
Divine Banishment

When Zyxel was ripped out of Hell and thrown into the Earthly Realm in the modern day, he went into a rage. Fleeing from an Angel who was hunting him. But to survive on Earth, first he would need to find a Sanctuary. Instead, he discovered a human with a strange aura about her. What was it about this girl that made him so drawn to her? Being the daughter of a Priest, Trinity grew up her whole life being religious. She believed in God and always strived to do what was right. So when a certain Demon came into her life, it made her begin to question everything that she knew to be true. Could it possibly be that everything might not be as "black and white" as it appears? Can she accept him for what he is, despite everything she had been taught to believe? When these two meet, both of their lives will be changed forever. And the veil between truth and lies will begin to unravel. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Discord: https://discord.gg/FUczSTp9f6 (A small verification check is required upon joining, as well as agreeing to the server Rules; before you will be able to interact with the rest of the Discord server) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Disclaimer: I do not own the cover photo. All rights to the photo belong to the original Artist.

NovaLuna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Aerial Attacks

"What did you do with it?!" Zyxel growled at her aggressively.

Amara reached into a hidden pocket and pulled a small item. Holding it with one finger, she let the leather cord unravel. As the weight of the item fell with gravity, it exposed a small wooden shape that had been elegantly carved. It was a hand-carved necklace. The wooden carving showed a heart with two wings on either side of it. On the left side of the heart was a single feathered wing, and on the right side of the heart was a single demonic wing.

Zyxel's anger roared within. "Give it back!" He screamed, as he lunged forward to tear the necklace away from her grasp. That was a gift meant that he had made for Trinity, and right now it was in the hands of the person he despised the most.

Amara quickly balled up the cord of the necklace and pocketed it once more, as she kept a tight hold on his throat. Laughing wickedly, she moved closer as she whispered in his ear. "Did you really think she would have accepted something like this?"

The light in Zyxel's eyes dimmed and Amara raised a curious eyebrow. "Oh! You have already tried giving it to her then! She rejected it, didn't she?" Amara laughed with delight.

"Of course she did. Why should she accept such a useless trinket from you? It's not like you are worthy of her devotion. Why would she ever consider requesting your aid after what she has seen you do? She wants nothing to do with you anymore! But do you want to know who she does come to now?"

Amara lifted up his chin with her finger as she grinned at the defeated look in his eyes. "She ran to me for help without even a second thought towards you. Why should she? Look at what you've done to her!"

Zyxel roared in anger at her taunting. 'No! That's not true!' He thought to himself as his mind raced. He focused on his breathing, trying to remain calm. 'She did reach out to me! She did try to find me! I won't allow you to twist things anymore!'

Summoning two more balls of fire, he flung them at her, providing him just enough time to escape from her grasp. As she took a step back to avoid his fireballs, Zyxel was already running and leapt off the balcony. Taking to the sky to gain some distance between the two of them.

Due to his damaged link with Trinity, this was not a battle that he could win with his strength, or with his flames. He would need to outmaneuver her with brains and wit. For this, he would need to defeat her in battle while flying in the air.

As Zyxel flew higher and higher up in the air, he couldn't help but wonder what the hell Amara was talking about. Why did she keep blaming Trinity's condition on him? He hadn't even been involved in her life since the day that he comforted her when Amara had attempted to influence her mind.

As he flipped a u-turn in the air, he could see Amara racing to catch up with him. Zyxel grinned. This was how he would defeat her. Even though he still wasn't at his peak strength, Amara could never catch him when it came to his speed. Which was one thing he didn't have to worry about, the damaged link, weakening.

As she neared closer to his position, he summoned two more fireballs that he hurled at her, followed quickly by another two immediately after. She had managed to dodge the first two, but hadn't expected the others so soon right after. Then immediately dodged before she had a chance to retaliate.

Amara barely had enough time to shield herself with her wing, before the last two blasts collided with her. Anger building up inside, the sky began to roar with thunder. White clouds began rolling around in the sky, growing more and more massive as it darkened the sky, becoming a dark grey.

Heavy rain began to pour down from the sky above, causing the blue lightning to grow in intensity as it shot from the sky in droves, one after another. It lit up the darkness in a pale blue glow with every strike.

As the rain hit him, Zyxel just grinned with excitement. Twirling his fingers slowly around in a circle, he manipulated the fireballs as he began to make it swirl and spiral around his fist. As long as the spiraling fire remained connected with his body, the rain would have no effect on it.

Dancing between each of the lightning strikes, twirling and dodging as each new strike came crashing down. With every lightning strike, he would continue to fly in close until he was able to strike Amara with his fire punches, causing her to lose focus in her attacks.

Being an angel, when it came to elemental attacks, her field of expertise was more geared towards a ranged combat, which is why she preferred to use lightning. While lightning could be used in close combat, only the higher level divinity, such as the gods, were able to produce the ability from their hands.

Right now, with Amara being in the thick of the battle, it meant that she had to focus more on everything that was going on around her. It would divide her attention between having to predict the trajectory the lightning would need to take from the sky. While also requiring to make sure that she doesn't find her own self getting caught in the middle of her own attack. On top of fending off Zyxel's attacks, all at the same time.

Fire came naturally to Zyxel, and could be used as both ranged and close combat for him. Also, he loved fighting up close and personal when it came to fighting his sister. He knew that the closer his attacks were to her, the less frequently she was able to attack him.

When it came to the demons and devils, since their bodies were already altered to withstand more destructive forces, meant that the demons were not limited to only ranged attacks, like how the angels were. They were more freely able to manifest the elements in the palms of their hands, without any damaging issues.

However, condensing an element down into a corporeal weapon, took a level of control that only a few devils had ever managed to achieve. Unfortunately, it was never a physical item that could be transferred to another to wield. Otherwise the condensed element would disperse, as the wielder would not be capable of maintaining it.

Even the gods themselves were unable to achieve this level of elemental control. Although the gods did attempt to make up for this by imbuing elemental energy into a physical item. Most of the time, this was done with a sword or another weapon of their choosing, that could be wielded in their hands.

While it did work, it was nowhere near as powerful as the elemental weapons that a few devils could manifest. But it was definitely more versatile when not having to focus on maintaining control over the element.

Suddenly, Amara lost sight of Zyxel. Circling around, she searched everywhere around her but couldn't spot where he was hiding.

The next thing she knew, a scaly red hand came from behind and was gripping hard under her chin and pulling her head up, exposing her neck. A second hand poised with claws ready to slice clean across. While a red tail wrapped tight around the base of her wings, preventing any chance of her to escape.

"Try to strike me with lightning once more and you and I can easily flip us around so that you will get hit instead of me." He hissed into her ear. "You have three minutes to explain what you did to Trinity, before I let your silence be the death of you."

Amara struggled within his grasp, but since he had hold of her wings, she was currently helpless. "I told you already that you caused it. I've only been trying to help her."

"Lies!" Zyxel hissed once more. His claws dug into her skin as he prepared for the strike to slice through.

"Wait, wait! It was the forest!" Amara cried out in a panic.

Zyxel froze but eased his claws away from her throat slightly. "Explain yourself."

Amara gulped as she feared for her life. "Whatever you did to her in the forest-"

Zyxel growled at those words. "I didn't do anything to her. What happened to her there was an accident. She attempted to kill herself and I tried to save her life. She was perfectly fine afterwards."

"That's where you're wrong. The cells in her body were affected by whatever you did. They may have been fine before, but it progressively escalated and grew worse. Eventually becoming unstable and now her cells are breaking down. Simulating a similar response of pain in her brain, that acts like our hunger pains. Yet, she is not a divine entity, so she cannot feed as we do. Her body will begin to deteriorate soon, and there is nothing either of us can do about it."

"You're lying!" Zyxel growled, but fear gripped at his heart. If this were true, and he killed Amara now, then any hope of saving Trinity would be wasted along with it. He would disappear along with Amara as she died.

"Am I?" Amara struggled against Zyxel's grip, trying to free her wings. "You felt the mental blast she transmitted telepathically, earlier. Live in denial over the fact that you sentenced your precious little pet to her own death, if that's what you must do. But you cannot deny what you sensed from her. And at that radius, she is now too far gone, past any hope of possibly saving."

"I won't allow that to happen!" Zyxel hissed in her ear before tossing her to the side with all of his strength. Quickly, he dived back down, racing to reach the balcony of the room where Trinity lay currently.

A twisted smirk spread across Amara's face. "I told you before that your feelings for that human was your weakness!" Spreading her arms out wide, she summoned all the strength she had within her, manifesting five bolts of lightning that shot down toward Zyxel. He may be able to dodge one or two, maybe even three of them, if he was lucky. But he wouldn't be able to dodge all of them.

As Zyxel flew down, he could sense the static changes in the air. He growled in anger. Amara just wouldn't let things be, even if it meant saving the life of a human. He never understood why they couldn't see that humanity wasn't a lesser being, just because they weren't made out of divine energy.

In his mind, humans were whole, not split like they were. And that in itself, was worth trying to nurture.

As the five lightning strikes shot down in his direction, he tucked his wings in tight around him so that less of his body had the potential of being hit. Allowing gravity to guide his path downward, he focused only on maneuvering out of the way of each of the strikes.

The first strike he dodged easily, followed again by the second strike. He grinned as he angled his body to move out of the way of the third strike. While he, for the most part, managed to dodge the third lightning strike, it did manage to graze his right wing, sending a searing pain through him. Instinctively, he stretched out his wings to change his flight pattern into a different direction so he could escape her attacks.

The next two immediately came down, directly where he had just been.

Zyxel let out a sigh of relief for having narrowly escaped those last two attacks. However, his celebration came too soon. As out of nowhere, three more blue lightning strikes fell down upon him simultaneously.

His body involuntarily began convulsing, as he began plummeting down to the church building below.

A loud crack could be heard, as his body crashed onto the balcony railing, before his weight tipped him over onto the cold hard stone. He lay there on the balcony, wings twitching, as he struggled to look up at where Trinity still lay peacefully.

He reached a hand out towards Trinity, just as a heavy foot came crashing down on the back of his skull, slamming his face down into the hard stone below.


Books I am currently writing:

- The Forbidden Luna

- Divine Banishment

Let me know in the chapter comments what you think! Would love to hear any feedback you may have about the story so far!

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