usually dispersed by Han Tian's story telling that he leaned from his previous life. The story that striked Bella the most was the story about A slave and her master.

This was naturally a love story, where the master was a vile person in the start but after getting a beautiful slave his life changed entirely.

The Slave master's fell in love bla bla bla...

In conclusion Bella liked this story, were the slave was loyal and faithful to her master doing anything and everything he desired. Bella wanted to like the Slave in this story, were she had to live for her master not for herself, and adding the bonus of a dominant partner always hits the right in spot for her.

So during their free time they would do role pla...the innocent type. Han Tian acted like a domineering master while Bella acted like a meek slave.

He was not a dence fool not to guess what she's pointing at... she wants to be dominated simple and concise.

Coming back he pinched her left niple with his right hand. His left had gently removed her fair hand that hid her honey pot.

But stubbornly her hand returned to its purpose after being released. Honestly it was a little annoying and Han Tian was not having it.

He suddenly picked her in princess carry then flipped her. Now her stomach lay on his lap hands held behind her back in a restraining way.

Before she could even blink she found herself in a vulnerable position.

"You know what. A slave should never hide anything from her master and disobedient girls will be punished that's the universal law, do you dare to retort." she shook her head anticipating her punishment, she unconsciously raised her butt.


"Good that you know." he spanked had knowing very well that no injury will happen, even if something happened it will not matter as Sprit Qi will heal it in a matter of minutes.

"Baa... (pussy.itchy)" Bella said as she rubbed her thighs trying to satisfy her tingling urges in her pussy.

All she got was more spanks in the ass. She moaned and moaned from the pleasure she recived through physical pain.

Her honey pot was already soaking wet.

Han Tian's thump sneaky approached her pussy and scooped some honey into it.

He tasted her liquids and said, "perfecto!"

Seeing his Naughty behavior Bella blushed in embarrassment.

Han Tian again scooped some honey and Bella twitched from sudden contact again.

He brought his fingers dripping with her liquids close to her face. Rubbing his thump and index figer together he said, "Oh my. Such a pervy body you have, getting wet just from a little stimulation Tsk. Tsk"

He brought his fingers too close to her nose to let her smell her pervy liquids.

However she misunderstood it, and sucked on his fingers. Surprised he yanked his hand way, his other hand still restrained her in a sensual position.

"Ba bwa... (is it bad?)" she asked turning her head.

Mildly surprised he shook his head, "no problem.Just a little surprised."

She smiled, her cute dimples were enough to melt any man and woman alike.

And about her tasting her own liquids, a harsh life will make things less disgusting and unlike boys, girls feel less disgust towards their own fluids... ie unless taught by a useless society.

As a girl abandoned by her own parents Bella didn't have anyone to guide her. Also, as a well maintained girl she never considered any of her body parts repulsive.

"Let's see what you have, here" he said.

He pated her lower area. Soon he slowly put his thump inside her pussy while his pinky finger played around with her hidden gem, ie her clit.

"Ahhh~," her spine tingled as she moaned like any other girl would.

Even though his hands were sloppy it's still enough to pleasure an inexperienced girl.

"Mmm~," he moved his finger in piston motion but gentle enough not to damage her hymen, his hands dripped wet.

Her body squirmed but from pleasure, she was finding it had to hold in something that wants to cum out.

He relased her restraint and she tried to stand even though she found her legs wobbly but an unexpected spank on her ass-cheeks forced her legs to lose control like a jelly.

Having worked his magic, he picked her up made her sit on his lap, her back facing him. Now he had an easy access to her entire body.

Parting her legs apart, her cave faced the real cave entrance. Cold breeze blew on her slit, the contrast between the passionate heat and natures cold made her conscious of her situation turning up her voltage even more.

Han Tian untied his pants, his errection fully visible. It was piping hot, stood proud like a dragon as it poked Bella's back, hot enough make her back warm.

Question were ment to be asked later as he started rubbing her pussy speedily while his other hand played with her left boob. His tongue savored her swan like nape, also constantly pecking kisses very intervel.

"mmmm haa", A second later overwhelmed by pleasure she squirted on his hands.

Then suddenly something out off place happened.

A golden chain with a mix of silver suddenly materialized above Bella connected into her back.

Crack! shatter!

The chain shattered and vanished but not before Han Tian saw an illusion of dozens or more chains connected to his partner.

Don't forget, voting will constantly remind me to write.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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