
Principal, Aren't You Going To Launch An Attack?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In Qing Ming City.

The college at the crossroad.

Lu Ming and Jiang Feng looked at the chaos in the school.

As the principal of the college at the crossroad and the provisional acting 'pseudo principal of the school', the two of them were most familiar with the college, and hence they had been hiding for a long time.

However, there was a grave look on their faces at the sight of Zhou Yang on a killing spree.

This child…

He was very accepting!

"If this was done to you, would you tolerate it?"

Lu Ming looked at Jiang Feng.


Jiang Feng sighed.

Although he was now a single father, and he had a good daughter, and he might not really need to use it, this was after all about a man's dignity!


Zhou Yang could endure it.

Not only could he endure it, he seemed to be quite happy about it.

"I suddenly feel that we have made a loss in the ten million yuan deal."