
Divine Ascension: A Journey As A Black Hole

Dracula, following a deadly electrical surge and passed away, finds himself in a black hole where time and space have been warped. As he is unable to move physically, he uses his mental capacities to manipulate his surroundings, warping sound and light and constructing structures. To find an exit, he wants establishes a computer-like system which he would implant into himself as a system. With his new capabilities, he carries out experiments and eventually creates a replica of himself he can manage. His clone is then ejected from the black hole, traveling at the speed of light in the hope of locating Earth or other planets.

DraculaSwift · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chaos Fusion Part 1

Dracula (POV)

As I was getting ready for my date with Amber, Chronos called out. "Master, the Chaos Fusion is at 100%! Do you want to see its description? It goes well with your Divine Ascension skill," Chronos said.

"Ok, show me," I replied, happy that it didn't take long for Chronos to retrieve the information. "How did you do it so fast?" I asked Chronos.

"Master, it's because of the Omniverse. When you put me in the chip, my processing became much faster. I can even go into the Omniverse, I can use the slower time there to make any of my work go faster and easier," Chronos explained.

Here is the skill description, master, said Chronos.

Skill Description: Chaos Fusion with the Chaos Fusion Cultivation skill, the cultivator can merge all the energies of mana, Qi, divinity, and evil Qi to increase their physical and spiritual abilities beyond what each energy can do on its own. This combined energy can enhance the cultivator's strength, speed, agility, intelligence, endurance, and the power of their skills.

In addition to these physical enhancements, the Chaos Fusion Cultivation skill can also complement the Divine Ascension skill, granting the cultivator access to new abilities such as simulation, blessing, reality bending, cosmic manipulation, life creation, temporal manipulation, dimensional warp, singularity control, cosmic awareness, and omniverse creation. With each of these skills, the cultivator can control and manipulate the fabric of reality to achieve their goals.

The Chaos Fusion Cultivation skill is a powerful tool for those seeking to increase their physical and spiritual abilities, and those who master it will have the power to shape their surroundings and the cosmos itself.

Level 1: Basic Fusion - The cultivator can combine the energies of mana, Qi, divinity, and evil Qi to increase their physical and spiritual power. They can use this power to enhance their physical strength and speed, as well as their agility.

Level 2: Improved Fusion - The cultivator's mastery of the energies has increased, allowing them to use the energy more efficiently and effectively. They can now use the energy to increase their intelligence and endurance, as well as the power of their skills.

Level 3: Advanced Fusion - The cultivator has reached a higher level of mastery over the energies, allowing them to use them to their full potential. They can now access the power of the gods, using it to enhance their physical and spiritual abilities.

Level 4: Perfect Fusion - The cultivator has reached the highest level of mastery over the energies, allowing them to combine them into a perfect fusion. This grants them unparalleled power and control over their surroundings.

Level 5: Simulation Mastery - The cultivator has mastered the art of simulation, allowing them to access the full potential of the deceased individual's abilities. They can also transfer this skill to others, granting them the ability to simulate as well.

Level 6: Blessing Enhancement - The cultivator's blessings have increased in power, granting them the ability to bestow blessings upon others with greater strength and potency. They can also customize their blessings to enhance specific abilities or attributes.

Level 7: Reality Alteration - The cultivator has reached a higher level of mastery over reality bending, allowing them to alter reality with greater ease and precision. They can now create illusions, warp space, and even revive the dead.

Level 8: Cosmic Control - The cultivator has reached a higher level of mastery over cosmic manipulation, allowing them to control matter and energy on a cosmic scale with greater ease and precision.

Level 9: Life Creation Mastery - The cultivator has reached a higher level of mastery over life creation, allowing them to create life forms with greater ease and precision. They can also manipulate the evolution of species.

Level 10: Omniverse Creation - The cultivator has reached the highest level of mastery over the energies, granting them the ability to create new universes and control the existence of multiple realities.

Level 11: Immortal Blood - The cultivator can infuse their blood with the essence of chaos, granting them immortality. They will no longer age or be affected by diseases or toxins. This level also grants the cultivator the ability to revive themselves after death and to transfer their immortality to others through their blood. This level requires a large amount of chaos energy, and the cultivator must be at the peak of their physical and spiritual strength to reach this level.

"Hmm, there seems to be something amiss with these skills," I said. "I'll take a closer look later. Right now, I'm running late for my date. Chronos, please examine the Divine Ascension and work to enhance the Chaos Fusion so that the two skills don't overlap or interfere with each other."

Ok, master, said Chronos.

As I departed the castle, I Called an Uber and made my way to pick up Amber for our second date. I pondered over how to tell Amber about my true identity, but eventually decided against it. I realized that with our current level of familiarity, it could easily go awry. I thought it best to wait until we know each other better and the timing was right before revealing such sensitive information.